Celebrity Big Brother 3 Eviction Prediction: Who Is Going Home Round 4?

It’s another eviction live day in the Celebrity Big Brother house, and another one of those times where we aren’t sure who the final nominees will be until it plays out on the episode. So once again, we are going to have to get creative with our eviction prediction for this round.

Actually, I think there are only two options, but the way things have gone this round, there could be another eviction option, depending on the veto results. Let’s take a look.

As of now, the nominees are Miesha and Todd. Carson went ahead with his initial nomination plans, with the hope of backdooring Shanna. If you’re just now catching up then you’re probably saying WHAT??? Trust me, we’ve all be saying that. Long story short, Todrick and Meisha came up with a plan to throw Shanna under the bus to Cynthia and Carson and they bought it. Without any question. It was one of the oddest things I’ve ever seen on this show. Despite Shanna just saving Carson and voting out her closest ally, they didn’t even question it. You can read more about that here: HOUSE FLIPS ITS TARGET

So If the veto is won by anyone other than Shanna, she will go up as a replacement nominee and be voted out. But if the nominations stay the same, Miesha is still the target. Maybe. I say maybe because I think Miesha and Todrick have gaslit Cynthia and Carson to the point where Carson thinks Miesha is trustworthy – despite targeting him on BOTH her HOHs. So who knows, maybe she’ll stay over Todd if Shanna were to win the veto and not use it. Like I said, this round has made little sense, so anything is possible.

Let’s break down the voting scenarios.

Miesha vs. Todd

Votes to evict Miesha: Shanna, Cynthia, Lamra

Votes to evict Todd: Todrick

But again, maybe Miesha will stay over Todd. WHO KNOWS.

Shanna vs. Todd

Votes to evict Shanna: Miesha, Todrick, Cynthia, Lamar

Votes to evict Todd: None.

So despite how little sense it makes for Carson and Cynthia to do this, Shanna is likely leaving the game tonight. But if not her, then Miesha.

Who do you think will leave the Celebrity Big Brother house tonight?




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