Celebrity Big Brother 3 Spoilers: Round 6 Veto Competition Results

Power of Veto Medallion on Big Brother

Well hang on there, we’ve got a surprise arrival Big Brother spoiler for you on Celebrity Big Brother. Earlier today the Nominations were set but this evening, while the Memory Lane clipshow played the HGs were out in the backyard fighting for the Power of Veto. And here we go.

Todrick is the new HOH and he sent both Lamar and Todd to the Block with Todd as the target. We had a special situation here then with five HGs left and Todrick allied with one, Miesha. If Cynthia won Veto then saved Todd or Lamar then Todrick would be forced to renom Miesha and the new safe HGs could vote her out. So… do you think Cynthia pulled off the win here?

Of course not! But a wrench has still been thrown into Todrick’s plans.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Spoilers: Round 6 Veto Competition Results:

  • Todd won the Power of Veto!

Time for Todrick to come up with a new plan. He and Miesha really did want to keep Cynthia around as a goat for making it to the F2, but now she’s headed to the Block and they’ll have to decide if they keep her or Lamar.

Miesha has one vote and Todd has the other. If they disagree on the next eviction then Todrick can side with Miesha and they still control the eviction with the HOH’s tiebreaker. Hmm. So who will it be?

Who do you want out of the house this round? Share your pick below.

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