‘Celebrity Big Brother 2019’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH Round 4?

Head of Household comp on Big Brother

Another Houseguest was voted out on Saturday and when that happens we always need a new Head of Household. HGs were told not to bother changing so this wasn’t going to be a physical comp. Bring on the Q&A battle!

With Tom as the outgoing HOH he had to sit back and watch while relying on his allies Kato, Dina, and Kandi (well, kinda) to pull off the win and keep his side safe this week.

Results came back from the Feeds and we’ve got our latest spoilers for the new Head of Household on Celebrity Big Brother!

Celebrity Big Brother 2019 Round 4 HoH Comp:

  • Tamar won HoH!

Wow! Well this is going to be a busy round with Tamar in charge. Sounded like it might have been Tamar vs Kato in the final round but we’ll have to watch and see on Monday’s fast paced episode of Big Brother.

Nominations will be coming up probably sometime on Sunday because the next eviction show is Monday night. Won’t be much time to wait on the noms and then they’ll be off to the Veto comp. We’ll keep watching for the spoilers but in the meantime, who do you want to see heading to the Block under Tom’s reign as HOH?

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