CBS Announces: Celebrity Big Brother Season This Winter

Big Brother host Julie Chen outside the Big Brother house

Julie Chen just announced Celebrity Big Brother edition set to broadcast on CBS television this winter! Yes, it’s a prime season edition of Big Brother and it’s coming back with the first ever US-based celebrity edition!

These are a huge hit in the UK and I’m thrilled that CBS believes in Big Brother enough to give us more and to go big. Of course it won’t be a full blown 90 day season, but it’s going to be Big Brother, Julie Chen will host, and on CBS broadcast TV so that’s awesome. And oh yeah, There. Will. Be. FEEDS! Live Feeds are confirmed to return for Celebrity Big Brother so we’ll have all our non-stop coverage here on the site.

Celebrity Big Brother cast:

So who will be on it? Julie admits to THR that they can’t get Oscar winners necessarily, but thankfully she doesn’t immediately embrace the idea of having former HGs as players on Big Brother Celebrity. I think we can agree that most all are not celebrities outside the Big Brother realm.

“Big Brother has been dominating pop culture throughout its 19 seasons, and it is exciting to grow the franchise with the first-ever celebrity edition in the U.S.,” said executive producers Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan.

“Celebrities will be under the watchful eye of the Big Brother cameras, facing the classic game elements, and of course new twists in this special winter event.”

EP Rich Meehan told THR, “We’re going to create a big list and go out and see who we can get.” Aim high!

Celebrity Big Brother schedule:

When will Celebrity Big Brother arrive? We don’t know yet, but it is a winter edition and it will be on CBS Television (as compared to just All Access like BBOTT) with multiple episodes each week. I would guess it’ll arrive in the new year for a 2018 season and some are guessing it’ll be around sweeps week in February. Since it’s a short season as Julie and the EPs are saying then it’ll probably wrap before BBCAN6 arrives so that’s not bad either.

The EPs confirmed to THR that this will not be the standard 90+ day season and they call it a “more of an event instead of a three month series.” Even better. Some of these recent seasons have grown painful by the end.

Are you in for a bonus season of Big Brother but with a whole new type of cast? Julie says if it’s a hit we might see a repeat season so let’s all be sure to support the craziness and get the ratings up there. You know we’ll be here and we can’t wait for you to join us!

If you could pick a Big Brother celebrity to join this new season, then who would you want in the house? Share your dream team cast below.

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  1. Yay!
    So excited for Celebrity Big Brother! I’ve been wanting this for awhile now!!

    Celebrity to me means no former BB players. #justsaying

  2. I’m predicting a 70 day season but the question is will it be on cbs or all access. I think cbs

    • Nah I don’t predict a 70 day season mainly due to the length of the UK version. I think it will be around 32 days. If I remember right the UK media said that the 32 day mark was pushing it for the celebs because some didn’t want to enter due to it being too long. So I’m expecting it to be anywhere from 25-32 days. Besides CBS has too many shows on their schedule to allow for a full fledged 60+ day season. This is most likely being used as a filler during the winter period when they are in repeat mode.

  3. Could see Alec Baldwin on there. I think Steven did the U.K. Version and Lindsey Lohan was almost on.

  4. I would think it would be cbs “celebrities” Either way it will be b list people,or c list if there is one.

    • I would imagine Vanessa Rousso and Frankie Grande both being on there. Maybe even some other alum who have made a name for themselves post-BB.

      • No. No former houseguests! Make a season out of former house guests if that’s what they want to do but do not mix them with celebrities. That would not work because the celebrities never played the game before and it would be another situation just like the one we have now with Paul. Bad bad bad bad bad idea.

  5. Trace Adkins…..i know this is only a dream but he is a nice tough guy he has a big giving heart but doesnt allow people to walk all over him and could charm his way to the end. And after tgis season i want some non sheep

  6. I would have loved it to be another BBOTT even with celebs. I really hope no obnoxiously annoying Frankie Grande. please.

    • Don’t worry. You’ll get an entire house of Frankie Grandes. I do expect to see Vanessa Rousso, and Frankie Grande on there.

      Just look at past seasons of CBB UK. And look at how they cast the show. And just grab random people from past seasons of Celebrity Apprentice, DWTS, Real Housewives, etc. And pick random people from there. That’s your cast CBB right there.

    • Agreed. I detest frankenweenie. he’s only a celebrity in is own mind. non talented, not funny, just a one trick pony, riding his sister’s coat-tails.

  7. Why ruin a good concept with a bunch of has been or never were celebrities. I hate to see who signs up.

  8. This will never happen, but I’d like to see any or all of the following: Adam Sandler, Reese Witherspoon, Justin Timberlake, Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Sofรญa Vergara, Ellen DeGeneres, Julia Roberts, Zac Efron, Seth Rogen, Dave Franco, Wayne Brady, Drew Carey, Drew Barrymore and Kevin James.

  9. I don’t know why people are so excited about this. If you hated Frankie Grande, you’re about to have an entire house of Frankie Grandes. And, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Frankie J Grande is announced as a houseguest on CBB.

  10. Are they going to have real celebrities, or is it going to be the the UK, mostly loser reality people.

    • Take a look at past celebrity apprentice people. most them. I imagine frankie and vanessa will come back.

  11. mamma june, Kathy griffin, little women of la, Alaska bush people, Anthony boudain, Rachel ray, Kimberly gilfoil, mika berzinski.
    wait, they’re old and not hot.

  12. Here’s another list that might try this: Rhianna, Arianna, Aaron Carter, Joe Jonas, Ace Young, Adam Brody, Jennifer Lawrence, Alex Pettyfer, Anna Kendrick and more.

      • CBS seems to have a lot riding on this show. They are putting a lot more attention on this show, than any of their other new shows. Even more than Young Sheldon. So I don’t think they’ll can it right away. However, Young Sheldon has a built-in fanbase, so they probably don’t feel the need to promote it as hard.

  13. Good GAWD!!! It’s going to be Loserville!!!! The British version is THEE WORST of ‘celeb’ BB; actually….BB in general!! ALWAYS scraping the bottom of the barrel!! Besides, REAL America HATES Hollywood & Celebs. That was proven all during 2016, and continues to this very day. No one cares about celebs!! I’d rather see a BB Alum.

    • LOL Oh yeah, America HATES Hollywood & Celebs. So much so that a lot of them voted in a non-qualified Reality TV star for president. Oh, ugh. I just threw up in my mouth a bit. Happens every time I even think about what America did in Nov ’16.

      • I had the same reaction – to both your statements. Credit and blame goes to both our preeminent political parties and the lousy choices they gave us in November.

  14. Yay! This excites me to the nth degree! And, yes, please, no former houseguests! I don’t mind but I get tired hearing everyone else complain about “vets” returning to play.

      • Why would you assume that Tiny?
        Based on the post above “Julie admits to THR that they canโ€™t get Oscar winners necessarily, but thankfully she doesnโ€™t immediately embrace the idea of having former HGs as players on Big Brother Celebrity. I think we can agree that most all are not celebrities outside the Big Brother realm.” I take this to mean they DON’T want former HG’s to play in celeb BB.

  15. Some celebs who reportedly are fans of BB include:
    Chael (UFC fighter & was on Celeb App),
    Shannon Elizabeth,
    Chelsea Perreti (from Brooklyn 99),
    Emmy Rossum,
    Corey Perry (hockey),
    Miranda Cosgrove,
    Andy Cohen (doubt he locks up for two months but anyway),
    Lance Bass (was on the celeb cooking comp),
    Matthew Morrison (Glee),
    Neal Patrick Harris,
    Jamie Lyn-Siegler,
    Pauley Perrette (NCIS),
    Danny Trejo

    • Lance is the only one from that list I can see actually doing it. Since he’s been trying forever to break into the television media. I would imagine that CBS doesn’t want a bunch of “fans” on CBB.

      On a personal level, I would love to see Miranda Cosgrove on the show, lounging around in bikinis. But she’ll never do it. She has too much minions money to stoop that low.

    • Would love to see Siegler, Perrette and especially NPH, but none will be there I bet. Perry shouldn’t be there, as he’s under contract in the midst of an 8-year deal with the Ducks of the NHL. Even if he wasn’t, taking a season away from hockey for Big Brother isn’t the best idea. He’s also Canadian and I’m not sure this show will break their rule of Americans only for the celebrity version.

      • I’ve seen a lot of people say NPH. NPH is never gonna do it. He hosted the Oscars for crying out loud. He’s way above this.

    • They ARE fans, but CBS couldn’t pay them enough to do the show.
      Here are some suggestions:

      Every guest from Celebrity Rehab (minus the ones who died) OR,
      Every guest from Celebrity Apprentice (minus Omarosa Manigault) OR,
      Every guest from Celebrity Fit Club OR
      Every celebrity voted off ‘Dancing With The Stars in the 4th week OR
      Every American ‘celebrity’ from ‘Celebrity Big Brother—UK’

      The commonality in all of those shows? Gary Busey. Amazingly entertaining and NO Frankie Grande.

      • I actually like Gary Busey a lot. His craziness makes sense to me. He annoys the hell out of other people, but they don’t ‘get’ him. I think you have to be a little goofy to like him; and I am.
        He reminds me of Donny, but not so much Josh. But then again, I haven’t watched much of this season, so I really don’t know him.

  16. Some people who’ve been on Battle of the Network Stars (so are obviously open to competing physically on shows) recently are:
    Barry Williams (Greg Brady),
    Danny Bonaduce,
    Erik Estrada,
    Ted Lange (Isaac / Love Boat),
    Vivica A Fox,
    Todd Bridges

  17. Well, since BB grads often wind up on The Bold and the Beautiful, how about some of the cast members from the CBS soaps?

    • Hi GH! I was posting here earlier and I am done for the evening. I am heading to bed early tonight as all this BB late-night posting is starting to catch up to me. TGIF tomorrow! Goodnight!

  18. I’m finding it hard to get excited about this. The best part I’m seeing is that winter LA weather has to be easier for them to deal with… which… only benefits them and not me… so there is (isn’t) that.

    It’ll be bottom of the barrel celebs, and maybe 8-10 players so not a full season, and probably playing for charity so they may play with less intensity.


  19. I’m voting for James Franco. And, he is just crazy enough to do it if he’s available.
    He’s a huge General Hospital fan and he *asked* to be on GH and he actually got his own story line and everything. Hopefully, he’s a BB fan too!

  20. It would be fun to see one of the Friends: Matthew Perry, Matt Leblanc, David Scwimmer, or one of the girls

      • Hey there slave boy . You still doing the black apes work for her. Why dont you get a real job,dont give me that b.s lie that you are a lawyer, your NOT. All she had to do was lie to you ,just like every employer in kentucky does to their employeees ,and tell you “if you dont take a pay cut ,we have to close “. In apewomans case,she got you to agree to sit around on a computer all day for nothing . You are a single,lonely,gay,freak. Still living in mommys basement . This is the only reason you exist, to be a volunteer moderator for a huge butt black woman who outsmarts you . And you have the ridiculous audacity to tell others they comment too much, you with your hundreds of thousands of comments . You will never have a family , a wife , a home , a life . You are a textbook loser . Keep letting this volunteer thing you are doing rule your life .

  21. Probably be a group like Dancing With The Stars gets, and I’ll probably watch, although I’m not big into celebrities. I’ll suggest Dr. Drew. Let’s see if his knowledge of behavior shines.

  22. A new reality competition means Coolio has to be in it. It’s the reality TV rules for any shows involving celebrities lol

    • You know he cheated on Chopped Celebrity, right? He was Chopped, too! Oh wait, that would be the perfect caliber-type person for BB! Now all we have to hope is he’s a fan of the show … it would help if he knew some of the subtleties required. ๐Ÿ˜Š

      • I don’t think it matters if he’s a fan of the show. He’s got like 6 kids from multiple relationships and according to google has a net worth of only $100,000, he’s clearly desperate for a paycheck from anywhere ๐Ÿ˜‚

  23. This is going to draw all the dregs, like Kathy Griffin. What celebrity would come on here when a weak moment of loose talk could destroy their career? Only people who have already destroyed whatever made them celebrities. Lowlifes, rehab grads.

      • oh come on Kelly – how can there be a Celeb Reality show with out Speidi? I think it’s in every producers contract ever written …{sarc}

      • I’m literally in tears from laughter…. imagining those two first in line at CBS offices trying to get on the show. I guess its time for a SPEIDI come back. lololol

  24. If production does somehow get Kanye, I’ll stop watching it… Hear enough of his loud mouth during Emmy Shows, etc.

    • When I heard about it I was thinking it’ll probably be has-been type celebrities, like ones that were stars in TV shows 20-30 years ago. Hopefully there’ll be some relevant celebrities, if those actually exist :-)

    • Youtube clowns are kinda weird. If they are making a good living from YouTube, I can’t see them being away from their YouTube for an extended period of time. But I can see a washed up youtuber (yes youtube has been around long enough, that there are actually washed up youtubers), or a smaller youtuber possibly doing the show for exposure.

  25. Maybe they got Hillary Clinton since she has nothing better to do then blaming everybody but herself for her loss.

  26. I have a feeling this all started with Bobby Moynihan straight-shooting about his love for the game, and basically reaffirming all our thoughts on this season in the last episode… I can see him being in the cast

  27. After such a horrible season, they OWE us this! Between us fans, celebrity fans, and past houseguests strong opinions on the “worst season ever”, they knew they had some making up to do.

  28. Please don’t have any returning BB players! As we have seen this season with Paul, it just intimidates players who don’t know BB that well and they defer to the returning player to the extent that it ruins the game:(

  29. We need some crazies like Kirsty Alley, Octomom, Macaulay Culkin, Charlie Sheen, Lindsay Lohan, Axl Rose, Hulk Hogan, Gary Busey, Amanda Bynes, etc…

    • God please no octomom. And she would do too. I don’t know who would look after her 500 kids, but she would do it. Please don’t put that put there in the universe. I would love to see Amanda Bynes and her crazy ass on there. Bc at least when she tells a crazy story, she won’t be lying.

    • Yeah now we’re talking :-) We definitely need those! And while we’re at it don’t forget Dolp Lundgren, Lance Henriksen, Mr. T and Tara Reid!

  30. Hmmm as long as there are no kardashians, hiltons, west’s, jenners on the show ill watch!

    Hoping to see people like Stone Cold Steve Austin, Goldberg, Game of Thrones cast on the show lol

    • I would totally bet on a Hilton. Maybe even a Richie. And jersey shore for sure. Stone cold I wouldn’t bet on. And I don’t know anything about game of thrones, since I’ve never seen it, but I don’t think the majority of that cast is American, so I’m not sure if they would want to deal with that.

  31. Go big or go home. Put some or all of these people in there:

    Lindsey Lohan
    Justin Timberlake
    Thom Bone (punk/underground celebrity from the band Butt Trumpet, etc.)
    Ryan Seacrest
    Amy Schumer
    Justin Bieber
    Matt and Trey (South Park creators)
    Simon Cowell
    Sharon Osbourne
    Kanye West
    Caitlyn Jenner
    Miley Cyrus
    Michelle Obama
    Julie Chen (I’d love to see her as a player instead of as a host, just once)

    I could come up with lots more but that should get you all started.

    • Lindsey Lohan – maybe
      Snookie – maybe
      Justin Timberlake – never
      Thom Bone – maybe
      Ryan Seacrest – never
      Eminem – never
      Amy Schumer – never
      Justin Bieber – never
      Matt and Trey – never
      Simon Cowell – never
      Drake – never (Drake Bell maybe)
      Sharon Osbourne – highly doubt it
      Kanye West – never
      Caitlyn Jenner – maybe
      Miley Cyrus – never
      Michelle Obama – never in a million years!
      Julie Chen – never

  32. Assuming there will be celebrities other than former HG’s, I choose:
    Snoop Dog
    Ellen DeGeneres
    Tom Cruise (for his athletic ability)
    Brad Pitt (why not)
    Rick Perry (if he did DWTS, he can do BB)
    (Judge) Judy Sheindlin
    Dr. Phil (to counsel them when they crack up)
    Rachel Maddow
    Rush Limbaugh
    That’s enough, they can beat each other up, if not more. Feel free to hit me.

  33. It better be better than celebrity big brother U.K., or they can cancel production after the third episode, that was like watching paint peel… actually that would have been better. I just hope it’s good, no kardashian paid whores of any matter or it’s completely waste of my time to watch. I will NEVER watch anything with them!

  34. I’m sure it’ll be the same tired faces we see on Dancing With the Stars, Real World, probably former Big Brother contestants like the horrible Frankie Grande….

    • I still think he only won because of who he is, I’m getting tired of no real show, they pick who will win from the beginning just like how everything right now and has been the whole season the Paul show, I already seen the Frankie show why do I need a repeat?

  35. I could totally see any of the following signing on~
    Kelly Osbourne
    Jack Osbourne
    Lindsay Lohan
    Amanda Bynes
    Melissa Gilbert
    Melissa Joan Hart
    Joey Lawrence
    Corey Feldman
    Leif Garrett
    Todd Bridges
    Scott Baio
    Willie Aames
    Mindy Cohn
    Kim Fields
    Barry Williams
    Susan Olsen
    Jennifer Love Hewitt
    Tracey Gold
    Jodie Sweetin
    Tatum O’Neal
    Kristy McNichol
    Kirtsie Alley
    Nick Lachey
    Debbie Gibson
    Lance Bass
    Ricki Lake
    Heather Locklear
    Tori Spelling
    Jason Priestley

  36. Any of the cast of Big Bang theory. Shemar Moore, Alex Rodriguez. Of course i would want Brad Pitt but i dought he would do it.

  37. There’s only one celebrity i want to see walk through those doors: The Hoff! Who’s with me? The Hoff rules!

    Ok maybe Chuck Norris as well but he will roundhouse kick all the other celebrity’s out the door and we would be done after one day. So forget that one :-) He’ll propably even roundhouse kick Julie. OMG the horror!

  38. Shannon Elizabeth 100%. Kathy Griffin would be a no-brainer if CBS was willing to take a risk (which I doubt). Anyone higher than D-list would be shocking. Unless Me, Myself, and I is cancelled midseason, Bobby Moynihan will still be filming when BB airs.

  39. Gina Carano, T.J. Miller, Will Ferrell, Zac Efron, Shia Labeouf, Miley Cyrus, Kim Kardashian, Amber Heard, Jake Gyllenhaal, Liam Hemsworth, Jude Law, Ashton Kutcher

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