One final Nomination Anticipation update from us for Celebrity Big Brother and this one is cut and dry. The new Head of Household has revealed the plan to most of the HGs and everyone is ready for what’s going to happen later today at the Ceremony. Read on for the spoilers.
Ross won the endurance HOH comp last night which puts him safely into the F4 while making the picks on who won’t be getting there. He has obvious ties right now to Marissa and Mark along with Ari to a lesser degree. Omarosa is on the outs so she’s the obvious pick here for a target. She’s probably going to need another clutch win like she did on Friday night.
Ross explained his plan to Marissa because she could end up involved in the process as well. Ari and Omarosa are going up today, but if either escapes the Block then Marissa has to be the renom. Why not Mark? Ross made a deal with Mark in the comp and Mark dropped over a promise of safety.
If Marissa goes up then she should be safe with two votes out there and Ross breaking the tie, unless he decides for some reason he needs her gone now. I don’t think that’s going to happen.
Should Omarosa and Ari stay then Ross has promised Ari she’ll be okay and I think that’s a safe bet. Both could be tough for Ross to beat at the end, but Ross probably feels he has a better chance of Ari keeping him than Omarosa in the case either won HOH in the next round. In fact, Ari told Ross last night she’d take him to F2, but we know she’s a cold-blooded Big Brother killer so that could be just another smart move by her.
What do you think of Ross’s plans? Is Omarosa the right target or is it time for someone else to be heading out the door next? There’s just this eviction and then the final HOH’s double elimination decision before we’re at the Celebrity Big Brother Final 2!
We’ll have the spoilers as soon as things are confirmed on the Feeds. Download our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates for lots more Big Brother coverage.
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Maybe Ross will take Mark to the end?
Maybe Ari will, too?
Maybe Marissa will too?
Maybe Omarosa will too?
Nice guys don’t finish last. They finish second. (Unless there’s a very bitter jury.)
Hoping Ari is safe this week and wins the last HOH. Then she evicts the snakes Ross and Marissa and takes the floater Mark and wins.
If only Omarosa goes home first. If she doesn’t get evicted or wins the VETO, I wonder how this will play out. For the fun of it, let’s say that Marissa and Ari is on the block come Sunday. I am sure that Omarosa will get in Mark’s head to evict Marissa and sort of cripple Ross a little. If for some reason that Ari is evicted over Omarosa or Marissa, I wonder than how the game will unfold.
If it’s Ari and Marissa I hope Ari stays but unfortunately I think she’ll be evicted. Ross votes her out and being they have a deal with Mark I think he’d keep that deal and vote Ari out too. ☹️
I’m sure that mark won’t evict Marissa though. Ari is too good
Ross won HOH, but I only wish that Ari had.
Will Ross really protect Ari?
He says he will but when push comes to shove, I think he will save Marissa over Ari.
Yea If Omarosa wins Ari’s toast. I’m pulling for her
I think Ari has not forgotten that Ross betrayed their original F4, that he left her and Brandi out of their nomination plans before, and is not that happy Ross is putting her up now, even though he’s assuring her safety. She may lead him to believe they’re cool, but I’m not 100% convinced she takes Ross to F2 if she’s in a position to choose.
Good one. I didn’t think about that.
Thanks Willie. I liked Matt’s description of Ari as a cold blooded BB killer. Lol