Double Eviction is done and gone along with the latest two evictees out the door as the Celebrity Big Brother season’s final five Houseguests faced off over the next Head of Household competition. Omarosa had to sit this one out and watch from the sidelines, but as we’ve seen each round, she’s a master of dodging her seemingly inevitable eviction. Can she do it again this round?
Results came back yet again deep into the night but when they did it seemed obvious who would be the target for this round, or at least until the Veto competition decided the possibilities!
Celebrity Big Brother Round 6 HoH Comp:
- Ross won HoH!
Well, that’s not good for the chances of seeing a Ross and Omarosa F2. Houseguest discussions revealed this may have been another endurance competition with hanging on to something. That’s a huge achievement for Ross.
As for targets he’s not holding back that Omarosa will be his plan, but if she scores the Veto then things would have to change. It likely won’t involve Mark though as it sounds like he and Ross made a deal of safety during the comp.
Nominations will be coming up probably sometime tomorrow. We’ll keep watching for the spoilers and hopefully, we get to see them. At some point, the Feeds will go down and we’ll be cut off from the game’s last days/hours.
The Big Brother season finale is on Sunday and there’s a lot left to be done to be ready. Another HG will be evicted before the climactic double elimination in a single round during the finale. It depends on how much they want to save and how much they work ahead then protect from us spoiling Feedsters.
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Wow. I can’t believe how much fun this season has been. Truth be told I went in with a truckful of doubt thanks to the G grade celebs but I was dead wrong. Last night’s show was a helluva lot of fun. I dislike Oma immensely and have questioned the possibility of her staying so long but it’s been entertaining. I’m a big Ross fan and I hope he takes it home. Thanks for making it so much fun!
I hope Mark, Ari or Omarose win. I hate when the snake wins so I really hope Ross doesn’t win but is looking like the producers want Ross to win. Maressa hasn’t done anything all season, she has just been connected to people that have done things.
I hope the same. I really like Ariadna and I know thereโs no way heโs not putting up ari and Omarosa
Realistically, he will never put up Marissa. He made a deal with Mark so he won’t go up. I see both Ari and Omarosa on the block with Omarosa being the target. Should Omarosa come down, the only two left will be Marissa and Mark. Question now will be which one of these two will go up and with only two votes to evict, more than likely Ross will break the tie. If and I mean a big IF Ross, Mark or Marissa wins the VETO, I do not see the noms changing at all.
Unless Ross wins final HoH, I donโt think his odds are great to land in F2 given Marissaโs inability to win anything so far.
If Omarosa leaves this eviction and Mark or Ari win final HoH, they would each have rocks for brains to not select the under-achieving Marissa for F2.
Even though there is a chance that Mark could lose to Marissa, he would DEFINITELY lose to either Ross or Ari. And Ari would likewise pick Marissa rather than risk going up against Ross.
I think itโs pretty much the same deal if Omarosa makes it thru this round in that unless she won final HoH, she would be seen as a sure choice for F2.
So, Ross had better win that next HoH &/or pray Marissa pulls off a miracle in either/both this next Veto comp &/or the final HoH.