The countdown continues to the start of Celebrity Big Brother 2 on January 21, 2019 as CBS dusts off the marketing machine and delivers a new teaser commercial to help get us ready.
With just a month left to go before the Celebrity 2019 season kicks off we’re ready to start getting updates featuring CBB2 cast reveals, house design, and any possible themes or twists along the way. But with just a three-week schedule and a house of celebs is there really any reason for a twist? I’ll take a twist where they all wait to stay and play!
Wednesday night during the Survivor finale we saw the latest commercial clip featuring scenes from last year’s excellent debut season of Celebrity Big Brother. You’ll see a reminder of the comps, the cast, and the craziness that helped make the crash course schedule a hit last winter and now it’s almost back.
Celebrity Big Brother 2 – Teaser Commercial:
Make sure you’re ready for the new season of Celebrity Big Brother when it starts on Monday, January 21, 2019 with all new episodes on CBS television plus the Live Feeds for even more around the clock access to what’s going on inside the house as it happens. Check the CBB2 schedule here for details.
We’ll be back with our constant coverage all winter season ahead of Big Brother 21 next summer so be sure to join us on Facebook and Twitter, download our Big Brother App, and get our Email Updates for even more CBB spoilers and updates! Are you ready! Share in the comments below which celebrity you hope to see on Celebrity Big Brother 2 and let’s see who guesses right.