After Dark On Pop Confirmed For Celebrity Big Brother [VIDEO]

After Dark: Celebrity Big Brother

CBS has confirmed what we’ve been expecting, yes, there will be After Dark for Celebrity Big Brother! This follows the longstanding news that the Live Feeds would accompany the new series and now makes our Big Brother experience complete for the upcoming season premiere.

Julie Chen reveals in the video below that we’ll be watching the Big Brother celebrities inside the house on Pop TV again like we do in the summer and BBAD will kick off on Wednesday, February 7th. That could mean we’ll get Feeds and BBAD starting on that very first night. Fantastic news. If you saw BBOTT then you know how fun that was to see things from the very start instead of nearly a week into the game like we do in the summer.

As for the Celebrity After Dark schedule, Julie also reveals we can watch every night until 3AM. We’ll have to wait and see if they move around the start times each day, but at least we know how late it’ll run. Speaking of days and times, don’t miss the full Big Brother Celebrity Schedule with details on every single episode of the full season.

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#BBCeleb #BBAD schedule. Lookin' out for my Late #NightOwl homies…

— Orwell (@BBADOrwell) February 8, 2018

Ready to start watching? Me too! Don’t forget you’ll need All Access for your Big Brother Feeds with around the clock coverage, but if you can’t get that then be sure to set up your DVR for BBAD on Pop TV starting Feb 7th. Want more? Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and get our Email Updates too!

Julie Chen Introduces Celebrity Big Brother After Dark



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  1. Why sad? The whole point of the show is to get people of different origins and backgrounds, especially if they will cause conflict & drama

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