Are you ready to meet the new season’s Big Brother 16 cast? CBS wants to get you in gear by bringing back a look at some of the past manly men who have occupied the Big Brother house.

As the days count down to the season premiere on Wednesday, June 25, 2014 CBS is keeping us plenty busy with lots of preseason content with past Houseguests and big news on the season ahead. Today that includes a list of HGs CBS compiled and named “Big Brother Hotties: The Studs.”
“The Studs” include popular past male HGs like Jeff, Dr. Will, Brendon, and others. Check out a few of the pics below from CBS and then see who makes the full list of their Top 10 “Studs.” Who would you put on your list of the best guys from Big Brother seasons past?
Oh no Matthew you are scaring me now after this mornings post. More and more previous HG could sure mean all-stars!