Celebrity Big Brother 2019 Live Feeds Round 4 – Saturday Night Highlights

Dina Lohan on Celebrity Big Brother Feeds

Eviction night lead to the HOH competition and it was a close one but now the power has shifted and the nominations are being set for a quick dash through Round 4 of Celebrity Big Brother. Nominations are coming up on Sunday with a Veto competition not far behind before Monday night’s eviction. Catch up on the discussions as the sides set their next moves.

Don’t miss your chance to watch along with us. The season is just getting started and that’ll run less than a month (check the schedule) so you can watch all the fun for less than $6.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Celebrity Big Brother Live Feed Highlights – Saturday, February 2, 2018:

6:08 PM BBT – Feeds are back from the live eviction show.

6:25 PM BBT – Tamar tells Ricky there has never been a Black winner of Big Brother until now.

6:26 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the HOH comp.

8:23 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Tamar won HOH!

8:25 PM BBT – Tamar tells her allies that “they” (Tomato) were already counting them out of the game in their head.

9:00 PM BBT – Kato is sure they’ll both be nominated tomorrow. Tom says it’ll be funny if they both campaign to be evicted instead of to be saved.

9:05 PM BBT – Lolo is worried Tamar may still be upset with her. Natalie says before the comp Tamar suggested Lolo would put her (T) up but Natalie told her that wasn’t true and Tamar said she wouldn’t put Lolo up either.

9:25 PM BBT – Kato says he accepts that he lost to Tamar but feels the gloating is hurtful, especially from Natalie.

9:30 PM BBT – Tom points out that Tamar needs to be strategic and break up the trio of Ricky, Lolo, and Natalie. Kato thinks Ricky and Tamar have a F2 so he (R) will knock out Natalie and Lolo. Tom thinks Kandi could help them show Tamar there’s a good option to keep them around. He thinks it’s too early to give up.

9:35 PM BBT – Tom tells Kato they should enjoy their last two episodes and ride it out. They plan to catch up after both are evicted and have a beer.

9:57 PM BBT – Tamar says she wants to put up Tomato so they can’t save each other. Natalie, Lolo, and Ricky agree. They promise to protect Tamar in the next round since she can’t play for HOH.

10:00 PM BBT – Ricky says this plan will leave him as the last male in the house. Lolo says there’s no all-girls deal for him to worry about. Ricky points out they could do all-minorities instead of all-girls.

10:02 PM BBT – Ricky suggests Tom would be weak without Kato if they did silent treatment.

10:03 PM BBT – Tom came in the kitchen and said it’d be good if they all tried to smile through the last few days. Ricky tells him they smile a lot when he’s not in the room. Tamar tells Ricky to be a good Christian. Ricky counters that it’s true.

10:10 PM BBT – Tom talks with Kandi and says he feels bad about how some of them are going to look petty and questions if they really want that out there. Kandi thinks everyone is acting crazy.

10:15 PM BBT – Ricky goes upstairs and gives Tom a fistbump. Tamar thanked him for doing that. Natalie says she’ll continue to show respect and dignity to Tomato.

10:20 PM BBT – Ricky wants Tomato to apologize to the house for talking bad about everyone and being bullies. He asks Tamar to talk with them about that.

11:00 PM BBT – Tamar, Ricky, and Tom are talking about past behavior. Tom says he felt rubbed the wrong way. Tamar says she didn’t feel wronged because they weren’t in an alliance together but did feel threatened and bullied.

11:07 PM BBT – Tom tells Kato he doesn’t really want to be here anymore and relays how he’s being accused of being a bully over something that didn’t happen.

11:10 PM BBT – Kandi calls out Ricky and says he wanted her out. Tamar says Ricky was open to keeping her and that’s why she’s still here.

11:15 PM BBT – Tamar says it should be Kato who goes home next and both will go up on the Block together.

11:15 PM BBT – Tom tells Kato he’s back to not wanting to talk to Ricky for the rest of the game.

11:20 PM BBT – Ricky tells Tamar that Kandi tried to help Kato beat Tamar. He questions why Tamar wanted them to save Kandi.

11:25 PM BBT – Tom promises to be ridiculous for his last week on the show.

11:40 PM BBT – Tamar privately tells Kandi she needs to play along. Kandi counters that Ricky kept pushing her.

11:55 PM BBT – Tom jokes it might be funny to win the Veto and save Kato then he’d get voted out. He also suggests they could bring their bags to the Noms ceremony and run for the door afterward.

12:05 AM BBT – HOH room reveal time for Tamar.

12:35 AM BBT – Wine opened and shared with all but Tomato (they’re not upstairs).

12:40 AM BBT – Tamar doesn’t want to be mean in her speech. Ricky says she should be honest.

2:00 AM BBT – HGs are still up and wandering the house.

3:00 AM BBT – Tomato are asleep but Tamar, Lolo, and Natalie are still up and chatting while Ricky sleeps in the room.

4:25 AM BBT – Tom is up and doing weights in the exercise room. He leaves Orwell on the bench and asks him to tell Ricky “hello” in the morning when he comes in.

5:00 AM BBT – Everyone is in bed.

No surprises here as Tomato will be on the Block and unless there’s a wild surprise they’ll be split up come Monday. Meanwhile Ricky continues to stir the house as much as possible but risks becoming the third wheel in two alliances.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.



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