Big Brother’s Britney Haynes Shares New Baby News & Photo

Big Brother’s fan favorite Britney Haynes shared very exciting news last week with a surprise announcement of the birth of a baby girl this past Thursday.

Britney Haynes on Big Brother
Britney Haynes on Big Brother – Source: CBS

Sharing the news on Twitter, Britney wrote on Friday, “Yesterday was perfect. Meet Tilly’s little sister!” Congratulations to Britney and her husband along with newly minted big sister Tilly!

Britney shared just one photo of her newborn and hasn’t mentioned the little girl’s name just yet (which I may have missed), but considering how cute Britney and Tilly have been together we can’t wait for her to share even more photos and details. See their first photo together:

click images to see full size view

Speaking of great photos of Britney and Tilly, here are a few more of her latest from Instagram:

click images to see full size view

Congratulations again to the expanding family! You can share your congratulations and follow Britney for more updates on Twitter.

Source: Instagram



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