Celebrity Big Brother 3 Spoilers: Round 6 Nominations

Nominations on Celebrity Big Brother

Nomination spoilers are in for Round 6 of Celebrity Big Brother 3 as the new Head of Household was revealed after Friday night’s HOH competition. No big surprises here given the competition and the season’s momentum continues again here.

Miesha and Todrick have held control over the entire season it seems, even when they didn’t wrestle control of the crown for a round. And now with just five HGs left there isn’t much room to shift any plans. Time to steamroll to the end.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Round 6 Nominations:

  • Todrick nominated: Lamar & Todd

There’s a least one chance of some surprise twisting of the plans for this round. Todrick has three options to nominate because he likely doesn’t want to kill off his golden goose Miesha just yet. But what happens if the one HG he didn’t nominate wins the Veto and saves one of the noms? Well, then Miesha becomes his only choice to renom, and with the possibility of avoiding a tiebreaker the House could then vote Miesha out 2-0. Now that would require Cynthia winning Veto… Okay, okay, sure it’s unlikely, but it’d be an exciting turn of events to surprise even our calloused expectations so far on CBB3.

Next eviction is coming up on Monday night and we’ll probably get the Veto comp live then too since it’s a full two-hour event (starting at 9/8c on Monday). You’ll see the HOH and these noms play out on Sunday’s episode (8/7c) and then it’s finale time on Wednesday (8/7c).

What do you think of these picks? Smart choices by the HOH or a missed opportunity? Share your thoughts below.

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