Bronte D’Acquisto – Big Brother 18 Eviction Interview

Bronte D’Acquisto was voted off Big Brother 18 last night after a surprise house flip sent her out instead of the expected target, Tiffany. Now she’s on the outside but still has a chance to get back in the game next week.

Bronte D'Acquisto evicted from Big Brother 18

Bronte became an outspoken Houseguest but unfortunately she was most often speaking out on the wrong side of the house when it came to who was in control. We asked her an apparent lack of campaigning, her tearful “secret nerd” reveal, who she’d target, and more in our Big Brother eviction interview below.

Big Brother Network: You asked your allies if you should be campaigning. Why did you decide not to campaign even without someone telling you to do that?

Bronte D’Acquisto: I decided not to campaign because at the time, Tiffany really was the true target. Too much campaigning in the house can work against you at times because people will feel you donโ€™t trust them.

BBN: Why were you concerned and emotional about revealing your “secret nerd” status inside the house?

Bronte D’Acquisto: Since I was the last female on the rocket I became known as a physical threat. If the houseguest saw me as a mental threat it would have put a big target on my back. The reason I was emotional was because you donโ€™t get no dang sleep in the Big Brother house. I think Iโ€™ve been getting three hours of sleep for the last 30 days.

BBN: You mentioned wishing you had seen more of Big Brother. What did you not feel prepared for once inside the house?

Bronte D’Acquisto: The amount of lying people are willing to do. I did not expect so much aggressive gameplay right out of the gate. I consider myself a feisty person, but I learned thereโ€™s a difference between being feisty and being cutthroat.

BBN: If you win your way back in, who do you target & who can you still trust?

Bronte D’Acquisto:I know I can trust Natalie. Sheโ€™s my ride or die girl. My full attention would be on getting Paulie out of the house because I know heโ€™s the puppet master.

BBN: Thank you, Bronte.

Pretty solid answers for these. That strange and awkward “I’m the secret nerd” moment didn’t make a lot of sense, but a lack of sleep can explain a lot away. I’d also be interested in seeing her go after Paulie considering she had previously planned to inform him post-season of her romantic interest in him. I’d guess that desire has been extinguished.

Get ready for more Big Brother with Sunday’s episode at 8/7c on CBS when the nominations ceremony is revealed and Roadkill takes another victim to the Block.



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  1. Well there’s a thin line between love and hate. She can hate him and love him at the same time, especially when he’s all over Z.

  2. I’m glad I don’t have to endure her annoying voice anymore. Please BB gods, don’t let her get back into the house. I can’t take it.

  3. I miss bronte so much. And if she doesn’t come back, I won’t renew my feeds. Cbs can’t technically bill me, since my old card expired.

    • Just humor me and tell me why you would want to listen to that voice. I’m so glad she is gone, now I can watch the feeds AND listen. LOL

      • You’re literally the ONLY one who thinks so. She’s got, bulging wall eyes, dumbo ears A HUGE HONKING HOOK NOSE, an ugly shaped mouth, tic tac teeth and a really weird shaped head.

        Not only that, fake boobs on a toothpick body.
        No kidding, she looks like a child of incest.

  4. She is lucky her questionable Hong Kong comments, and other mean girl moments didn’t make the edit to tv. The amount of Twitter followers she gained during her stay in the BB house shows just how much she is liked by bb watchers. Good riddance.

    • I can’t believe Julie didn’t even mention it. Just shows certain kinds of racism is okay.

  5. I’m going to assume that was Bronte’s younger sisters dress, who is about 3, I’m guessing…..

    • LMAO. No her siste ris not 3 but DEFINITELY ugly too. There’s a photo of her ugly family on the inter webs. Bronte looks EXACTLY like her hideous looking father.

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