Big Brother Celebrity 2019 Spoilers: Round 1 Veto Competition Results

Power of Veto medallion on Big Brother

We’ve got your latest Celebrity Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds with the first round of Veto results. The Veto competition was held before the Feeds turned on so now we’re playing catch up for all the latest on who could be our final noms of the first round on CBB2.

When Tuesday’s episode left off Ryan Lochte had just sent Anthony Scaramucci and Tom Green (nooo!) to the Block next to Jonathan Bennett. But the Veto was still out there and ready to save our precious treasure, Tom. Fingers crossed! So how did it turn out? Read on for the spoilers.

Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers: Round 1 Veto Competition Results:

  • Kato won the Power of Veto!

So we left Tuesday’s episode with Jonathan on the Block next to Tom and Anthony but guess who went missing in the house?? The Mooch seems to be gone! So if Kato saves his ally, Tom, then that would leave two vacancies on the Block for Ryan to fill.

Do you think Kato will save Tom or avoid forcing Ryan to make so many noms, a total of five this round. Ouch! We’ll find out those spoilers on Wednesday with the Veto meeting so stick close and watch for our updates on that.

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