CBS Orders Big Brother 17 In 2015 & Beyond With Two-Year Renewal

CBS will debut Big Brother 17 next summer starting in 2015 after ratings continued to improve and deliver for its home network earning a double order for the series from executives.

Julie Chen has Big Brother 16 surprises
Julie Chen has more Big Brother 17 ahead – Source: CBS

As was expected the news of Big Brother’s renewal came at the very end of this season with the finale, but in a surprising move CBS has ordered not one, but two additional seasons at once. That means we’ll be watching at least BB17 in 2015 and BB18 in 2016 with the chance for yet even more beyond that.

Overall ratings increased this year by 2% for viewership climbing from 7.39 million last season to 7.56 million for this latest installment of our favorite reality television series. The key demographic for the series, adults 18-49, also grew by a 4% increase which is great news.

No specific date was provided for the Big Brother 17 premiere, but after two straight seasons of a late June launch I think it’s safe to expect that again. I’ll be interested to see if they push the calendar out for another near 100-day run again next though as things did run about a week too long.

BB17 Hopefuls can apply now for next season with online applications now being accepted and open casting calls still waiting to be announced. Additional casting details available here.

If you think you have what it takes then be sure to apply as Julie Chen suggests we won’t be seeing another All-Stars season anytime soon with all-new faces delivering such success for the show.

Following along with CBS’s renewal it was announced that “Big Brother After Dark” has an additional season planned for next summer after receiving a one-year extension. That series will return on the soon-to-be rebranded POP channel which currently goes by TVGN.

Be sure to join us on Facebook, Twitter, and our Email updates to get all the latest Big Brother spoilers and news sent directly to you. We can’t wait for Big Brother 17!



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  1. That’s good news. Personnally, I hope BB17 is at least a half cast of returning veteran or a full All-Star.

  2. I personally would love an All-Star season either next season or the season after that but ONLY if it’s full returnees. This half and half thing doesn’t do it for me.

    • I agree totally….I’m sick of Dr. Will, Boogie, and many of the others and these so-called All Star contests usually find me watching something else. Unlike some other viewers I totally enjoyed BB16.

  3. I would like to see players strictly picked from nationwide audition, with no links or connection to entertainment industry. NO direct recruits.

      • Unfortunately, tests can be rigged. Cyril’s right though, no one with “connections” and no direct recruits. That will take away any inclination BB might have to show favoritism.

  4. The last 2 seasons have been terrible. Whoever casts the show needs to be fired! Big Brother U.S. could learn a lot from Big Brother Australia. BBAUS is well cast, entertaining and enjoyable.
    Unless there are huge changes in the casting (enough with the wanna-be famous house guests!) and the format (the double HOH and BOB made the show boring and predictable), I am done watching the show.

    • The over-abundance of people in their 20’s was a disaster this year. Most young people that age don’t have the maturity or life experience to play the game wisely. The older or smarter players got voted off early, except of course for the almost 30-year old who still reigns. The young guys never seem to have respect for the women players, except as means for them to get ahead.
      Season after season, they gang up and pick them off. Yet, when Joey attempted to band the women together, they blew her off and paid the price. It seems as though, even in this day and age, most of the women get intimidated by the power of the men and hang around the periphery of male alliances, only to be discarded when no longer needed. Hello, Christine!!

      “redroses” had a great idea in an earlier post. She suggested 4 20’ish contestants, 4 30’ish contestants, 4 40’ish contestants and 4 50’ish contestants. You wouldn’t have to strictly adhere to those numbers, just make sure each age group was well represented and consisted of people in good physical and mental shape, able to play the game. This would result in a much more interesting season and would prevent one age group from forming an alliance and taking over the game.

      This year was like watching lemmings line up to jump off a cliff, carefully supervised by the lying lemming who knows to stop just before the edge and merely watches the carnage. The predator of all predators, the pathological liar, the con man of the season, knew exactly how to lure them to their “deaths”, while standing back and admiring his work. Please, let’s not have this happen again. Let’s level the playing field and have HGs who are wiser at spotting the threat in their midst.

    • Interesting. Most of the reason why we watch the US version is because we HATE the beauty pageant-like behavior that happens on the international versions. Instead of a fight for power it’s a fight for who can score the best edit on the show. I never understood this complaint- You think this season was boring so you’d rather they take out the gameplay/competition element entirely? How in the world is that a better idea?

    • Well, there’s one housemate in AU right now who has connections with the previous season’s winner. They’re roommates. The housemates don’t know about it but fans of BBAU certainly do.

  5. Can’t wait for tonight! Having to wait a week for the finale is just too long for the fans, and for the HG’s, especially with the three left this year. An incredibly effective liar, a seemingly deluded fratboy, and a young girl who should never have been in the house in the first place. Booooooooooooooring!

    Listening to Derrick talk about his job with P&R last night was jaw-dropping. It’s beyond belief how he can sit there and talk so very convincingly, in great detail, and at such length, about something that is pure fiction. He’s utterly convincing. Lying comes as easily to him as breathing does to the rest of us. His wife doesn’t stand a chance if he ever decides to cheat, and cases he’s testifying on are surely suspect. Wow! It might win him the game but I think people back home are probably looking at him a little differently than they did before.

    I’ll applaud him if he wins, because he will have out-maneuvered the players this year, but I’ll never respect him.

  6. I think since Seasons 12, 13, and 14 had returnees I think they are trying to build more potential “All Stars”. Don’t get me wrong, I think we are overdue for another All Stars season.. or atleast a Big Brother Second Chance season

  7. 16th Joey,15th paola,14th Devin,13th Brittany,12th amber,11th Jocasta,10th Hayden,9th,zach,8th,Donny,7th Nicole,6th Christine,5th Frankie,4th caleb,3rd Victoria,2nd Cody,1st Derrick

  8. I would like some more competitive females, please! Danielle and Janelle are my favorite players and they did really well by staying above the fray and not resorting to the typical groupthink mentality of BB competitors. Also, I thought the female competitors this season – Jocasta, Victoria, Amber, etc. etc. (and don’t get me started with Christine) – were absolutely pitiful and allowed the guys to control the house.

    The best part of BB used to be that there were about 8-10 competitive players a season. Now there are generally only 4 or 5 and it’s VERY easy to tell who is going to the final four. I know it depends on casting, but I think that if Allison Grodner stopped looking for celeb/socialite types, this show could get back on board.

    But really, let’s all thank the lord that Frankie won absolutely nothing.

  9. Does anyone else think that Derrick would of taken Victoria if he would of won that final HOH?? I know he would of.. I also think Derricks wife should of of bitch slapped him & Victoria. They flirted the whole season. Uuhhgg.

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