Celebrity Big Brother Episode 10 Recap: A New Alliance Is Born And A New HOH Crowned

There’s a new Celebrity Big Brother Head of Household, and once again, they have their sights set on someone who is not Omarosa. Basically Omarosa is just sitting back watching everyone take each other out and is going to find herself sitting in the finale.

Let’s back up and find out who that new HOH and target is, though.

We start the episode off right after Mettaโ€™s eviction and we get to jump back and see what he said to Omarosa to get her to make the move. He told her that his anxiety was high and itโ€™s not healthy for him to stay. Omarosa knew that he wasnโ€™t doing her any good in the house, so she let him have his exit.

We also get to see โ€œThe Roomie Squadโ€ be born. It consists of Ross, Marissa, James and Mark. They solidified their final four. Hey, there have been worse alliance names. Marissa lets us know that she only joined that alliance to save Ross, but still plans to work with the girls as long as she can.

Ross decides that Omarosa needs to go, so he comes up with the idea to merge his two alliances so they can focus on getting Omarosa out. But James isnโ€™t too into that idea as he really wants Brandi out this week. And on the flip side, Ariadna and Brandi really want James out.

Itโ€™s time for the Head of Household competition. This competition is played in two heats and in two separate groups. First up are Marissa, Brandi and Ari. And the girls are stuggling getting across these wobbly red carpets. The carpets eventually get a little easier to navigate. Eventually, Brandi wins the heat, followed by Marissa then Ari. But the best three scores overall face off in the end.

Ross, Mark and James are up next. And they donโ€™t do much better at first. But like the girls, it gets better eventually and Mark ends up winning he heat. James soon follows, but Ross is having a lot of issues getting across. But he finally gets there.

Now itโ€™s time to find out who the top three times were. Mark was fastest with 1:23, followed by James at 1:52. The third person in the final heat is Brandi at 6:48. So those three will face off in the final heat.

Mark, James and Brandi get the competition going and James gets right across, but he doesnโ€™t hit the button and is waiting for Mark to get across so Mark can be HOH. And thatโ€™s what happens. James lets Mark have the HOH title.

Ross and Marissa get to work trying to paint a bigger target on Omarosaโ€™s back so Mark and James will stop looking at Brandi and Ari as targets. But Omarosa is also working on Mark and it seems like Omarosa is still slipping by because Mark tells Ross that itโ€™s easiest for him to go after Ari and Brandi. Ross brings up Omarosa to Mark and he agrees she needs to go, but so do Ari and Brandi. This is going to be a tough sell.

And Brandi doesnโ€™t make it any easier when she asks Mark if he thinks itโ€™s interesting that James let him win this HOH so he can play in the next HOH instead of Mark. She just keeps digging her hold deeper and Omarosa just stands back and watches her own target shrink.

So it comes as no surprise to anyone when Mark nominates Brandi and Ariadna at the nomination ceremony.



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1 Comment

  1. Iโ€™m so sick of every week Brandi, Ross, Marissa and ari getting pissed off cuz other people In The house are making deals like sorry didnโ€™t get the memo that u four are the only ones allowed to strategize. Iโ€™m also very confused how Mark and james havenโ€™t caught on to Marissa and Ross pushing soooo hard for Omarosa, esp since they know they used to work with Brandi and ari?

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