Here are the spoilers for the first Veto meeting of Celebrity Big Brother 2019, or at least it’s the first one since the Feeds started because this was a do-over from the first one earlier in the week. See, we don’t know for sure what awful mess happened before the Feeds came on but we’re already down one Houseguest and things sound like it’s been musical chairs on the Block.
So while we’ve got some catching up to do on the past few days we do know what just happened this afternoon so let’s cover that first.
Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Round 1
- Kato decided to use the Veto on Tom
- Ryan renom’d Joey
- Joey, Kandi, and Jonathan and are this week’s final noms
We started the round with Jonathan, Mooch, and Tom on the Block but then Anthony left and it sounds like Ryan had to name a renom. He supposedly went with Kandi in Anthony’s place so that’s why she’s suddenly on the Block. What. A. MESS!
Friday’s episode should address more about Mooch leaving but we’ll see if tonight’s show also covers Kandi heading to the Block. Hard to know just yet what’s in the episode’s timeline.
Update: If you’re confused, Ricky won the first Veto comp, didn’t use it, Mooch left, and then there was a whole second round of events.
Grab the Live Feeds’ Free Trial and start watching what’s going on inside the house right now!
Who do you think will be evicted this round? Vote now in our poll: