‘Celebrity Big Brother’ America’s Vote For Veto Twist [POLL]

Celebrity Big Brother - America's Vote

A new twist for Celebrity Big Brother is about to shake up the next Power of Veto and the choice is up to you. Will you hand over a Diamond Veto, the VIP Veto, or the Spotlight Veto? Ready on for the details on each of them then cast your vote before the deadline.

There are three options for this next Power of Veto, which CBS noted would play out live on Monday’s eviction show, so choose wisely and start voting.

Diamond Veto: The Veto winner has the power to remove one of the nominees from the chopping block and also name the replacement nominee.

VIP Veto: The winner of this Veto will have the option to use the Veto once or twice or not at all in the same Veto Meeting. If the winner of the VIP Veto removes one of the nominees, he or she will wait for a replacement nominee to be made before deciding if they want to use it a second time.

Spotlight Veto: The winner of this Veto is guaranteed to be in the spotlight at the Veto Meeting because this Veto HAS to be used to save one of the two nominees from the chopping block!

We’ve seen these sorts of Veto twists before with the multiple options and it’s not a terrible idea, but some of these could really mess up HG plans. I’m surprised they didn’t name the VIP option the Cody Veto considering that pinball renom path sounds like his HOH week one last season.

So which will it be for your vote? Be sure to make your pick in the official voting at cbs.com and then also vote here in our poll so we can see what to expect when the results are revealed live during Monday’s Celebrity Big Brother.

The voting is now open for the Power of Veto twist but the polls close at noon ET on Monday (2/19) so be sure not to miss your chance to use your 20 votes in this decision.



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  1. Of course it would be nice to know who is OTB and who wins POV first, but I’m just going to live on the edge, chance it and vote for VIP. That one would have he most potential for chaos, I think.

    • Yes. VIP is my choice too. Best case scenario is James win it save Mark. She replace mark with Metta, and James save Ross. One girl get on the block and leave since Ross Mark and James will want to have more guys because this girl alliance.

  2. Is Omaorsa thinking of Nominating Ross & mark as of now? I think she is going with the girl power idea? Kind of a wasted HoH to get Mark out (he admitted he is a floater and good for votes) since any veto would get Ross off the block.

  3. I think in order to break up the two duos the spotlight veto is the safest. Otherwise James, Metta or Mark could go up and then the duos have the numbers to get one of them out. I’d like to see Ross and Marissa sitting on the block on eviction night.

  4. The vote won’t matter any way they will give it to Omarosa, Just like yesterdays show she went in the door for veto comp with NO head cap for her hair,yet when she started playing she amazingly she had a hair cap on, I’m sure they are giving her the heads up on all the comps. Also on the matter of BGM (black girl power) I have watched every season of BB and in almost all the seasons there have been repercussions for racial talk, not only have they not brought it up to her but if the (white PPl) had said white power, It would have been all over the internet on every talk show and Julie would have brought it up to them, Very disgusted with this as they are CELEBRITIES and therefore should be representing unity to all race I might goes as far as to say they will fix the game so Omarosa will win and be the first black women to win. Disappointed that the game isn’t being played fair.

    • I think CBS wants Omarosa to stay for footage to draw in viewers, notice we always get a political clip on every show yet Omarosa rarely talks politics on the feeds, CBS is taking the little talk she does do like Melania is smart or the white house has a basketball court and teasing viewers that there is more to get the feeds. I don’t think they want her to win, they would be ok if she did but not helping her wn just helping her stay a little longer?. I think they didn’t want her out 1st and to stay longer for footage. I think an Ari win with Omarosa getting some girl power credit would be CBS ideal scenario. Ari is Latino , posed , smart, and pretty and I can see CBS giving her some hosting type jobs.

    • +austism mom..??? whites run this whole country can you give us black folks anything??? white power has a bad racial history behind even to this day..black power doesn’t have the history of K.K.K and racial hanging…you cant compare it together as the same phrase.

      • The comment wasn’t about race it was about playing the game fair and treating EVERYONE the same, not a black ,white yellow ,green, blue issue. Why shouldn’t she be called out?? everyone else has gotten called out !! If you have watched any previous BB seasons you would see that. The color of your skin does not mean entitlement. My point was they are CELEBRITIES ppl and kids look up to them, there should be no special treatment.
        Whites don’t run the country… yes we have a white president running the country now, but in case you forgot Obama who is black ran the country for 8 years.

    • LOL..you know they did the veto comp off campus and they just filmed the before shot w/ the on the patio for TV editing purposes. You really think that the door from the patio entered directly into that room??!!! haha. They even talked about having to be golf carted to a different location on the feeds and entering a completely new room to get instructions and they returned to the house via the storage room.

      • HAHAHAHA,,, no joke,, the DOOR TO THE VETO ROOM——nothing to do with one door to the next or where they played the veto, THE DOOR TO THE ROOM!!!!!! Omarosa no cap… goes in the door she has a cap on.

  5. I voting for the spotlight veto also for similar reasons. Thing 1or 2 with too much power would not be good. The spotlight gives the holder a bit of power without too much leverage over others.

  6. The show is doing great without twist. Big Brother always screws everything up and can’t get out of it’s own way. Stop with the twist and voting crap.

  7. would be nice to see someone use the diamond veto and put omarosa up… doubt they would be able to do that….

  8. I”m not too particular as to what POV is voted in as long as it results in Marissa going home.

  9. I would think with a VIP veto, it can only be used on the original two nominees, otherwise if it is used twice it could flip back to the original choices .

  10. If people actually want a season that wasn’t impacted by twists for once, they’d vote spotlight bc it is the veto that most acts like the regular veto plus we know at least 3 out of the 8 people there would use the veto if they won….Ross, Marissa, and Brandi.

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