Celebrity Big Brother: Nomination Anticipation Round 4 – Update

Omarosa and Ari on Celebrity Big Brother

We have a new Head of Household in charge after last night’s Endurance HoH competition and now we’re closing in on finding out who is heading to the Block next.

Yes, Omarosa finally has the power on Celebrity Big Brother and just like the other HGs, we’ve been wondering what she’d end up doing with this new found power. Well wonder no longer. This afternoon Omarosa revealed her plans in talks to her former all-girls alliance and it looks like that could be making a comeback. At least for this round.

Flashback to 11:35 PM BBT 2/17 as Marissa directly asks Omarosa if she’s putting her up. Omarosa doesn’t have her mic on but they start talking as Marissa again asks if it’s going to be her up there. Finally Omarosa puts on her mic and we hear her plan. Ross is her target since he had put her up and she feels that’s an easy pick to justify because of that. But who goes up against Ross?

Marissa is quick to say that if she’s up against Ross then she (M) will be the one to go. Omarosa is a little surprised, but Marissa insists. Omarosa says she was thinking of putting Mark up against Ross for her two nominees.

A little later Omarosa says she wants the women to rekindle their original alliance that had been dismantled by Shannon’s paranoia. If that’s true this I think she’d work to avoid ending up with the women on the Block come Eviction night. She’d have a few options, and there should be enough to get through the round without nominating a woman, but who knows how this Power of Veto twist is going to work out.

Would Ross go home if he’s up on the Block this week? Maybe but I think he’s got a lot of support that Omarosa doesn’t know about. Ross would need 3 votes of the 5 and obviously, there’s no tiebreaker. If Marissa isn’t up against him on the Block then she votes to keep him. Brandi and Ari would too. There’s three and Ross stays. A lot can happen between Monday night and now though.

Update: Omarosa has made a new deal with Mark. He promised Omarosa safety in exchange for her not putting him up this week. Instead Omarosa will nominate Brandi and use Marissa as a renom if it comes to that. Thanks to the Veto twist it just might.

Omarosa also pitched to James a F4 with her, Mark, and Metta. She took the same offer to Mark who said he’d go along with that, but he worries about relying on Metta.

Nominations should be coming up later today and when they do it sounds as though the most likely situation will be Ross and Mark Brandi. What do you think of those picks by Omarosa

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  1. Omarosa is stupid if she doesn’t put Marissa up with him. She knows they’re a duo and Brandi and Ari are a duo. Mark would go. And as soon as her HOH is over those girls will go after her. There’s not going to be an all girls alliance. Wake up girl.

    • She now saying Ross and Brandi. This make more sense. She will break one of the duo this way. But the pov twist can change things depend what it will be and who wins it. I which either mark or James to win it.

      • She told the women that only she promised James that she wouldn’t nominate or backdoor James. If one of them wins the veto, they could put James up.

      • James said he is very worried that Marissa and her group are going to do this. During BB telling them about the veto twist, Marissa said something to James about his safety with Omarosa is now over. He is really worried they are coming for him.

      • If the worst does happen and James winds up on the block with Brandi and if Ari is still mad at Brandi she might vote vote her out instead of James.

  2. It’s all a moot point if Julie announces the veto twist. That has the potential to get very interesting.

  3. for being onlky 45, Brandi looks pretty wasted. she has no figure at all and her botox treatments are falling.

    • Omaorsa, Shannon and Marrisa are all about the same age 44/45. Brandi by far looks like she has gone overboard too quick with the surgery. I watched her on RH and she was always the young one, and was pretty natural (her face) until 2 year ago.

  4. I thing Ross and Brandi r an excellent choice. Need to break up the couples and I want to see Brandi have a meltdown…lol But personally, Marissa so gets on my last nerve.

    • Thankfully, with this VETO option coming into play it could be Marissa ending up on the block and voted out. YES!

      • Yes, Marissa is by far one if the most unlikable HG ever, which is probably why Ross keeps her around. She would have a much harder time without Ross than he would without her. If he’s voted out, Marissa will very likely play too hard and get herself booted next.

      • She might be on the most-annoying list, but she’s not at the top. Honors one and two would go to Paul Abrahamian and Vanessa Russo. (Ducking now so people can throw things at me for mentioning those names.)

      • No ducking required here! I don’t quite share your opinion but that keeps things interesting. I actually liked both Vanessa and Paul, and felt they both brought something new to the game. Ducking as I write this.. not really :)

      • I had very high hopes for Vanessa. But the constant crying was just too much. I was also expecting her to be smarter at that game knowing her background studies and professional life.

      • I’m suffering through BBAD right now and this vile and vulgar woman is throwing F bombs all over the place. First time I ever heard the expression HOLY F***!!!
        She doesn’t even seem to bother the others for some reason.

        I agree with what you’re saying, without Ross Marissa won’t have a clue as to what’s going on in the house since she’ll be too busy talking. It’s mandatory that one of Ross or Marissa leave next or we’ll never get rid of them.

      • Wasn’t watching BBAD earlier but not surprised. I really thought I would have liked them both more than I do, especially Ross. Maybe because he’s good on RPDR.

  5. I can’t believe it, I actually want Brandi to stay. She brings some good drama.

    • Nah, she’s a drunk. And a pathetic one at that. I hope she’s not appalled at how she comes across on national TV.

      • LOL, she’s been downright circumspect on BB compared to her time on RHOBH.

  6. I was hoping Omarosa would put up Ross and Marissa, and I guess with the new veto twist it might end up that way. As far as her all-girl alliance goes, O is either full of BS or very naïve. The last place I’d want to be is in the middle of an all-girl alliance when they start to cannibalize.

    • Omarosa wants a girl to win but knows that no girl wants to work with her. Right now she is hoping that James, Mark and Metta are her f4 and she beats them. James and Mark (who knows about Metta) might just take the deal, they would rather sit next to Omarosa then Ari or Marissa or Ross in F2.

      • At first I thought O was making a mistake wanting to renew the all girl alliance, then I saw she was just using that topic to get the other women to open up and talk game with her. Then she went to the guys and made a new alliance with them so I don’t think she really wants to give the gals another chance.

  7. I’m thankful I can come here to see what’s going on. They were showing too much of Omarosa so I had to stop watching. At least I can come here to see what’s going on. When you say Omarosa has been evicted I’ll start watching again. Though I am enjoying the nasty political things she’s saying. B
    ut I can see them on any TV channel. I don’t have to watch BB for that footage.

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