It’s official, Big Brother fans! CBS has renewed its commitment to the best reality series with Big Brother 12 scheduled to air in the summer of 2010!
CBS is already making plans for Big Brother 12. The network announced today it has ordered another edition of the hit reality series for broadcast in the summer 2010.
The three-times-a-week series has once again turned into a summer sensation, growing its audience both on-air and online for the CBS Television Network and CBS Interactive platforms.
After incredible ratings pushed Big Brother above and beyond previous years it should come as no surprise that CBS wants to see Big Brother 12 next summer. Now if they could just move it up to this winter! Apply now for Big Brother 12!
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Source: CBS press release
It would be cool for another all-star big brother soon, or a winter big brother
I totally agree! I loved it when the writers were on strike and we got an extra Big Brother. lol
I absolutely LOVE watching Big Brother…but I REALLY wish that CBS would consider a Winter edition….after all, it would be fun to look forward to when we are all basically stuck indoors during the long Winter months…in fact, it almost makes more sense than in the summer, if you really think about it…what with more people staying in to watch TV…so, CBS, if you are seeing this, how about considering airing BB TWICE a year??? I know a TON of people that would be watching!!!
Twice a year!!!!! What a great Chrismas present!
I find it much harder to watch in the winter. I am busy watching shows like NSI. Summer there is nothing on TV in the dinner hour so why change a good thing.
please bb give us bb fans a winter of bb you did it once why not again it’s such a long time in between bb come on if survivor can why can’t you.
Thats thing, itsa little odd to me, were gonna have to wait a full year.
Ususally we get 2. Maybe CBS or sum other network is going to have a “good” show preimere, or just be in its timeslot.
I cant belive it all ends tomaro. Im so sad.
This season has been great.
the reason there moving it to summer is because companies are prolly more prowne to let their workers take off 3 months in summer than winter.
Anyway like i said i cant belive it all ends tomaro, this has been one of the best seasons, and my mouth is waterting thinking of the next.
DOES ANYONE know were i can find dvd’s of past seasons?
I bet it takes that much time to recuperate from one season to the next. I know it takes me time to decompress from all the emotional stress of just watching. I think survivor can show their season at anytime of the year since it’s not a live situation. Love BB, hate for it to come to an end.
Is it 2010 yet!!!! :)
Well if surviver has two why not have two Big Brothers in a year?
@Marcus: Unfortunately we don’t usually get 2 per year. That’s only happened once with BB9 last spring and BB10 later that summer. The other nine seasons have been once a year.
I think what keeps us back from getting the 2x/year option is BB9’s ratings which weren’t very good and didn’t encourage CBS to repeat the event. Maybe they’ll try again before too long.
Have the final 3 HGS been told that there is an America’s vote?
Hey Marcus. Just read all of the bashing you took on the boards last night. Don’t let the BS get you down. They bash me all of the time, and I just ignore. Don’t have anything mean to say about “Squirrel Girl” today, cause BBAD was so boring last night that I feel asleep. Will be going on a business trip tonight, so it’s been fun you guys. I know that ya’ll will miss my informative information about “Squirrel Girl”.Marcus, you need to pick up the slack.
Go Natalie and Kevin. See you guys on the other side.
I awoke last night to watch a little bit on BBAD and I saw Kevin talking to Jordon in a dilema about tell Nat he is going to take Jordan strictly for game reasons….Is he crazy? Why would he tell her, she would probably give him a Judo chop. Was I mistaken?
don;t kow if you are going for J/K, but it would be a good idea to tell jordon so that she can know about the lies that Nata-LIE started and just to make sure that they are on the same page..
I watched BBAD last night from the begining and they were given a 3pc craft set and Kevin did a plate, Nas-t-lie had a cup & Jordo had the bowl…Nas-t-lie didn’t even do her own dam* drawing. She asked Jordon to make a design for her w/BB 11, engagement date and her & the B/F name on the cup…she sat in the hot tub the whole time looking pathetic!!!REALLY does she do ANYTHING. Dead weight!!..she doesn;t deserve to breathe the air we are breathing…hate her
I heard them say something like “you saw her blow up earlier, how do you think she will react to that?” Something about her getting mad at Kevin earlier, and when I saw Natalie she did not look to happy.
Yes of course I am a J/J fan, I am hooked and a hopeless romantic, I know I know how cliche.
I enjoy BB in the summer because the normal shows are all on hiatus and it gives me something to watch. Remember, there were 2 BBs in one year only due to the writers strike – CBS needed something to fill time slots. But normally, BB is a summer show and I doubt CBS would switch it or add another winter version. They are the #1 network and a big portion of their shows are hits so they wouldn’t move anything. Survivor and The Amazing Race have their time slots and that’s it. I would love to see another All-Stars though. Don’t know how high the probability of that is in the near future. I’d also like to see more diverse HGs next year (a better mix of backgrounds, ages and races).
Oh how i wish it were on twice a year. The Amazing Race is on how many times? It is hard to think of not seeing this show again for a year. : (
gimme more big brother!!!!
Does NastaLIE do anything? Oh yeah, she cooks!!!!LOL
BB11 has been so lopsided that I don’t want
to consider having two shows a year until BB Productions
I have way too many shows to watch in the winter for BB! I’m sure CBS knows if we had to choose between BB and other shows they would lose!
CBS is missing out on a great opportunity to take advantage of the jury house contestants. They should have cameras there and live feeds as well and include them in the show like on Sundays. Couldn’t America vote a jury house member back in as a final 3 member to go to the finale. Then it is strategic on both ends of the game both inside the Big Brother house and the Jury House.
Allison G. if you want to discuss any of my other production ideas you can email me, I have tons. LOL
After reading some postings, I think this page could use a spell checker. I cannot stand another minute of Ratalie; let us have Jordan win this thing already, so we can put an end to it.
Is it Tuesday yet, BB is getting a bit boring.
I think showing big brother in the winter would increase itโs over all ratings, because it keeps the show fresh and on everybodyโs minds.
@ Blackgirl… WUZ UP? This is the worst ending in reality tv history…. BB / CBS Should plan to have the final eviction the Sunday night prior to the 2 hour finale, so we the viewers can see the reactions on the other JH members as the last Jury member enters followed by the JH interviewing the Final 2. I hope they will fix the mental error with the crap of a show they had viewers watch yesterday.
Haven’t watch BB/BBAD since Michelle left. Won’t lie and say I won’t watch BB12, cuz unfortunately I do like this show. However sure hope CBS/AG/BB producers do a better job in choosing the HG’s. Chking the websites for updates, Hope Kevin/Jordan final 2, and Kevin wins $500K. Jordan really didn’t do anything. But as long as Gnat doesn’t win any monies, I shud be happy.
P.S. Someone pls tell me if Kevin/Jordan made a deal for final 2..if so does Gnat know? Does it look like Kevin/Jordan will keep it, or does Jordan still think Gnat is her friend?
please could u tell me how i can apply to go on bigbrother 2010, i love the show and realy would love to give it ago. please please please.
nah, what makes BB so great and fun is that it is ONCE a year. We have something to look forward to and cannot get burnt out on it. Just look at how horrible season 9 was with their rush casting for the winter season due to the writers strike. it was the worst cast and season ever. BB needs to keep it only once a year in the summer, with plenty of time to cast. They do need to stop recruiting people who dont know the show IMO.
I do agree….winter time BB would be awesome, just like the Amazing Race does. Yes, there are new shows on in the winter but only for a few months. There is a 3 month winter break when we’re all watching reruns of the winter shows until new shows start up again in Feb. Would be strange to see the house guest in sweats and coats and not shorts and bikini’s.
I sincerly hope that Jordan wins BB11. It would be nice for a change to see someone of good will towards people win and not liars and back stabbers win. CBS can count on the ratings shooting through the roof come Tuesday night!!! I’ll be curious to see the view count come Wednesday.
@ Jackie M- Kevin and Jordo do have an agreement but are a little untrusting of each other. It makes sense because they don’t know the jury house hates Nat too now. It insures that win or lose in the final comp., they will get fifty thousand. They both think Nat has too many friends in the jury house and it would be stupid to take her to the final 2. They say they will tell her Tuesday.
Taking Jordan to the final 2 is a better choice for Kevin now since Natalie only has minutes instead of days to turn the jury against him. Had she been evicted early like they thought, she had threatened to get the jury to vote for Jordan.
@ Jckie M….. Kevin indirectly gave nat clues about taking Jordan due to the votes for natalie which left nat pissed off…. I think jordan / Kevin would do better taking nat, but they don’t know what we do. I think Kevin will beat Jordan or nat, but i am not confident Jordan will take kevin… Kevin needs to win to ensure his spot in the Final 2 tommorow!!!
@Budman & Leo, thanks for the update. I hope Kevin tells Jordan abt not taking Gnat, so that Jordan will know that Gnat is lying when she tries to throw Kevin under the bus. I don’t like any of the 3 HG’s, however voting for Kevin, since Jordan is not the sweet innocent person she pretends to be, and thanks to her, stupid Jeff evicted Russell. Hope my girl Michelle wins America’s Fav, bottom line, I sure hope Gnat doesn’t win any monies.
I’m glad it’s over. I am a BB fan through and through bt ready for these 3 to take a hike. Hopefully Jordo will win out of the three left. I am ready for Survivor and the Amazing Race to start.
@Leo- Whats up! Missed you lately! I think Jordan will beat Kevin if they are in the final 2. We know she has Jeff, Michelle, America (due to the overwhelming poll numbers) and I think Russell will vote for her. He propably feels bad for calling her fat and the chest bump has likely been the source of several wet dreams. She might get Jessie’s vote also because he hated Kevin. They are likely all friends in the jury house now and Michelle and Jeff will be in there ears. I’ll be glad when it is all over.
@ Jackie M…. Check out ok
@ Budman…. No way… here is why…
Jordan played a bigger role in Russell being backdoored and she admites it. natalie / Jeff / Michelle will comfirm this. I have no doubt Jeff will tell Russell about his convo with Kevin and how Michelle / Jordan confirmed they didn’t trust Russell either which made it that much easier for Jeff to BD Russ… Russ knows that jordan had the most influence over Jeff.
Vote will gowith J/K Final 2
*** Jordan
– Jeff
– America
– Michelle
*** Kevin
– Jesse (Best game play)
– Russell (he said he wanted kevin hense Lydia said Russ is his favorite – best game play vote)
– Lydia – BFF
– Natalie – If Jordan screws her
*** Remember this is the same reason jesse / Russell would have voted for jeff which left Lydia in shock (Best game play)
@ Everyone… Have a good day… BB is lame since it screwed up the schedule… I will be back tommorow for comments on the Finale… Check out all you Sruvivor Fans!!!
Hope Kevin wins the $500k, but will be happy as long as Gnat doesn’t win any monies. Tired to vote, but website says vote done. Is that correct? As I said b4, this was the worst season of BB, the only thing I will miss is our “talking” to each other. God bless and keep all of you in his loving care.
is there any news on how to audition for this yet?
BB 12…woot woot!! I would love to be a HG in the BB house. I would cook breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday for all the houseguest. I would keep them fat and full. They would love my Mexican food dishes so much they’d keep me like they did Renny in BB 10….at least until I could make it in to the Jury House so I could cook some more for all of them. In the jury house I would give them all cooking lessons for fun. A gramma can dream can’t she…LOL!!
yes two shows a year would be great . the season of couples was a good one .
Everyone is lying to each other about who they will take to the final 2, so it’s hard to tell the truth when you hear it. I agree that Jordan’s best choice for final 2 would be Nat. Jordan said that she convinced Jeff to back-door Russell, but if you watch the feeds and Showtime, then you know that Jeff fell for Kevin and Natalie’s “LML”… that ended up being the truth, because Michelle couldn’t told Jeff she thought it was true, but couldn’t remember everything they had talked about. I think the Jeff decided to back-door Russell because #1 – He voted to keep Jesse and #2 – Russell made a final 2 deal with Michelle. Jordan may have agreed, but she did not have that much control over what Jeff did. I loved Jeff, but he didn’t seem to understand that everyone has final 2 deals, which has nothing to do with a final 4 deal. But even if Jeff had stuck to the final 4 deal with Russell & Michelle, he would have had a hard time getting to the final 2, because everyone knew that America loved Jeff. I hope Jordan wins, because I definitely prefer her over the other two.
I hope that jordan an kevin go to the f2 that way we know that nat has no chance at it
Why does everyone think Kevin has the votes against Jordon?
Michele = Jordon
Jeff = Jordon
Natalie if Kevin evicts her = Jordon
America = Jordon
Kevin does not need to know what we know to figure out those votes.
Kevin better take Natalie to win and Jordon can’t take Natalie
Kevin, Jessie, Russell and, yes, Lydia = Natalie. America’s vote will not count.
Wish we didn’t have to wait a whole year for another BB show. Though I still watched this season, I thought this years was more of a dud, compaired to the past seasons. Now we have to wait till next summer???
Kevin is practicing his jury speach and it sounds like he plans to take Jordan. Here is a summary. Kevin had three phases of the game – phase 1 – letting the stronger personalities like Jessie take themselves out. Phase 2 – lying to Jeff, back-stabbing Jeff, felt he had to because if he didn’t he would be going home next week. Phase 3 – winning comps to stay in the game – HOH POV and final HOH. Kevin points out that in the 14 comps Jordon and he have competed against each other in he has placed higher in 11 of them. Kevin is definitely basing his arguments against Jordan to the Jury. He also said… “I think I played a stronger and a more statigic game than Jordon has” … Kevin would like to have the honor of being the first LBGT (gay) winner. Said every competition he won he earned no one gave it to him (like Jeff did for Jordan). From this speach, he diffently appears to be making his plans to be against Jordon and is trying use the LBGT movement to get Michelle’s vote. Hopefully, Jordan will pick Nat for the final 2 if she wins part 3. Otherwise, Kevin could win!
@ Donald #46…. You are right… If jordan takes natalie, she loses…. If Kevin takes natalie he loses…
@ Donald… Email me, so I can get you set up as a moderator on ok?
please everybody vote for Kevin he is the best player out of the three that are left.
Jordan is a nice girl but she have not played the BB game she was carried by Jeff. please lets be fair. plus jordan does not need the money because she had enough money that in times were the economy is this hard she afford for a boobies job.
@ 1is1me #50…. You are right, but these people would vote for a rock if they liked the rock enough… There is no reason for there votes for jordan other than she is the typical blode who liked their favorite HG Jeff!!!
I think if we all vote by gameplay and be honest about it we would vote for kelvin and natatlie they did turn the game around in their favor. if jeff and jordan had’nt been so stupid to believe them and stuck with their f4 I do believe jeff would have still been there. Jordan does not deserve to even be in the f3. she has done nothing as for as gameplay if it were’nt for Jeff she would not even be there. I don’t like any of the f3 and don’t believe any of these 3 deserve the money. But as far as gameplay I would have to give my vote to kelvin and natatlie. Because that is part of the game, and everyone of the hg have had to lie. I just can’t give my vote to Jordan because america thinks she’s sweet or maybe they are just voting for her because they think she and jeff will continue a relationship outside of the house. I really don’t think Jeff would want america to vote for someone who had no gameplay. Even if it was a lie they turn the game in their favor. Even Jeff told russell that he would vote for machele if she made it to the end, because she actually had to play the game to stay. machele is no longer there. I do believe the jury house will vote kelvin if he goes to f2, with either one of them.
@ M #52…. I hope you are right!!!
leo you are right. they got sold for what CBS offered them. honestly Jeff and Jordan will never be together as a couple because Jeff is not interested in Jordan. he had no other option. if he was really interested in Jordan, he would promise her the trip. but he did not because he want a different girl. he is already in love with another girl ( upsss, I was not suppost to say this)
m you are so right, Kevin and natalie changed the game by doing action things.while jordan and jeff changed the game because America gave them the power but not because they were good en enough to change the game. and look as soon as the cout power was gone they could not make it any further.
@ 1is1me #54 & 55…. You are absolutely right… have you checked out my Survivor blog? If not, you should by going to ok? Have a good day!!!
@1is1me…you are right about Kevin and Natalie changing the game, however, Jeff remained in the game for three more weeks after the coup d’etat. Michelle won the next HOH, followed by Jordan, and then Jeff. When Kevin won the following week, he got rid of Jeff. The actual control of the game for Kevin and Natalie came during Jeff’s HOH week…
I think Kevin should tell Natalie. Their both really good friends, and close, so it would be so WRONG fro him to tell her.
Plus for the most part he has been completly honest with her so yea.
I mean she wont be able to do anything like change jury votes, so just tell her. She will get pissed, AS SHE SHOULD and throw bombs at u.
I mean u did swear on ur man, and everything. But he should tell her. Anyone else dont but thats ur friend. and she saved u once and voted the way u wanted.
If it was reversed u would want her to tell u.
Anyway i am not so sure now that Natalie will go even if Jordan wins.
Kevin is a guranteed locked against Natalie because he got Jef out.
Natalie needs to make that point, to Jordan.
Im still a fan even in these tough times. Its 4th quater and its 4th & 22 with no timeouts.
@ Dan #57…. Jeff himself said to Jordan the week he was evicted and during interviews after he was evicted that he wouldn’t have been in the game that long without America’s gift (CDT)…. 1is1me is absolutely right whether you like it or not bro!!!
@Leo…that wasn’t my point…I was reacting to the comment that after the coup d’etat power, they couldn’t go any further…which they did for about three more weeks. The Coup d’etat definitely changed the game for them…then Kevin and Natalie changed it back, against Jeff and Jordan. Check #55 again…
@Leo…in fact Jeff and Jordan’s heavy-handed approach to power during that time, pretty much sealed Jeff’s fate in the game…
I absolutely love this program. I am going to miss watching it this winter, but will be watching full force in the summer. I wish the live 3 hr show wasn’t on at midnight. If it started at 9pm to 12am that would be awesome!!
Kevin did in fact tell PigPen that if he was to win the last HoH, he indeed would not be taking her. He told her yesterday around 4:30 pm BBT. She in turn put on a smile and seemed none the wiser. Truth be told, i believe she thinks Jordan will take her. I highly doubt that, considering some of the very lengthy conversations she’s had with Kevin. She’s also talked more with him than she has with Nasty. Besides, Nat’s comments have gotta be waring thin on Jordo, about all her friends in the house.
@ Dan… That is right…. Out of the 3 remaining HG’s…. Jordan deserves the win the least
A winter Big Brother would be a dream come true. So many people want it and are talking about it. Give the fans what they want โฅ
@Leo…didn’t say that either…but, I know you by now!
@ Mikey…. I hope Jordan is dumb enough to take Kevin…. keving will win with votes from
Jesse (gameplay)
Russel (gameplay)
Lydia (BFF)
Natalie (out of spite for Jordan screwing her)
Who cares what Jeff / Michelle / America does
@ Dan…
Does Jordan deserve to win more that Kevin or Natalie? Explain why?
I hope she takes Kevin, even if it doesn’t win her 500k. As long as Nat doesn’t make it. She SHOULD NOT be rewarded for being an awful human being. It’s one thing to lie and backstab, it’s part of the game. But, to do it in the manner she did, is down right wrong. She did it with this holier than thou attitude. Chima esque if you will. Very tasteless speeches and comments that were totally unacceptable. JUST UNACCEPTABLE. Truly horrible words from a just as horrible person. Michelle never bashed Nat once. Yet here’s Nat running POOP from the mouth, and talking out her ass. No money for Nat, not even the money she’s given just to be there.
@Leo…I honestly think that, of the three people left, Kevin has played the best game, while keeping some semblance of sportsmanship. I can’t stand the way Natalie has played this game…the underhanded behind-the-back stuff. Taking others belongings, scheming with Lydia and Kevin regarding food and clothing. I can’t consider her as a better game player, when so much of her game is based on cheating. I understand the lies…they all do it…but to lie, just for the sake of lying is not ok with me.
As for Jordan, she has floated, has definitely not been perfect, but has not been as destructive, IMHO than Natalie…so, I place her second.
I also realize that everybody has their favorites, and are entitled to root for whoever they want. The back and forth here, for the most part, is fun and somewhat enlightening. I look forward to hanging out at your other site when Survivor starts.
@ Dan….. You can’t list me valid reasons for jordan deserving to win more than natalie… Opinions aren’t fact… Here are some facts
*** Natalie
Is in the game because of her actions with the LML
because of her alliances with Jesse / Kevin
because she won the HOH when she needed it
She has played the game because she needed to after the consecutive evictions of NBK members Ronnie / Jesse / Chima / Lydia
*** Jordan
Was given her HOH no matter how you spin it
Had an alliance with Jeff
hasn’t had to play the game because she was safe even after Jeff left because of michelle and K/n wanted Michelle out.
*** Give me facts… not opinions ***
It would be cool if they could get all of the past seasons WINNERS to play again in one show. The winners all know how to play the game so that would be an interesting show for sure.
@Leo…where do your “facts” differ from my “opinions”? You have a bias for Natalie and I have one against her…I admit it…the girl irritates the heck out of me. Since we are not given all the “facts”, I can only go by what I see and hear. I cannot condone her type of play, and “fact” or “opinion” don’t want her to win.
Im hoping for a Jordan win.
Heavy handed approach to power went against her but she seems to have floated right through it.
Floating IS a strategy..
Are you all forgetting that Jordan did beat Natalie by a landslide in the second round of the finals!! Did you also forget that her trusting and sincere personality is a great and honest way to play the game. Why does it have to be won by people that make up lies, not just about the game, but about peoples personalities. Jeff and Jordan both deserved to get as far as they did, especially due to the fact that this season was so personal and crazy…not game crazy, just head case crazy. Give Jordan the praise due her for winning on her own and if you noticed she had many times figured people out and was clued in to their lies…she just chose not to go there. It is also possible that her innocence keeps her from thinking like cheats and liars. You have to have that “special quality” to get your head around Natalie’s thinking. Kevin chose to be Natalie’s voice, so there would be “no blood on her hands” yet, as uncomfortable as he was…he chose blood, and she let him…what a friend!!! Jordan chose to play the game without being hateful…big difference between using lies to get you further in the game and just BEING a liar to discredit a person even after they are evicted.
@Leo…fact: Jordan is still there. Fact: she just beat Natalie head-to-head, when she needed to. Hope that helps…
@ Dan… See the facts I laid out… My opinion or yours won’t change those facts to opinions… Lists facts for why Jordan deserves to win… or don’t reply… Facts!!!
As JL pointed out….Kevin was Nats mouthpiece.
He took on the role willingly…and got all the blood on HIS hands therefore keeping her “clean” . If anyone could ever call Nat clesn.!
@ Dan… natalie irritating you doesn’t mean she deserves to win less than jordan… Fact…. kevin / nat have done more to be in the game and their LML is the only reason they are here on top of winning when they needed to… Kev HOH get rid on Jeff… nat won HOH – Kevin won pov get rid of Michelle….
@ Cat… I will holla at you on the Survivor site ok? Email me too!!!
I am out like common sense on this site!!!
Just because most of the focus was on Nat and Kevin doesnt mean they should win!
Jordan played a behind the scenes game and it worked…not everyone has to be front and center to win the game!
@ JL…. One challenge makes Jordan more deserving? let’s not forget that with 4-5 people left, Jordan was in last by a mile… Hmmmmm…. Did you forget that? L-O-L!!!
@Leo…keep reading…I did give you two “facts”…also, no matter how you slice it, Jeff/Jordan were responsible for getting rid of Jessie and Lydia, and pulling Russell over to their side…all members of the other alliance. Again, fact, Jordan is still in the house…
You make a great point…Jordan is still in the house…therefore she is deserving.
@ Dan…. get your facts right bro
Jordan wanted Russell out…
Jeff is the reason why Jesse was booted and also why Russell was back doored… let’s not bs around here… Jeff get’s props for those moves… not jordan… Bring facts and not lies….
LOL @ Leo. Talk about not knowing the difference between a fact and opinion. No need to spin here.
Is in the game because of her actions with the LML -OPINION
Not necessarily. If she had pulled that LML the other way, Russel and Michelle would have seen right through it and taken action against Nat. And that is opinion (I won’t pretend it’s Fact)
because of her alliances with Jesse / Kevin -OPINION
Subjective. People are also saying that being so close to Jesse has hindered her standing with the others in the house.
because she won the HOH when she needed it -OPINION
Please. Every HOH “she needed” to win. She should have won the countless POVs to make sure she stayed in the house. But she didn’t. Cause she sucks. Again, my own personal opinion and take on it.
She has played the game because she needed to after the consecutive evictions of NBK members Ronnie / Jesse / Chima / Lydia -OPINION
What BS. She always needs to win and play smart. Riding coattails, I guess is a strategy. A seriously sucky one, but still.
However, you expose your sever case of hypocrisy when you utter these “arguments”:
“Was given her HOH no matter how you spin it”
Whatever that means. So when a house guest bargains for HOH (Like when Russ and Jeff were hanging and made a deal) that wasn’t game? This is no different. “You throw this comp and I’ll get your back.” Deal.
“Had an alliance with Jeff”
I have no idea what you are smoking (well i do have an idea but I won’t mention it) but this is the only “fact” here, albeit a little subjective (she could have been playing him and kept it to herself).
“hasnโt had to play the game because she was safe even after Jeff left because of michelle and K/n wanted Michelle out.”
* Yawn * So you have no idea of what deflection means. Gotcha.
Leo, you have a sever case of “trying too hard”.
@ Cat… So natalie is deserving because she is still in the house? Let’s not be a hypocrite… I guess everyone is just as deserving right Cat?
@Cat…How are you, my dear? I feel like I did when I used to referee soccer…vicious fans!
@JL…keep it up…I need some support!
@ HardyHarHar…. If kevin never approached jeff with the LML would jeff have ever apporached michelle / Russell about that issue? No…
get your facts and mind right ok?
Does ANYONE not realize that the one with the blood on their hands win. Will, Boogie, Maggie, Jun, ED. Seriously folks who are we kidding here. The Jurors WILL SEE that having someone else do your dirty work is an act of cowardice, i.e. Season 3 with Danielle, 4 with Allison, 8 with Danielle. The list goes on. It shows that, yeah you concocted schemes, but didn’t have the BALLS to do the work yourself. And if you think you can get away with it you’re sadly mistaken.
Yes Nat is still in the house and therefore deserving to be there…i never said she wasnt.
I just think Jordan whipping Nats butt on the last comp proves she was paying attention all along…floatin IS a strategy and one that Jordan used well!
@Leo…your veins are popping out of your neck, I think…my “opinions” do equate to your “facts”…we just disagree. Let’s move forward, please?
Its a dirty job but you can do it :)
@ hardy har har…. Jeff and jordan with the HOH was no were near the deal he made with russ because he knew 100% he was safe with jordan… take your head out your ass and bring facts bro!!! If you bring that non sense to my site, I will ban you…. Bring facts or don’t bring sh**
@Cat #92
I agree floating is a strategy and look how far it has gotten her.
@HadyHarHar…well said…I guess my “opinions” don’t carry as much weight as other “facts”…
@Cat…I think I’m done now…came here for fun, but it’s looking like doing my real job is more fun than putting up with rabid fanaticism!
@ Cat… that was for the poeple saying neither K/N deserve to win…. You made my point and made them look like hypocrites… keep bringing facts Cat and maybe these airheads will learn to do the same becuase I will backdoor people who don’t bring substance from my site with no second thought to it…
Hey it takes us women to bring some sense to the hot headed men :)
Floaters unite!
@Leo Given that Jesse would not hug or even shake kevins hand when he left the house, do you think its possible that this may be the one time he wouldn’t vote game if Kevin was in f/2?
I feel like im back in fifth grade…on the playground :)
Floating is a quiet strategy and no one wants to give it any creedence because it is boring and uniteresting…but genious.
@Cat…the name-calling has started…see you later…your friend, the Airhead…
Dont go…the fun has just begun :)
I perfer quiet strategy to over the top backstabbing!!! Nats strategy turns me off to rooting for her.
Leo, still doesn’t know what facts are. Highly opinionated statements do not equal facts.
From websters:
fact (fฤkt)
1. Knowledge or information based on real occurrences: an account based on fact; a blur of fact and fancy.
2. Something demonstrated to exist or known to have existed: Genetic engineering is now a fact. That Chaucer was a real person is an undisputed fact.
3. A real occurrence; an event: had to prove the facts of the case.
4. Something believed to be true or real: a document laced with mistaken facts.
5. A thing that has been done, especially a crime: an accessory before the fact.
Law The aspect of a case at law comprising events determined by evidence: The jury made a finding of fact.
None of those fit your “facts”.
@Cat #105
Me too. And Nat’s lies weren’t to advance her game, as someone else posted, she lied just for the sake of it.
Well come on people…ya get my Irish up and then leave!!!
I don’t think I have ever seen a houseguest with such a negative following as Natalie. Even Evel Dick. Natalie almost brags about the fact that her being alligned with Jessie makes people not like her. I don’t like her for tons of reasons. But, the fact that she was like a leech hanging on to Jessie, letting him do all the work of winning and bloodying his hands. Even though she proclaimed to love her boyfriend, she sure cuddled up with Jessie a little too much for a committed girl. She runs her mouth like she knows everything. The rules of chess, the rules of Big Brother, how previous seasons of big brother have went… Natalie knows it all! Blah Blah Blah. Her joy in the lie. She lies when there is no reason to lie, just because she likes to. I think some of houseguests, (Jordan most of all), have put up with alot from her, thinking she is 18. When Jordan finds out that she is 2 years older than her, she will feel much differently. I truly hope, if Jordan wins HOH, she takes Natalie. I think Kevin will win otherwise. I am just hoping that the jury grilling of Natalie is as juicy as I hope it will be.
Floatting is a Legit strategy because it HAS produced winners. Jun,Dan,Lisa,and Adam were “floaters” and they are now 500k richer. If Jordan wins while being a floater than oh well, it’s not like it’s never occured before.
@ Dingo…. Jesse probably would’nt have voted for Jeff at that moment, but he was willing to vote for Jeff when Russell came because of game reasons…
*** Questions ***
Natalie / Kevin would not still be in the game without the LML?
Kevin would have been out before the Final 4 is Michelle / Jordan won the HOh instead of Kevin?
Michelle / Jeff were always going to be targeted by K/N because they were bigger threats than jrodan?
jeff / jordan were even going to get rid of Michelle before natalie because Michelle was a better competitor?
these are questions of fact… not my opinion… See the difference hardyharhar? My opinion won’t change the answers… neither will yours…
Thanks for helping me make my point :)
@ Cat…. I will get at you after I get out of class and workout ok? *** O~N~E ***
@Cat…had to do some real work…I’m back…didn’t know you were Irish! Are you going to ban me from Survivor site, too?
@Cat – always. Someone has to defend the sassy wife!
Jordon won 2 other comp and the golf. She could still win pt 3. She helped Jeff make the decisions,she had to vote to help take these people out. Only thing Nat won was a comp tie breaker. J/J took out Jessie and Russell- big players. They believed Nat/Kev because Michelle confirmed Russell said he wanted Jeff out. They tried getting J/J out early in the game- well Jordon is still here! K/n didn’t do stuff until most of the big players were out. Wish BB was on again before next summer. How could anyone say it was boring? Nat can blame Michelle for Chima but Chima started not obeying rules at least day 6. If she had stayed things could have been way different!
@Leo…don’t need you or your site…
Never…you are always welcome there…i’ll send you a key :)
@Cat #108 Trying being both German and Irish! Well one thing we can all agree on is FACT: Natalie, Jordan, and Kevin are in the final three. Try and refute that!
@ Dan… Don’t visit it then… No loss for me… bring facts or go to another site…. it is up to you Dan!!!!
@ Cat…. I told Dan the deal… he can either play by my rules or kick rocks!!!
When did civility in adult conversations leave this blog site?
@Cat…I beg to differ…
@Leo…I choose kicking rocks…
@ Mikey… When harddharhar and Dan lost site of what a fact / opinions is… A fact is the same even when people disagree..
@ Dan… Sounds good to me…..
Jordan is to dumb to have a strategy. she just made it to f2 because the others new just how dumb she was . she is nothing without jeff. people would not even care for jordan if it was’nt for jeff.
@Dan – hey man, for what it’s worth. It will only get worse if you respond to Leo. He will only get worse. My advice is to just ignore him and not let this become a pissing contest.
LEO what is your facts strategy is part of the game a fact can be done any way so does it matter.
@Leo…I get the feeling you are one step from taking your ball and going home…good luck with that…
@ Cat…. You get the keys to the bentley… i have the keys to you… Am i wrong? :) :P :D ;)
@Mikey…thanks…you’re obviously right, and I will stop…sorry all…
Just wait ’til he starts “singing”.
@Leo – Facts are in the Eye of The Beholder my friend. And there are truly no unbiased opinions, because there are truly no unbiased people.
@ Jeanette…. I have been pulling out opinions and scenarios from day one on this site… I may not agree with other Hg’s fans, but i respect there opinions as long as it is based on fact… Like Cat saying all three are still in the house, so they all deserve to win… That is a fact… Jordan fans should remember that before crying neither K/N deserve to win ok?
@ Mikey… Cat loves Jordan… but she made a great point about all 3 deserving to win because they are still in the game…. That is a fact that i can’t dispute even though my opinion is jordan doesn’t deserve to win… See the difference between my opin ion and a fact presented by cat? that is why i always say bring facts becuase i am glad to admit her fact outweighs my opin ions about jordan!!!
#48 Peggy
Your post is music to my ears.
(Jordan, $50K)
Are you going to ban me too?
I love to kick rocks..just ask Dan!
I will kick rocks with the best of them and i love a good debate but this pissing contest is a sorry excuse for adult conversation.
Man, take a chill pill and lets have a good laugh at what these three call gameplay :)
@ Midwest fan… Do you really want k-Town to win?
Jordan is a good player just because she did it different it does not matter she better then Natalie. Facts Natalie gave up her comps. Fact Jordan tried on all comps. Natalie stayed with more HOH people so I do not understand why people think she did not Little Miss. Coat Tail
Ah, the 3 girls crying over one womanizing, jackass. Setting women back 20 yrs.
@ Jeannette… That is a fact what you posted in #140… See people… There are facts i don’t agree with, but i can’t dispute… thanks you jeannete for the facts… You are right!!!
@Cat – please tell me you agree.
@ Cat…. Read 142 ok? get at me via email ok?
Agree totally :)
@ Cat… Check your email ok?
@ Everyone… have a good night!!!
@Cat – @Dan – whats with the KEY theme again today?
@Leo…can’t respond…kicking rocks…
@ cat… P.S. i assume you will be saying Kevin / natalie both deserve to win if Jordan is evicted right?
@Kelli…Cat and I are now a couple…can’t tell you what we are a couple of…but…she has my key if she wants it…
I see that Leo is at it again. Leo why are you so nasty to other bloggers? I can’t believe Matt would condone such behavior from you toward Dan.
@ Dan…. What si there to say? Have fun I guess!!!! I have moved on…
@Dan – sounds like Leo is trying to get your girl……”hey cat…email me”…..hmmmmm you gonna stand by and let that happen???
@ Amos…. I like facts…. Please reffer to #142 & #149!!!
Hey Leo, since yuo are so much into FACTS: What is the FACT about Kevin seeing a banner on a plane today at 2:10 BBT? Any FACTS on that yet? I’ll give you a hint, the trivia screen has been on ever since…
@ Kelli… Cat is a moderator…. No need for that sillyness ok?
***Fact vs Oppinion***
Fact: Natalie has come up short numerous times in crucial POV tournaments either for her or her allies.
Fact: Natalie and Kevin were never distinct allies until they were forced to team up after the evictions of Lydia and Chima.
Fact: No matter how you spin it, the ‘LML’ lie worked. Jeff took Kevin off the block to replace him with Russell.
Fact: Natalie put alot of pressure on Kevin when she took herself out of what was arguably considered the most important POV of the season. This after she put him on the block as part of her “plan” to manipulate the other houseguests.
Fact: Natalie has thrown competitions knowing that her allies were on the verge of winning (e.g. Smore’s competition)
Fact: Probably one of the dumbest moves in BB History by throwing the one competition she ‘most likely’ would have won. She’ll be thinking about that one for a LONG time.
@Cat…I guess I’ll have to wait until next BB season to chat with you after tomorrow…it’s been a lot of fun! I’m going to a hockey game tomorrow night, so will miss most of the craziness after the final decision…
@Leo – you like facts? #146 you said YOU WERE LEAVING……why ya still here? TEE HEEE!!!
@ Amos… I have stated multiple time that I stiopped watching the feeds because i don’t like the finale set ups… Please reffer to my posts throughout on here today ok?
@Cat don’t email a bully. If Leo is a bully on this site, he’ll be a bully on HIS site.
@ Kelli… I am on my cell phone… In class… dammit… I just got caught.. Fact… I am an idiot for blogging in class… L~O~L!!!
@Amos…thanks! The chat sometimes just gets louder…sorry I was a part of it…
#157 perfect!
AND i LOVE #87
162 – Leo – pay attention in class and be good!!
I certainly hope people wont be banned from the Survivor site due to voicing their opinion!
@Dan…you are welcome where ever i am or else i guess im not welcome too :)
Dan, no need to apologize for getting bullied by Leo. His attacks on you were terrible.
He has his opinions and we have ours. Jordan has done much more in this game than Natalie. We’ll see tomorrow night how many Jury House members agree with US.
Fact – Natalie lucked into the HoH. If Jordo would’ve kept her first answer, PigPen would’ve been S.O.L.!
Fact – Nat got her rear end served to her on a silver platter in part 2 of the Final HoH comp. By Jordo might I add.
Fact – Nat may have concocted the LML. But she refused to be the one to implement it. AN ACT OF COWARDICE. NO RISK, NO REWARD.
Fact – Nat calling Michelle a liar and the devil, WHEN SHE HERSELF IS A LIAR!
Fact – Nat did exactly what Jessie did when he nominated Casey. Dress up like a DOUCHE BAG and wear sunglasses so you can’t look someone in the eye while you talk S###.
Fact – PigPen bad mouthed everyone after they’ve been evicted. Why? And to what purpose? To look like an ASS!
Fact – Nat did in fact go make Jessie a sandwich when CAsey told her to.
Fact – She lied about PB because it was for the sake of LYING. There was nothing strategic about it. She talked to the houseguests afterwards and the reasoning of seeing a loved one in exchange for not competing in the Veto would have been understood.
Fact – She knew she would not be able to compete in Veto and STILL put Kevin on the Block. Thus selling her supposed “partner” down the river.
@Leo #152, #154, #156…nice to see you’ve moved on…
I didn’t want to post anything because of Leo’s tactics. I’m afraid to voice my opinions because of people like him. I am glad that people stand up to these type of people.
Leo are you a moderator on this site? If so, I’d like to report you to Matt.
@Mikey #167
Excellent post!
Betsy – Leo is all talk….he can talk the talk but not walk the walk!!
@sservie – i try.
@Amos…to feel bullied, I would have to be beaten in some way…restating with anger and refusing to see the other side might be stubbornness, but I see both sides, and I obviously am sticking to my side. Banning me from a site because I don’t agree is something I think I can live with, although there are an awful lot of nice people I’ve met here. My favorites in this game have been gone for awhile. I see that my feelings are mirrored by the vast majority of people on here…I’m ok with that. But, thanks for having my back!
“Natalie / Kevin would not still be in the game without the LML?”
That is speculation..There is no way of knowing what MIGHT have happened if they hadn’t used the LML.
@Dan – what have I missed…..did you get banned? i’m lost…….
Leo and Dan
Whoa! You, two, are sending sparks out from the blog.
Agree to disagree.
I left out…And therefore NOT a fact.
The reason BB does well is the fact that it is on in the summertime. Summer is the pits for tv nothing is on so out of desperation I watch it, but if it was on the regular season when there are other good programs on I would not waste my time. Although , I am grateful to have something to watch in the summer.
@Kelli…I questioned a post and have had Leo on my a** ever since…that’s all…
Continuing #176
Besides, you should both know that only MY OPINION
Wow I didnt get censored it is good to see 1 of my comments has made it online.
I feel like somebody just offered me a blindfold and a cigarette…
@Kelli…see #55 and #57…
@Cat…don’t want to see that happen!
@dan – maybe he will stay off your @ss now that he is in cl@ss!!
Fact – her getting served in part 2 just means that even if she would’ve “tried” in past comps, she would’ve still SUCKED!
Fact – PigPen IS a bully! Look at what she and Jessie were doing to people outside of the Nerd Herd 2. They would pull people in to the HoH and basically threaten them if they didn’t play ball.
Fact – Nat is in fact greedy. When she found out that Kev was locked in the PB room, she DID NOT go find the key. She instead left him there and went and grabbed more money! What a true TEAM PLAYER!(Hint of sarcasm)
Fact – She is also selfish. She REFUSED to share beds. Which is something everyone in the house did. She was the only one he DID NOT DO IT! And she lashed out at Lydia for calling her out on it.
Fact – She wasn’t even that enthused to get engaged to her boyfriend. Matter a fact she didn’t even kiss him or say goodbye when the time was up. She didn’t even give that fool a Hug. Aren’t you supposed to show affection to those you love. ESPECIALLY YOUR FIANCE!
another good one…keep it up!
Could you email that to Leo :)
@Kelli…I don’t know…I have a nice a**…
These facts have just seemed to come to me for some reason. OHHHHHHHHH, that’s right…BECAUSE IT HAPPENED!
Thats important info your giving out there :)
@Cat…I like to share…
I hope you didnt mean that in a kinky way…
@Cat…of course I did…
@mushroom…I sense a theme…
Thank god…i was startin to worry
When I saw the sparks shooting out of my computer,
I assumed x-rev was online. Ha!
Does Natalie need to teach you Taekwondo?
@Cat…I have never been on this type of site before…are the creators always so belligerent?
@Midwest Fan
If it was x-rev…there would have been flames :)
No…Leo is unique
BTW, since Michelle is officially at the JH, doesn’t that mean that Natalie has officially stolen her glovse? Or perhaps we just don’t know that BB made her return the gloves prior to her leaving.
Natalie is a thief and a cheat. That is my opinion and it is also a FACT.
:-) Yay for facts!
@Cat…if a site has no visitors, is it still a site??
It is a fact, that it is my opinion, that I want Jordan to win part 3 :)
Fact – Nat said “Chima just dropped her mic next to the platform” when clearly she chucked the damn thing INTO THE JACUZZI ON PURPOSE! This is NOW lying for the sake of LYING! This proves that SHE TRULY BELIEVES ANYTHING COMING OUT OF HER MOUTH! WOW!
Fact – She lied about her age. Really? Even Casey knew better. There was nothing strategic to that lie. None what so ever. Why? Because her age still wouldn’t have effected her game. She still would’ve done the things she did, and spoken the same lies to the same people. All she did was ruin a Margarita party that Casey sacrificed his veto chances for. He also did it for the house.
Fact – She was aligned with Ronnie the Rat. Her aligning with him says something about her. She showed what her character was by siding with him, probably the most hated HG in the history of the game. He was also one who believed everything coming out of his mouth. Hmmmmmmm…i sense a trend here.
Is that a trick question?
If a blog has no bloggers…is it still a blog?
Dan #201
NO, teh creators of these sites are usually NOT bad. Usually they do not allow such behavior as Betsy stated. Matt is the BBN creator and host. Matt’s name is in Blue and he has a gray area around his comments when he posts.
Stick around Dan my man, don’t let bullies like Leo upset you.
I’ll give you some advice, when someone starts antagonizing you, just igmore them. Others will see how rude and nasty they are.
Have a good night. I’m on my way to see the football game on ESPN.
Go Pats!!
@Amos…thanks! I’m not upset, really, just surprised. See, I thought these sites were full of opinions…a place that people could agree to disagree. I do react to venom poorly, though…good luck in the game!
@Cat…it’s the old tree in the forest question…maybe we should start an “agree with me or else!” blog…
You could be the host and i would be the moderator….what a team we would make :)
Fact – She was willing to sell out her own alliance at the time by possibly getting rid of Russell. She eventually backed off the notion, but to bring it up in the first place, well that would just set off alarms in my mind. If your name doesn’t start with Je and end with ssie than you need to be worried.
Fact – Her “This was for you Chima” speech means she condoned everything, that hateful person did in the house. Wow.
Fact – Nat cheats at EVERYTHING! She can’t even play a fair game of anything against her “friends”. She cheats at chess. She cheats at pool(There is clear video evidence of this). She even cheats in comps. Case in point, during the first part of the Final HoH they were instructed to hold THE KEY at all times. She did not do that at certain points. She was holding the rope and not the key at certain points of the comp. Boo BB for not calling it.
Your a man of many words…and their all good :)
@Cat…you have way more tact than me…you should be the host(ess)…or the hottest…
@Mikey…wish I would have said just one or two of those things…
They get to confront Natalie about her age, lies, agenda and motive before any voting, right? How much time will they allow her to babble on and on about her reasons and convictions…justifications in the game? I am so sick of watching and listening to her unrelentless stream of b.s. and messed up logic. It would be horrifying to see your daughter on national television proving you to be the most irresponsible, twisted evil doctor who created and nurtured this monster who has been turned loose in society and wreaking havoc to anyone or anything in her path. And to top it all off …she thinks that she, Chima, Ronnie and Jessie are the GOOD GUYS? That is a scary and very dangerous person…her dad is a used-car salesman? She acts and thinks like a criminal and everything about her screams..”DON’T TRUST ME”. And you know she never takes responsibility for herself unless it is for something positive or gainful. She thinks she has everyone in the jury house on her side, what do you think they are going to say to her? And does she really think that lying about her age to everbody is going to work to her advantage? Dumb! Don’t you think she’ll be shocked? Think she’ll fall off that pedestal she’s built for herself? I want to see her SPLAT! Is Kevin really going to get rid of Natalie? Tell me you think so, please!!!Go Jordan…all the way to the bank baby.I CAN NOT WAIT TIL TUESDAY!
The hostest with the mostest :)
always hated that expession but now it has new meaning for me :)
@Dan – iknow man, and i feel for ya’. But there is just so many “facts” regarding PigPen. There are facts for Jordo or Kev, but there are just not as many. And nowhere near as negative. :)
@Mikey…I just can’t respect a game played like that….that is also a fact!
I may be a moderator on Leo’s new Survivor site but you can equate that to Nat looking at the spy screen in the HOH….sounds good but doesnt mean sh*t! I want ALL my friends here to feel like we can discuss BB or Survivor without feeling like someone like Natalie is coming down on ya! :)
@Mikey–Unless I missed it in one of your many blogs, you forgot to mention the FACT that she rarely took showers and chewed with her mouth open and full of food. Just thought I’d add fuel to the fire. I like your FACTs.
@Dan – true dat’. She gets what she deserves, and neither one of them will take her to F2. Not mention after Kevin telling Nat he will not take her, he just needs to drop the hammer on the LML to Jordo before Nasty does. If Nasty gets to it, she’ll blame evrything on Kev. And we cannot have that happen, can we folks?
*I meant to say and talked with it full of food. Going back and forth from my computer work to the BB blog is proving to be a challenge at this point in the day.
#138 Leo
Sorry, but I don’t want Natalie to win a penny.
Kevin, Yes!
Hopefully the $500K
BTW – A plane with a banner was noticed. According to
Kevin the banner read, “Trust Natalie!”
According to Natalie, the banner stated, “Kevin is a Liar.”
More Michele bashing…………….
Jordan doesn’t think she and Jeff had a “Showmance.”
Duh! Huh?
Crickets ………………………
@seannie – thank you for that fact. I was just about to post it. so thanks for saving me some time. But i have more and they’ll get posted like the others.
@Cat…honestly, this has been a great diversion for me…I have had a few battles, but it’s all been good, and fun. It’s hard to sense tone with chatting on line, so sometimes humor is seen as tactlessness, and becomes “fightin’ words”. There has to be a way to keep this fun, or it isn’t worth it. I do have a very good life away from the computer, though…
@Mikey…you’re right about the LML…I hope Kevin spills on that first…
M and Leo are the only logical, sane people on this site. Hey, did anybody see the conversation between Jeff and Jordan last night? What a riot! Shows what a nitwit that woman is. Jeff and Jordan were like the blind, leading the blind. If Jordan wins, it will show that being dumb pays. Kevin is a loser for not taking Natalie to the Final 2. He promised her and she carried him throughout the game. He IS AS MUCH A LIAR AS THE OTHER TWO. This is the worst Big Brother Season ever. None of them deserve a nickel.
Blogs just suck people right in :)
It has to be fun or not worth it…im going to make sure no one ruins the fun for everyone else….i have my ways!!!! (said with an evil laugh)
@Cat…I just found out that I’m insane…wow!
From Jokers:
“Natalie says if Kevin betrays her and sends him out he will lose her vote and Jessie’s vote and he cant win and she wont allow him to win if he votes her out.”
Fact – Nat believes that Jessie was nothing but awesome towards her. WOW! Really? Seeing as you turned and pointed out everything he did that was so wrong to Lydia. YOU ANALYZED THE FACT THAT HE TREATED YOU 2 LIKE CRAP, AND YOU STILL LOVE HIM. Not to mention you sleeping in the same bed as another dude when you’ve got a boyfriend back home. SKANK! Once again setting women back like 20 years with her behavior. Or do the women out there still claim her as female.
Ive been accused of worse :)
Nat thinks she rules the universe. I cant wait to see her jaw drop when Jordon wins :)
I wouldn’t claim her as a human being!!!!
This site and all of the back and forth “FUN” yammerings
has been the only thing keeping my interest in BB11.
My favorite, Michele is gone.
I don’t care for any of the F3.
And like you and everyone else, this is fun or not worth taking
up my time. And kitchen space ………. my laptop is surrounded
by fresh fruits and veggies.
Nat really believes she can control Jesse’s vote. How arrogant.
Midwest – The final three are bad, badder, and baddest, in no particular order.
@sservie – It strikes me as funny that Nat has no clue that the JH has completely turned on her. And i can’t wait to see her get evicted and fall flat on her face with the JH. Right now she’s the most hated person still in the house, with the Jurors. LMAO is what will happen when it goes down.
I can’t wait!!!
I think they tried a winter event once. It was a miserable show. I like BB in the summer. It has to be on three times a week or it is not interesting. And three times a week is just too much in the winter when there are “better” things to watch.
I can’t help but wonder who would be left if the “people” were the evictors – like on Idol.
Well said!
The expression on Nat’s face will be priceless!
I’m pretty sure if Nat plays Scrabble, it’ll be just like Shaq in that commercial. Just makin’ up the damned words.
Nat was told STRAIGHT TO HER FACE by Kevin he would not take her to final 2. She is so much in her own world, that she is not taking it seriously. Kevin WAS NOT just playing nice for the DR. He meant what he said.
I hope Kevin sticks to that decision..hes not been so decisive in the past…
@Cat & Dan–Well, you’re in good company and whose definition of insanity??
Surely at this late stage of the game Kev knows he has to let Nat go.
There is no chance in H E L L but if by some rare
freakish chance Natalie should win the $500K,
this site is going to go “POOF.”
Redhead will be thrilled and a few others but
overall it will be a “Shock Heard Round the Reality TV World.”
However, I think the continuing J/J Show, $500K & Fan Favorite
will be on the air tomorrow night.
@Midwest Fan…this site is filled with fruits and vegetables…ok…that was just a little joke…no yelling please…
Hey, people. I’ve been without sanity since i reached the age of reason. I’m doing just fine…or is that something i just tell myself from…myself?
I caught myself talking to myself the other day….does that count or do all of you do that too? :)
YAH… YAH…etc I agree with Dan, Cat, Mikey, Masiquoto…I agree with every FACT they have brought up in the past 2 hrs==we will prevail!!! FYI: meaning of prevail: To be greater in strength or influence; triumph!!! yah yah yah!
@seannie #246…I just do as I’m told…don’t want to get banned…
Tonight, everyone should say their prayers or whatever
spiritual or elevating source of inner strength and comfort
they enjoy to prepare themselves for the Finale.
* I’m going shopping for several bottles of wine.
@Midwest Fan
I like how you think :)
Being the bad boy that you are…i doubt if you ever do what your told!!! :)
@Cat…how the heck do you know so much about me? It’s kinda eerie…like a lake…
I told you i have my evil ways…..
Can we get banned just for giving our opinions?
I might as well jump in the shark tank:
The famous LML had nothing to do with anything except to make Nat and her lapdog Kevin be proud of telling a lie. It was not a lie.They claim it was the most important part of their game. Jordan explained the other night that they were going to backdoor Russell the week before but decided to get crazy Lydia out instead. Otherwise Russell would have gone home BEFORE the LML, and it was already decided that when they got the chance again he was gone.
For those who say Jordan did nothing: She joined in a an alliance with Jeff which served her quite well. If Jeff had one that last POV that Michelle won, He and Jordan would be final two.
Big Brother was formed as a social experiment and thank God the good guys can get ahead in society w/o being a lying ,stinking, cheating a$$.hole
@ Mikey- The camera caught Natalie cheating at solitaire last week of all things!
Only if you piss off the unique one…otherwise known as Leo :)
@Budman…we only deal in facts here…sorry…
SEE, she can’t even play a game by herself without cheating. JESUS, MAN! What the hell is wrong with this chick/little boy?
@Budman…it’s only cheating if you get caught, and then it’s ok if you lie your way out of it…or throw somebody else under the bus…
You guys are cracking me up!!!!!
I’ll be right back folks. I has to start cooking.
@Cat #259…I figured…
Leo and Cat go to CBS Big Brother .com ot other sights were the BIOs. are kept read Natatlie Bio tell me what you think?
I’ll be back in 5 minutes….have to go send a nasty email :)
I have to go get a life…I’ll be back in a year…
So, what your saying is that if Leo is on I better just read.
I do not have facts but Dan express all my OPINIONS
thank you Dan
I’m trying to finish up work here and I can’t stop laughing. My boss just walked in and asked what was so funny–oh well.
@la…I can’t answer that right now (…psst…you can say whatever you want on this site, as long as it’s clean and not abusive…unless you know the host…)…but, thanks!
#269 Jeanette
I know your post wasn’t directed at me but I read her bio and it’s all right there in black and white.
She has no problem lying, cheating and stealing to win this game….Wow
@Mikey(#233)- Sorry just getting caught up! As Kevin pointed out to her at Jessie’s “wake”, Jessie put her on the block the very first week. If it hadn’t been for Ronnie-Rat, Natalie would have been the first person evicted.
sservie has said it all….Nat is exactly as she describes herself…someone that has no conscience and a lie rolls off her tongue like honey (that last part was for you Dan)
I think there should be a CELBRITY BB…like the celebrity apprentice!
@Budman–Wasn’t that Chima? Because Natalie was an athlete (what a joke!).
@Cat…da*n you!
I truly dislike Natalie, but in another part of my heart I feel sorry for her. She cannot receive loyalty if she cannot give it.
That most be a sad life
@ seannie- Yes you are absolutely right! Please forgive me everybody I got my facts twisted. I hope I don’t get banished!
@Budman…you are thisclose (thumb and forefinger almost touching) to being banned…
Yes. Chima and Lydia were the first ones on the block, but Lydia wente to talk to Jessie and got replaced by Brendan
I think but don’t hold me 100% to it
What is LML, im new here.
I just read that actor Patrick Swayze has died…loved him in “RoadHouse”
@Chrgergrl…Last Minute Lie, made up by Kevin and Natalie, to save their behinds and put the eviction spotlight on Russell and Michelle…turned out to be pretty true…that Russell and Michelle were going to try to get rid of Jeff if they got the chance…
Shouldn’t you be getting ready for the football game?
@Cat…that’s very sad…
The Fact Song
Fact number One,
Natalie is Done.
Fact number Two,
She’s hated by the Crew.
Then you have fact number Three,
She thought vagina holes pee.
I present fact number Four,
Lydia was a whore.
Fact number Five,
Finale show is Live.
No denying fact number Six,
This season was full of Dicks.
And fact number Seven,
Runner-up will be Kevin!
@289…I was humming along…
I was singing out loud :)
What sad news.
The Charges better beat the Raiders! I dislike the Raiders as I’m from KC and a Chiefs fan but now living in the SF Bay Area. Sorry, off BB topic.
Kudos! Well done ………… except I MUST change two of the verses.
: )
Fact Number Two,
Jordan’s Out too.
And Fact Seven,
Kevin is Winner of BB11!
I heard the 40,000th person to blog on this sight wins a free laptop! Fact or fiction?
Dan, thank you now I remember..And yes I am…Go Chargers! Hav a Good Nite all.
@Budman, ask Leo, he’s the decider of Facts.
Your getting your facts twisted again…the 40,000th person gets a lap dance :)
ok…I am all for another BB…but if its being pushed because of the ratings caused by this years drama…then my fear is that BB12 will be fake…and the next thing you know it will become another “Real world”…where everything is drama and sex….and to me thats not entertianment….
@Cat…I think I’m #40,000…
@Budman #295 This is like Ross Matthews little fact or fiction game he does with the evicted houseguests. I love it.
#299…Fact! Sex is good!
#303 I second that!
Glad to see you dont have your facts twisted…just your shorts :)
Oops, is this a family blog?
Congratulations Dan! Natalie will be by this weekend to give you the prize!
@Cat #305…I swear you can see me…
@Budman…sorry…I only like women…
ok…that wasn’t nice…sorry…
I also have x-ray vision….not to be confused with x-rev vision :)
#307 & #309
Is Cat the resident vixen? Growwwwl!
@Cat #311…I feel like you can see right through me…I feel so violated…
@Dan, that wasn’t nice… it was a…. FACT!
Cat – Dan
: )
LMAO…vixen?….im just a little kitty cat :)
@Midwest Fan…LMAO…
@Midwest Fan
Forgot to tell you Dan was an exhibitonist :)
@Cat and @Midwest Fan…it’s true…I’ll show you…
Has anyone seen the segment where question’s are asked of the houseguests on It’s called “You ask, They tell”
Someone asked Natalie what her legacy will be or how she wants to be remembered as a BB11 player? She sz that “what you see, is what you get”. She is just going to be herself.. omg.. So… she is really a big fat liar in the real world!! She was also asked something about twists. She sd she would like one of the twists to be that you can compete for HOH every week, because then she is “golden”!! OMG… she makes me ill just listening to her go on and on and on….she ended up being a nothing, if you ask me! Nothin’ but stinky! She is so full of herself…
Cat just keeps everyone straight
You’re shameless!
Translation- Great Fun!
Nat is a dud…not a milk dud…but a complete waste of air. She lies everyday and twice on Sunday. Yes she is what you see…
you guys…. Patrick Swayze has died So sad :O(
ok…Dan you’ll get your wish….soon there will be a BB driven by media ratings…Jeff/Jordan and Chima have laid the foundation of a plastic Game and the DR will be making the game moves…soon you’ll yern for days of real game play…the days of ED,Boogie and Dan…..
And I heard if you smell something funkee, she has or is around….per Kevin!!!
Cat – Dan
If it’s safe, I’ll check back later on.
*Put a tie on the mouse.
@#321…Natalie did get to compete in every HOH contest…kinda weird…
shoot ruined that one… i meant if you smell somethin’ funkee, Nastalie has been, or is around…per kevin!!
@329 she said all this crap early in the game or before she went in the house…it’s not dated..but she was so full of herself..does she not listen to herself when she is talking??
No one listens to her when she talks…not even her! Her voice is like the sound of some kind of insect…oh yeah, a Gnat! :)
Nastalie thought she would actually win every HOH because she is “golden” strong… and so smart…ugh please??? that’s what i assume she meant with the comment she made about “competing in HOH every week”…..she won one right?? ohhh….. she is my Idol BB Player…..NOT !!!!!!
@Cat I’d love to be a “GNAT” on the wall when Nastalie goes home…a LOSER!!
It funny how the application says to be honest with answers and I guess someone lied guess who LOL
Where did everyone go :)
Hellooo…is there ANYBODY in here? Just answer if you can hear me…is there anyone at home?
They all went beddie bye early to rest up so they can watch Nastalie lose…..!
ANHITH-Your name is too long to respond to. Hope your parents didn’t give you that name-LOL
I agree but I swore last week not to Natalie bash any more otherwise I would be right there with you.
Clarification needed…… Jordan fans say she deserves to win because she is still in the house right? Sounds good to me….. Will you say that about N/K if J is evicted?
Im going to take a page from your book…no more Nat bashing after tomorrow :)
P.S. I have yet to have one peraon show me one statement i said wasn,t correct…… Did NFK make the biggest move this season with the LML? ED, Janelle, Danielle and Mike Boogie think so…. I guess like me they are wrong too right?
Last but not least…… Cat & Dan and anyone else who thinks i am a bully can always show me how it is done by starting a new blog post….. I love competition…. Have a good night everyone!!!
@Cat-@Midwest fan- Congrats. on the great posts on Survivor Fandom. It will be nice starting into a fresh new game. There will be lots of stuff to talk about after Thursday night. Looking forward to it! BB has got kind of boring w/ little left to say that hasn’t been said.
Haven’t heard from X-rev tonight. They may not have let him out.
Cant wait either. I will be looking forward to reading your posts…always insightful.
@Leo- see #261
Hardy-Har-Har. Excuse me, but the only person who is allowed to talk about body holes is Jordan. Hey, who determines who takes who to the final 2? Is it the winner of comp. 3? I keep hearing different stories. Thanx
@Summer…yes, the winner of Comp #3 chooses who he/she wants to go up against, and the 3rd person is evicted…
@347 yes. whoever wins comp 3 picks who they want to face the jury with…
Any idea where x-rev might be?
Thank you Dan. I think all three of them are a sorry bunch.
Thw bully is going to sleep… LOL!!! Have a good nifght Jeff Fans I mean Michelle Fans…. Whoever you are a fan of now!!!
@Cat…he’ll be “floating” around here sooner or later…
I meant Dan do you have any idea where x-rev might be…got him on the brain :)
Leo, I don’t care what people say about you, I think that your points are right on target. I also like your Survivor Site.
@Cat…nobody here checks in with me…darn…I don’t think I’ve seen him today…
Isnt it great to have a place where we all can post our opinions…it is for me..nobody around here ever listens to me :)
Not your day to keep up with him huh?
@Cat…what did you say?
You too….just want me for my body..not my mind :)
@Cat…again, it’s uncanny how you can read me!
@Cat…even if you’re wrong…
Thank goodness…thought i was gonna hafta put on a bikini to get you to listen to me :)
@Cat…you could do that…
@Cat…that was fast…and appreciated…
Something tells me your listening even less now!
@ Summer….. Thanks
How did class go? :)
I guess Leos not listening to me either.
Cat, being dismayed, takes off the bikini and dons a Wonder Woman costume….maybe they’ll listen now!!!!
@Cat…I’ll talk to you…
The Charger game is on now…unlike your top…
I feel like a peeping tom!
*x-rev floats into the room with an evil grin ;)
Ok…is it true that Kevin told Natalie he is not going to take her to the F2 if he wins? I don’t have the live feeds…
I knew the Wonder Woman costume would work!
@Budman….I always guessed that about you :)
@Budman…we’re open about our relationship…
@Cat…there’s your buddy…x-rev…
I thought i felt an icy chill :)
Oh yeah the lady whos says if ur monitor starts shooting out flames… its me? I feel like the nat… i mean the devil. :P
You are more than my buddy…..
@Cat…that was my hand…
I feel so dirty :)
Did we lose Midwest Fan and sservie?
OK, I have just come on to this site for the first time today and I have to say you are being way too aggressive, especially since you are championing your Survivor Samoa site. You are supposed to be objective and you are also supposed to respect others opinions, even if you don’t agree with them.
The fact is, (and I want you to answer this honestly). If you were in Jordan’s shoes, you would probably believe that you were entitled to be in the F3 because you managed fly under the radar. Also, you cannot honestly tell me that you wouldn’t do what is necessary to try to win the $500k.
It really doesn’t matter how you get there, the fact is that all F3 whether you like them or not, got there!
So please, try not to come across so offensive and try to be a little more respectful and objective to people who don’t share the same opinion as yours, otherwise you will alienate yourself and you will find that people just will not want to go to your Survivor Samoa site.
And before you try to attack me (as I know you will), just remember that sometimes you have to rise above all the negativity and try to be positive.
You know being polited to people (even if you don’t like them), doesn’t hurt, in fact, it can make you feel good about yourself.
Have a nice evening and try to smile and relax!
@Cat…I hope I didn’t cost you your non-paying blog-job…(that was “blog-job”, x-rev…)
Blog jobs come and go…(thats b-l-o-g job x-rev)
@Cat…you’re so clinical…
Yeah, I too was catching up on what went on earlier, and was a little dissapointed. I hope things remain civil in the next blog, or I will probably look for something a little lighter and were ppl can still smile after a good/or bad opinion is given.
I had to reread that, but yeah, i get the point lol
just trying to get the job done….once its over i like to cuddle
the problem has been taken care of :)
@Cat…again, you’re killin’ me…having…trou..ble…ty…pi…n…g…
You supposed to use both hands :)
Diana saves the day (a little late though)
Now I am picturing Diana in the Wonder woman outfit!
@Cat…how do you do it? I swear, you can see me!!
@Budman…LOL…aren’t we supposed to be watching football? Didn’t expect this little, added attraction to keep me here…but, it’s working…
@xrev- #390
I too was very disappointed, especially when Leo threatened to ban Dan from his site and said something about backdooring people for whatever reason.
You know one could interpret those comments, that if you don’t agree with Leo then he will backdoor you and throw you off his site.
That is very off putting to me, and although I was really looking forward to becoming involved on the Survivor Samoa site (because I love Survivor), I am now having second thoughts.
Who wants to be verbally attacked because you have opinion. All it does is surround you with negative energy and I don’t need that, I want to be happy and to feel like I’m in a fun light hearted blog site, sharing my opinions (whether I agree or not), with people who are respectful and fun loving.
Enough said on that matter!
OK, now to ask you. I think I have already, are you on Facebook and if so, would love to add you as a friend. Sservie and I are now friends on facebook and it is nice to put a face behind the name. Think about it and get back to me!
@Budman…I’m in moderation for I don’t know what…just asking why we’re here instead of watching the game…I kinda know why…
Better watch out, Budman is having mental images of you :)
Its my sixth sense…all us Cats have it :)
Dont worry…trust me…it will be great to have you on Survivor Samoa…trust me :)
@Diana…that was nice to read. My initial comment was innocuous enough, or so I thought. Oh well…what’s up in the BB house?
Diana has always been the voice of reason here.
The rest of us just look like puppies looking for milk.
Which reminds me…
Anything going on in the BB house right now?
All my family, including my kids, say I should get on face book, but i remind them that most people use my picture as a dart board. Can’t be responsible for all those busted monitors. :P
didnt take you long to mention floaters :)
@Budman #396
I know I came in late, but after reading some of this stuff, I just had to say something because I felt Leo was coming across like a spoilt brat and yes, he will probably ban me from his site as well, but as an outsider reading this stuff, that is my perception, as I am sure others have the same.
I know one blogger Betsey #169 wanted to report Leo to Matt because she thought he was a moderator.
The shame of it all is that he just didn’t attack Dan, he also attacked Amos, Kelli and probably a few others.
I was disturbed, so I started to scroll down and skip all his comments.
Wonderwoman suit, is actually hidden in the closet and I bring it out when I need it, so you had better watch out!!
I try to be settle about it… just try hiding it at the end of my comments. :D
@Cat #404
Last time I checked Jokers they were all trying to sleep, so what else is new!
floaters are hard to hide!
@x-rev #405
OK, the invitation is there if you decide you want to be one of my friends!
can you email me please.
@x-rev your comment #375 was so funny and was perfectly timed. I am still laughing!
I know that some people, myself included had tried warning Leo, that if his blog is to be successful, then he needs to learn what being a moderator is. Moderation in all things is always a good motto to live by.
I don’t mind being questioned about an opinion, but to be flat out called stupid is another thing. (Even though stupid sometime appears beside my name.)
The internet is a powerful tool and unfortunatly some ppl misuse it. Guess it makes them feel powerful. But those ppl need to realize that just because you create something, it doesn’t mean ppl have to use it.
nuff said (Steps off his bully pulpit and looks for some floaters to stare at.)
@Diana…are you there? :)
@Cat #412
Just did!
@fedup @Cat
Just read the post written by fedup – excellent post.
It does confirm to me that Russell H is a douche bag! My new person to dislike right from the get go!
I agree, and I think that those who have floaters should refrain from hiding them from me. :D
Its all in the timing ;)
@Diana(#407) Yeah,I got in late too and was afraid to get involved. I didn’t agree (imagine that) but didn’t want to add fuel to the fire. I was so mad @ Redhead last night I just turned my computer off. I’ve defended her messed up views several times but she is like a stuck record talking trash about Jordan. I love to debate but don’t like to fight. In Leo’s defense he is usually not like that. He must have had a bad day.
If bb wants Jordan to go to f2 instead of natatlie I don’t think it matters how many times we vote We will never know how many votes were given to either one of them. The only thing we can hope for is BB will be honest and give it to whom ever played the game or attempted to play the game. That would have to be kelvin and natatlie. I think most people will have to agree the lie they told changed the game. To be honest with you I don’t think anyone of the 3 derserve to win. The best game players were evicted. The ones that are in the finals are not always the best gameplayers. well, you see the 3 that’s left that should be proof enough. This has not been a good season of big brother for me. Hope bb 12 has more excitement in the cast than bb11. They should be voted the most boring. I don’t know how these people were chosing. The only ones that should have been in this game was Jeff,Russell, Machele, kelvin,casey even chima without the racial slurs. at least they brought a little excitement to the show. Don’t really know about the first evicted did’nt get to know them. But I sure they had to better than Jordan,natatlie, lydia and jessie.
Im not hiding anything….you have to look for them :)….follow the fluff trail
Obviously you are not a fan of floaters. I for one am very happy with 1/3 of the final 3, and have not found myself bored at all. :P
ROFL, I am trying, but that dan dude has big hands.. but you already know that ;)
Well you know what they say about big hands…or is it big feet…i forget :)
@Budman #420
Agree with you, that is why I was so surprised, but water under the bridge now, so back to bantering with you guys!
Budman (Jeff) what did you think of fedup’s blog on Survivor and who do you think will take the $500k tomorrow night?
Let me correct my comment way on back (#344)
I congratulated Midwest fan for Fedups post. I don’t remember details of conversations and things very well so I guess I am a genius like Dr. Michelle.
Yep, means some parts took up the flesh that was suppose to go other places.
@Cat #425
It’s the feet sweetie~ ;)
Thanks for the email…totally agree!
You are an excellent human being Diana :)
Jordon all the way :)
@Cat #430
Thank you, so are you!! :P ;) :)
No…it means size matters (hands that is…i mean feet…or is it hands)
@Cat and Diana
What am I? Chopped liver? Honest, I do have some human qualites… hehe
Oh oh oh, I am biting my tongue… which happens to be able to touch the top of my forehead. :P
You are an intelligent, distinguished gentleman that likes to correct others mistakes….or so im told! :)
@x-rev #433
You know that Cat’s love chopped liver, so I guess that’s what you are! ~ lol :P (only kidding!)
Is it hot in here :)
I just seem to think it’s more exciting to see the strong players compete in the endurance comps. I like to see someone win that has had to win comps in order to make it to the end. I quess it’s a good thing we don’t all like the same thing or there would be a lot of realty shows flop. Got to watch survior next and hope a strong player makes it to the end.
Hey, good point, cats do like devouring chopped liver, which explains why “she” is always attacking me.
@Diana- I commented over there. I am using my real name-Jeff on Survivor Fandom. I didn’t use it here because HG Jeff. Budman was my CB handle a long time ago. (Whoops, just hinted about my age) I am eighteen years old! Yeah thats the ticket!
I wondered if that would make u blush!!!
I refer you to post #435….one complimentary post out of 10,000 is not bad huh?
@x-rev #439
Yep and smelly fish too ~ hey is Nat. around?
Now I am being mean!!
Who do you think with take the $500k and who will be runner up with the $50k?
I want Jordan and Kevin to win, Nat – $0000000000000000!
@ Diana #386….. The backdooring was a BB Jab at people who mix opinions with fact. What is funny is the new Jordan fans have been fussing that Kevin / Natalie don,t deserve to win but a Jordan fan (Cat) says Jordan deserves to win just because she made the final 3 and they agree….. I think their reasoning is ironic being that they can,t even see clear enough to see that is what K/; have done but they claim they don@t deserve to win…. Last but not least, i said bring facts… Like Jeannette and Cat who i used as examples…. Instead the same people avoid bringing facts by hiding behind other people agreeing with them which led to my if you can,t bring facts to support your theory kick rocks to another site….
Hey, dude that does make you old lol, I remember when I got my license the dilema I had if figureing out how to get a CB in my care and still have room for my 8 track player. btw, I am 17. :P
@Budman #449
I thought that Budman was you know what! That funny stuff that people are known to smoke from time to time! (haaa!)
17 what…decades (LOL)
sorry…i remember those things too :)
@Cat & @x-rev…care to explain what the heck you two have been doing while I’ve been trying to earn enough to buy Cat’s jewelry??
We we discussing size…
@ x-rev…. Get odd my floaters…. LOL!!!
Good night everyone!!!
@Cat…well, that matters…I hear…
I prefer quality over quantity…in everything!
@Diana #447…that could be Blunt-man…
@Leo #444
Nevertheless you did offend a few people on this site (me included), because I abhor personal attacks on anyone.
I know you better than that and in fact when #169 Betsy asked whether you were a moderator and wanted to report you to Matt, that said it all.
You have to be mindful when you are addressing other bloggers, that they will not always agree with your theories and you have to be respectful in that they have the same rights as you do with their opinions.
As I said, as an outsider looking in for the first time tonight, reading this stuff was just terrible, so I felt compelled to point it out to you!
I am done with this issue now and I hope that you can do the right thing and somehow come back into good graces with the people you attacked and offended.
@Cat…I think the magic is back…
I remember growing up that it was a “fact” there were 9 planets. Can you tell me how many there are now?
I remember that it was a “Fact” that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Can you tell me where they are?
Whats my point? What you claim as a fact, may not be a fact to others… what others bring as a fact to you, you may choose to reject.
It should suffice to say that if you want ppl to respect your opinion, then you should respenct theirs…. don’t roll over and play dead, but be respectful.
I will kick rocks before I let someone claim to be creator and chief in a blog, meant to be about opinions.
I knew you were a quality man (let me put on my x-ray vision and i will tell you about the quantity :) )
Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean. I was only joking and it was probably out of line!
@Cat…(this is private(s) everybody…shhh…)you won’t be disappointed…
@448 Dan
See your problem is your working to buy some jewels, I grew mine. hint hint
For the record….. I hVe been the same the entire seaon…. If you don@t like it, I wish you luck and hope you find another Survivor site…. I am a alpha male who is outspoken and doesn’t play gamrs…. I come with meat and potatoes… Save yopur dsalad (bs answers) for another aite…. Love me or hate me, I am Leo….. Get at me or ignore me, but you will respect & remember me because I am genuine!!! Good night!!!
@Diana…I get that a lot…I was talking about the “weed” comment to Budman…
@x-rev…LOL…you got me…
@Dan #462
You know my daughter had cancer when she was 22 years old and she used to use it for medicinal purposes to ease her pain when she went for chemo, and she often referred to it as her buds. I thought I was being funny, but not so, and now that I think about it, I shouldn’t have said it ~ sorry!
You never disappoint…:)
Did you realize while we were playing that x-rev and Diana were taking care of business?
Those two are all work and no play…i love em though
:) ;)
@Diana…don’t apologize to me…that must have been a terrible time…I just have a tendency to try to be funny…rarely works, I’m finding out…just having fun here with all of you…
@Cat…I did notice…I was impressed for a moment…now I’m back to being annoying…
@461 Leo
I certainly hope that was someone disquising themself as you, because if that was really you, it was not funny or appreciated.
Sorry ppl, I am outta here.
@Dan #467
Yes, it was a very terrible time, however by the age of 27 she was given the all clear (5 years after chemo. they say that you are cured). She is now 36 and absolutely gorgeous and living her life to the fullest, so our family was one of the lucky ones.
I do think you are really funny and I get your humor for the most part. I think that after I posted that to Budman, I felt guilty and thought I shouldn’t have done it, but couldn’t retract it, so I apologized!
Now im getting annoyed…and it takes a lot to annoy me…A LOT….
@m- That is one difference in Big Brother and say American Gladiators. It is not just the comps. but also social interaction. That has been my argument for Jordan because she got to where she is by being honest and considerate to others. The other two got to the same place by being liars and sneaks. They all floated on others coattails but they are the final three. I respect Jordan’s clean game any day to Kevin and Natalies game of deception. Kevin has won one more contest and has put out a bigger player; Jeff as opposed to Lydia. I hope Jordan wins the last comp. to silence all of the doubters. She would actually be better off for Kevin to win and take her to the final 2. That way Natalie would vote for Jordan because Kevin stabbed her in the back by not taking her. That would be the fourth and winning vote for Jordan.
@Diana #471…I’m glad your family got through that…have had similar experiences, but not with my children…thank God! And, you didn’t post anything that I found the least bit offensive…other than you only get my humor most of the time…
@Cat #472…that means it’s working…
@x-rev…sorry you had to leave…
Good post…agree
Jordans social game helped her trememdously…not bad at comps either.
I really think her “clean” game strategy endeared her to fans but not so much to the jury. Hopefully they can see past Nats lies and and focus on Jordans good strategy.
Are you toying with me :)
still think you people aren’t giving Braden enough consideration…
@Cat…I’d love to…
@Leo #461
Are you for real?
You are behaving like an infant, spitting the dummy and carrying on like a lollypop has been taken away from you.
Don’t let this bully make you leave! It’s best if he leaves, his views are abhorrent and asinine!
@ x-rev…. Have a good night!!!
We give Braden as much consideration as we do Laura!
You make my heart melt :)
takes a big man to admit he’s little…
bbad is about to come on and i cant believe sunday show where nasty cried all those tears for jessie[who she knew for 2 months] but nothing for you jumpin up n down, no hugs n kisses, no tears]. bb made a big deal about pb. so HOPE should still be in the bottom and still in the house[unless it ran away with the 3 guests]guess winning $5oo,ooo.oo can change a bf mind,as well as his family.jury house punch was..what? bb12 will be a ‘free for all’ as bb11 let all the rules be broken and failed to rein in some of this bb11 hgs. bb12 hgs can point to this season and tell cbs to shove it. they can use bb11 as a presentad.Diana,Cat,Joey Lee,Matt andBBMother, thanks for your time in helping me my 1st yr. I tried to go to yahoo/gmail and cant get you all. Please send me a email so i can get on your blogs…THANK YOU
@ Diana…. Don@t throw stones unless you donLt mind getting them thrown back ok?
Hey we went over 40000 comments! What a milestone!
@Diana- I choose at this time to invoke my fifth ammendment rights!
That just means were big talkers…or maybe its my big mouth :)
@Cat…#489…it’s like you’re right here next to me…amazing…
Did i stun you into silence? :)
Good night everybody!!
I also want Jordan to win the final HOH to put all her skeptics to rest.
I have to be honest though, I think that if Kevin wins, he just may take Jordan.
I think it is fair to say that we have all thought a lot about how the votes will go and the more I thought about it and tried to put myself in Kevin’s shoes, this is how I thought the votes would go, providing he takes Jordan with him.
Kevin – Jessie
Kevin – Russell
Kevin – Lydia
Kevin – Nat. (purely because I think that Nat. will stay with her alliance and not want to give the vote to Jordan based on Jeff getting rid of her so called BFF – Jessie)
Jordan – Jeff
Jordan – Michele
Jordan – America’s Vote
If Kevin takes Nat. then I think his believes Nat. will get the majority of votes:
Nat – Jessie
Nat – Russell
Kevin – Lydia
Nat – Jeff
Nat – Jordan
Kevin – Michele
America’s Vote in Kevin’s mind could go either way!
Now let’s not speculate Nat. making the F2 – yuck!
@DAN- CONGRATULATIONS! You were indeed #40,000 with comment #379 so go get your lap dance you deserve it!
@Budman #494…can I choose the dancer?
@Leo #486
I would expect you to throw stones at me. You were out of line tonight and the Leo that I know would be honest enough to admit that and take the necessary steps to mend the fences that he broke down.
If you want to insult me, then go ahead, but keep in mind that I will not consider you a friend, and although I made some disparaging comments about you tonight, they were warranted by your behavior to other bloggers on this site.
So Leo, by all means, insult me and you have lost another Survivor blogger and your reputation will be tarnished again!
Good night because I’m out of here too!
Bravo, you have managed to make 2 people leave tonight, so you should feel very proud of yourself!
@Cat @Budman @x-rev @Dan
Good night to you all, I am going to watch the tennis, far more entertaining than all this negative b.s.
Hope Jordan takes it all!
Im on my way…unless you had others in mind :)
@ Diana….. #492….. I agree 100 percent with your post…..
@Cat…you read my mind…astonishing!
@Diana…have a better finish to the evening…thanks for the company…
Have a great night…still have my key…dont change the locks, i hate crawling through windows :)
@ Everyone… I apoligize for losing my cool and not being as patient as I ahould have been…… Have a good night…..
@Cat…you, too…and the locks remain the same…hate to see you go, but love to watch you walk away…
@Leo…good night…
Goodnight all- my computer is getting really slow. I think Cat and Dan overheated it. Need to defragment I think. This time tomorrow night it will all be history. Bring on Big Brother 12.
Good night
Just stopping by before hitting the bed.
What’s going on?
Where did everyone go?
Good night to all!
See you back here tomorrow after the Finale.
Remember it’s BLACK TIE!
@ Dan….. I hate to say it bro… I think Jordan will win and yes I was wrong for being an a”” hole with you…. I hope you will prove me wrong some more on my site… Have a good night bro!!!
@ Midwest Fan / Budman / Cat…. Good night!!!
BB has been pretty good not letting us know who’s taking who.jordon has me confused totally.kevin i cant trust even with him holding a bible.gnat thinks both are taking hope is kev and jordon either order is fine with me.i’m a little biased for jordon,but she didn’t do a lot to win.absolutely nothing for gnat.see yall next year.
After a great deal of thought and deliberation, my neighbors and I vote to evict Kevin, Jordan and Natalie. The winners are — The fish in the HOH room. As they say on survivor, they
HAVE outplayed; outwitted and should outlast these three losers.
@ Summer…. Wuz up# Join me on ok? Have a good night!!!
I hope during BB12 there are more of the “expect the unexpected” twists in it.
An All Star show would be great or even 2 times a year.
OMG love it. Kevin and Natalie going at it he calling her out on all her lies, (((denies)) LOL All Enjoy tonights show. Survivor here we come!
Is there a website where BB 8 can be watched? My daughter is dying to see it and I can’t get the CBS site to work?
omg Kevin andjorden calling nat out on her lies lol to funny
no watched they tell whats said
I agree with sparkle, diana & maria about a winter bb, but since I’m Canadian and CBS doesn’t allow us Canadians to enter, why not have a winter one in upper New York(Buffalo)and have some Canadians in as well. We love BB up here as well.
@All: The comments here are a great venue for wonderful discussions, but recently have become an issue with disrespectful attitudes and off-topic rhetoric.
As a reminder, for those who continue to ignore and disobey the Commenting Rules face a potential ban from the site. Please take a moment to refresh yourself with these rules:
Commenting Rules: Keep the conversation civil and on topic. If your comment does not add to the conversation, it will be removed. Debate intelligently. Insulting the author, Big Brother Network, or other commentators will result in comment removal and possible ban. Any comments with links or flagged words will go into moderation before approval. Anything we deem as spam will not be approved.
@Rick #520 Great idea and since I am originally from upstate NY, they can have the “Have Not” room in a tent outside. Instead of blankets, they can have sleeping bags and thermal underwear.
I wish Big Brother 12 will be in feb of 2010 i am knot watching it next summer than i like survivor more
anyone here like Survvior more
do you guys know that Survivor and the amazing Race is coming up soon
Hi all, been a great summer. Im still hoping Jordan pulls out a win, if not then Kevin. Im thinking Gnat has layed out too many lies and it comes down to the jury votes each is counting on. Im excited to see the finale, enjoy all!
I was hoping the live feeds would stay on until airtime, there is music and the old fish tank with a ‘see ya next summer’ say it isnt so!
Big Brother fans are you Survivor fans too
Do you guys rember when BB was twice a year iam knot watching it next summer
Survivor is the ulitmate show. I just watch bb in the interim.
Go Jordan! Well the “showmance” between Jordan and Jeff paid off! I am happy Jeff want the $25,000 as America’s favorite houseguest. Did anyone else think that Jordan kind of snubbed Jeff at the end after she won? I hope she finds out that he really fought for her to win with the jury! The biggest shock was that Jesse voted for Jordan! I am going to miss Big Brother – sure wish they would do a “winter” All-Star show.
There is a large Canadian fan base. I hope there will be a Canadian Edition or Big Brother opens up the cast to a couple Canadians. Way to go Jordan!
Congrats to Jordan, $500k, & to Jeff w/ $25k. Team J/J WINNERS OF bb11. Sorry Leo, team NBK did not do as well. Do you have a song for Jordan? Will check out the new Survivor site.