CBS’ Ross Mathews & INSIDE DISH To Replace HOUSE CALLS

“House Calls” may have been canceled, but fear not Big Brother fans! CBS has just released word that Ross Mathews will be the host of the new and improved post-eviction commentary show with “Inside Dish.” His show will air every Friday and feature evicted HouseGuests and a variety of visitors. And get this, Mathews has already interviewed this season’s HGs and is set to release the videos on Wednesday. Watch for all this info here early Wednesday morning.

Check out the video below to get to know the new face of Big Brother dishing, Ross Mathews. If you go to about 3 minutes into the video you can watch an incredible tour of the BB house as Mathews is lead by Allison Grodner, executive producer of Big Brother. I’m very jealous!

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  1. Should I know this guy? I would rather they got a former hg to do this… or at least someone we know!

  2. This made me so happy!! I absolutely adore Ross!!!
    lorelei, Ross was ‘Ross the Intern’ on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno for years. He was probably the funniest part of the show…IMO.

  3. Is this serious? People can actually watch this guy for more than 5 seconds without slicing their own wrists? Hopefully the HG’s aren’t as big a miserable failure as this guy surely will be.

  4. OMG! I love Ross… I am so psyched about this show. I absolutely love BB but adding Ross to the mix was a stroke of Genius. I look forward to a summer of fun now. Let’s get it started.

  5. BOO….
    I didn’t like Ross (the intern) on Leno and I don’t like him now. His voice is like listening to someone scratch their fingernails on a chalkboard. I will not watch this new show, bring back Gretchen!
    I will watch Big Brother but I feel we have lost something great with Housecalls being gone.

  6. It’s worth noting that Mathews did not have Gretchen removed so he could take over. From what I heard “House Calls” was canceled due to funding/sponsorship issues. In the video above he says that when he heard “House Calls” was canceled he contacted the Big Brother team and asked if he could help provide an alternative.

  7. Yep, me too! Looks good so far. They definitely went with the, um, “busty” ladies it looks like.

  8. I’ve seen him on Chelsea lately, love her but this guys a tool, annoying, and I can’t stand listening to him. brig back Gretchen

  9. God, he sounds like a girl! Squeaky!! I won’t be watching! Bad choice Big Brother…an ex-houseguest or Gretchen would have been the logical decision.

  10. The spittle on the inside of my screen from this Bozo is making it hard to see anything!

  11. Ross will add so much more fun than House Calls. Give Ross a chance I think he will be GREAT.

  12. I think Ross will do a fantastic job, he has a sense of humor. He is also on top of everything, so I think he will be an asset to BB11

  13. I don’t really know Ross, but if you ever watched house calls, how could you possibly want Gretchen back, that woman came on her show half the time not even knowing what she was talking about cause she never watched it herself, at least not the live feeds! I want a huge BB fan to be doing these interviews, and Ross is definitely that! Give the guy a chance:)

  14. We are all BB addicts!
    Stop the gripping already, plz. What would we do in the summers without our BB? go cbs and Julie!

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