CBS Readying Big Brother 15 Live Feeds Details

Big Brother 15 Live Feeds on CBS

Update: CBS has released details for the new Live Feeds! Read the full report here.

Big Brother 15 will start in just over a month on June 26, 2013 and fans are ready to find out more about this season’s Live Feeds program and what to expect.

Big Brother Live Feeds
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In early April we learned that CBS had parted ways with RealNetworks after thirteen years and would instead be offering the Feeds directly through their own sign-ups. This offered up a lot of questions both around our team and among our readers. Will the cost change? Can Canadians still view the Feeds? Will there be an Early Bird rate? Are they going to blackout the Feeds more often?

Some of these questions were addressed in our original article explaining the Big Brother 15 Live Feeds situation, but more questions were left unanswered.

Luckily we had been put in contact with CBS’ Interactive team, the folks who would be managing the 2013 Feed experience, so I reached out again to them on Friday in hopes of more details.

“We are close,” our contact said in regards to the release of links and details for the Big Brother Feeds program.

When I pushed for a confirmation of at least the annual favorite “Early Bird” pricing, a discounted rate for early subscribers, I didn’t get a response.

So with just a month to go we’re still anxiously awaiting details to share with you on the upcoming season of Feeds and just how all of that will go. We’re sincerely hoping for the early bird rate and some sort of season pass pricing, but as of now we know as much as you do. There will be Feeds in some fashion, costing some dollars, and available to some people. Yep, that sums it up!

Make sure you get all the Big Brother 15 details when they’re released by joining us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email to have those updates sent directly to you as soon as we know more.



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  1. Why can’t they do like BB Canada and make it free with the help of a sponsor.

  2. I don’t know if this is of any significance, but CBS and CBSnews are one of the few website where I can view video content like full episodes of shows that they have available from outside North America. You will never find that in any other network. In fact, many years back CBS video content was only available online to viewers from the US but that change some years ago. I hope that reflects on the Live Feeds, as I’ve always had to purchase a US VPN to be able to view the feeds, which adds up in costs.

  3. CBS is well aware of what we got on Superpass and know they have to give the viewers what they want or they will start losing large numbers of live feed viewers. I do hope we have the flashback function and I’d really love to have the ability to remove the feed from the browser but pretty sure we won’t see that again. BBReloader was a fabulous program IMO. I’ve missed it. :(

  4. Even though the Canadian Big Brother Live feeds were off some of the time, they were fun to watch sometimes. Since they were FREE, this illustrates that there is no real reason to charge money for them, it is simply a case of greed on the part of CBS as the airing of the feeds adds no cost, or very little cost, to their production of the show. As this is one of their most poplar shows on a commercial network, the income generated by the commercials should be huge. They would build a larger fan base if the followed in the pattern of BB Canada

    • Streaming the Feeds is terribly expensive, more expensive than BBCAN expected. Looking to recover costs for providing an optional service is anything but greedy (there are no commercials on the Feeds). Are cable companies greedy for charging fees to watch TV via their service?

    • I don’t think it’s fair to compare the two. This was the first year for BB Canada and they’ll have to learn as they go along, the same way BBUS did. I think the first year or two of the U.S. version was free too. It does take a heck of a lot of man power to produce the live feed no matter which country is doing it. When you don’t have commercials or advertising to offset the cost it make sense why we pay for the feeds. Granted, BBUS isn’t the best it can be but I chalk that up to people getting in a rut after doing the same thing over and over without welcoming change. Hopefully they’ll get it right eventually. lol

  5. In Nj on cablevison we need either the gold package or subscribe to the sports and entertainment package for 6.95.

    And then it will be censored?

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