‘Big Brother Celebrity 2019’ Spoilers: Who Was Voted Out Last Night?

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother

Eviction night returned for Celebrity Big Brother 2019 on Saturday and this one was poised to deliver some great action with a swing vote that could lead us to a tiebreaker ending night. Considering the heightened tension these last few days I think this would put a nice bow on Round 3 of CBB2.

Six votes are up for grabs with Tom waiting as the tiebreaker. He’s ready for the choice if he has to make it and that should send some shockwaves through an already stressful house! “But first” we still need to catch up on the Veto events of the round!

Don’t miss this week’s eviction episode! You can stream it live on CBS’s All Access in most markets across the US so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight.

First up we’ve got the Veto competition and that’ll be hard to follow the horror themed HOH comp but this time they’re going in a sports direction. Sounded like HGs had to kick field goals as an obvious crossover for Sunday’s Super Bowl event on CBS.

Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 3 Veto Competition:

  • Kick The Competition: HGs have to spin then kick inflated footballs
  • Natalie beats out Lolo in the final round to win the PoV

Now for some drama as the house tries to figure out what to do about the Veto and that decision will lead us to even more drama.

Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 3 Veto Meeting:

  • Natalie did NOT use the Veto
  • Final noms: Kandi & Joey

We’re ready for the votes to see which way Tamar will vote and whether or not we’ll get that tiebreaker… Hmm, Tamar must have revealed to the other side she was going to vote out Joey and they didn’t want to give Tom the tiebreaker.

Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 3 Votes:

  • Lolo votes to evict: Joey
  • Kato votes to evict: Joey
  • Natalie votes to evict: Joey
  • Tamar votes to evict: Joey
  • That’s enough votes.
  • Dina votes to evict: Joey
  • Ricky votes to evict: Joey

By a vote of 6-0, Joey Lawrence has been evicted from Celebrity Big Brother!

Once the eviction is over the HGs will probably have a break before they get into tonight’s HOH competition but we’ll be ready to deliver the spoiler results as soon as we know more so keep checking back tonight for those updates.

Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 4 HoH Comp:

We’ll be watching the Feeds for more updates tonight. Grab the Free Trial and join us there now!

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