Celebrity Big Brother continues to run in hyperdrive as we just jumped from Final 7 to Final 5, which will also play out on finale night. So it’s already time again for the latest edition of The Best and Worst Moments of Celebrity Big Brother. So let’s just get right to it.
The Best Moments of Round 5
Brandi. I think a lot of people thought Omarosa was going to bring the drama on Celebrity Big Brother, but she’s been pretty subdued, so luckily we had Brandi to step up to shower us with petty insults and drunken confrontations. That was pretty much her format all season and this past week was no different. Her hatemance with James has been a highlight of the season and I loved it every time she thew shade his way.
Ariadna killed the veto competition. Ari has been a pleasant surprise this season. She has proven to be quite the game player and is great at the competitions. She was against a wall this week, along with her closest ally Brandi, and she came out fighting in that veto competition, where no one even came close to touching her finish time. Unfortunately, her winning didn’t help Brandi’s chances of staying in the game, though.
Mark nominates Marissa. After Ari used the veto on herself, Mark named Marissa as the replacement nominee. Let’s face it, it was her time to go up. Everyone deserves to squirm a little.
Omarosa wins HOH. I was almost certain Omarosa was toast this Double Eviction. But she pulled out the win right when it counted. Again. I’m not exactly rooting for Omarosa, but she’s played a good game and I kind of love when the person no one in the house wants to win a competition wins.
Ross wins Veto. Just like I said above, it’s as fun to see someone win when they really need too. And Ross did it again, also. He has been Omarosa’s target the entire time and I think she would have been pushing for him to go had he not won the veto. I don’t think he would have gone, however, because I’m pretty sure Mark, James and Marissa would have voted to keep him regardless of who he was sitting next to.
Omarosa nominates James. I think a lot of people were pretty sure Omarosa wanted Marissa out if not James, but she’s been saying all season long that she doesn’t want a guy to win. So she took it upon herself to get the biggest threat in the game out of the house. That makes it easier for the others to get to the end and it sure doesn’t hurt her Big Brother resume.
James is evicted. Hear me out on this. I think James played a good game and he actually grew on me as the season went on. But this episode, in particular, he seemed super douchey and it was kind of funny for him to be evicted right after Brandi, after saying how it was the happiest day he has had in the Big Brother house. Now that is good TV.
The Worst Moments of Round 5
Brandi gets evicted. Like I mentioned above, Brandi has been the most entertaining player. Her drama and her Diary Rooms have delivered every episode. Luckily there’s only a day left in the game, so we can’t really miss her too much. It was fun to watch her play the game.
Omarosa nominates Ross and Marissa. I understand what she was going for, but I think if she really wanted Ross out, her best bet would have been to nominate Ross and James. That means James would have fought harder and probably won the veto and then she could have put Mark up and that would have forced James to vote to save Mark. And Ari probably could have been swayed to save Mark, too, since she is aware Ross is a threat and has been playing the whole house. But she did it her way and I’m happier with the outcome. So it wasn’t THAT bad of a moment. Ha.
Those competitions. I understand that they are setting up for the final HOH, but the Double Eviction episode’s HOH and veto competitions were so low rent! It was like season 2 cheap. Surely they could have figured something else out. It was just a little embarrassing.
And that does it for the Best and Worst Moments of these past two rounds. I have to say it’s been an enjoyable season and this week was no different.
Completely agree on Ariadna. When they introduced the cast, I really had her pegged as a Victoria type, just with an accent. I’m happy to say I was very, very wrong. She is smart, socially savvy and athletic. She would do very well during a regular Big Brother season. I hope they give her that chance.
The one thing I would add to that list is Ariadna is stubborn and hard headed. Other than that, I agree with most of what you said.
I agree I was pleasantly surprised by her. Hope she wins the final HOH if she doesn’t go and sends Ross and Marissa out the door.
I did think during the commercial break that Omarosa would have just named Ross and James. I sort of hope for her sake that James doesn’t get it in his head that she meant to backdoor him. I know she is likely out next, and she will likely get the buffer role between James and Brandi for press since even though she and Brandi were getting along, I think she like James better.