Big Brother 15 Week 2 Player Rankings


Another week has passed in the Big Brother 15 house and there’s been a big power shift in the house, but before we start the new week, it’s time to look back on how the houseguests played the game in Week 2.

Iโ€™ll pull out the Top 5 players and then rank the rest in order from best to last. And this is only from Week Two. Anything that happened after Thursday nightโ€™s liveย showย will be considered for next weekโ€™s rankings. So letโ€™s get to it.

Big Brother Week Two Player Rankings

1. Candice. Despite Candice suffering a HUGE amount of torture from Aaryn and her crew, she’s managed to keep her head in the game. So much so that she all but figured out the Moving Company alliance (despite being snowed by Howard). It was her prompting that lead to Nick’s nomination over Kaitlin. Candice is pretty much a hero in my eyes right now. Some might think Amanda or Helen deserve the top spot, but I beg to differ.

2. Amanda. This girl is playing this game. Not only did she form all the alliances she needed to keep her and McCrae safe, she managed to get everyone on board to save Elissa. She’s also playing the social game well and is great at being a behind-the-scenes puppet master.

3. Helen. Despite being a have-not and a nominee, Helen was pivotal on keeping everyone in check with their plan to get Nick out and keep Elissa.

4. Spencer. This dude makes me cringe with basically everything he says in the company of his bros, but him flipping on The Moving Company was necessary to help the others oust Nick. He says he loves the game so much that he wanted to make a big move and that gets my respect.

5. Jeremy. This causes me more pain than ranking Spencer 4th, but I give respect where respect is due. Jeremy basically won the Head of Household and gave it to Aaryn so he could be safe for the week and be eligible to play the following week. And he won veto and got himself off the block.

The Rest

  • 6. Judd. Continued his great social game and got Jessie to flip to his side of the house.
  • 7. Andy. He was hardcore in campaigning against Nick and he interrurpted all the right (and wrong) conversations.
  • 8. Elissa. She nominated Nick, which ended up taking the target off her back.
  • 9. McCrae. He kept everyone too nervous all week to be ranked any higher.
  • 10. Aaryn. She was HOH, so I guess she can have a top 10 spot.
  • 11.ย Jessie. ย Her switching sides is her best move yet.
  • 12.ย Howard. His final vote can be used to throw people off.
  • 13. Kaitlin. She slept most of the week.
  • 14. GinaMarie. She’s just a mess at all times.
  • 15. Nick. It’s sad to put him in last because he was a strong player, but he went home this week. And had he only promised Elissa safety, he may still be in the game. Bad move.

How would you rank the players from Week Two?



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  1. Candice did a great job this week discovering the Moving Company alliance. She really impressed me this week, and I would urge others to vote with me so she can (hopefully) get MVP. Plus it would just be sweet justice (in the house) for her to get it, seeing as she was being insulted with racism last night from the mean girls crew.

  2. Candace is getting a great edit, and playing pretty well, and I like how she’s handled most of the hate being spewed her way.

    But no way she is top player. She didn’t figure out MC because of inate genius, she figured it out because Spencer wrongfooted her on the first eviction vote and the only reason to do that is to cover an alliance. The others can’t figure that out because they don’t know for sure who voted where.

    Candace still has a major blindside in Howard, and is low on the totem pole of her own alliance.

    I would have McCrae much higher. And I would have Spencer lower. Made a big move, but has zero people in the house trusting him (maybe Howard) right now. Joined a group that sees him as a target.

    • either way she figured it out…she is by far the coolest and mose level headed

    • CBS didnt fire her. Her modeling agency back home did, and she does not even know it yet.

      GM too and Spencer is at the moment safe because of his union

  3. Helen should put up Aaryn and Gina Marie on the block and the MVP should put Kaitlyn as the 3rd nominee. We need to get rid of these racists to restore some sanity to the BB House.
    When they are evicted, they no longer can wreck havoc in the house. In addition, they get their bonus news of losing their jobs. Maybe, that will wake them up to the reality that choices have consequences and saying racist things has a heavy price at the end of it! Better if Big Brother had the common sense of making this a double eviction week. That way, both Gina Marie and Aaryn can be evicted simultaneously.

    • Jeremy has to go. Put up the three mean girls and if someone wins the Veto take one off and put up Jeremy. Then vote him out. The other 4 (including Spencer) they can get out any time after that as long as no one breaks the alliance and makes deal with Jeremy.

  4. I would agree with all those except #4. I think that should go to Judd. Spencer was not onboard until the last minute. He finally knew which side his bread was buttered on. But Judd managed to flip Jessie before that happened. They actually didn’t need Spencers vote. And i still don’t trust him.

  5. I think Jeremy, Aaryn and Kaitlyn played a terrible game this week. They managed to further alienate themselves from the rest of the house and make themselves huge targets for upcoming weeks. Jeremy’s decision not to take the HOH for the week backfired when Helen won this week. Giving it to Aaryn and allowing her to strut around all week like the queen of BB hurt the entire alliance. Kaitlyn is there only for her shomance and that is not playing the game at all.

    I give Elissa more credit for not losing her cool over the first two weeks. It took the mean girls only a few minutes of being on the outs with the house to go crazy and act like hateful, spiteful children. Elissa has been dealing with this the entire time she has been there and handled it about as well as can be expected.

  6. The key line last night was from Howard at 10:57 last night – “If the producers let em do this then this is what they want to see”.

    No one is mentioning it – but it places responsibility with CBS for letting the race stuff continue far too long.

    • I heard that too, and was thinking the same thing. That tells me alot about the people who head this show. Sad. Aaryn’s life has been changed forever, she doesn’t know it yet, but, it has, and not in a good way.

  7. Candice is my new favorite player. I guess since she’s a speech therapist, she catches nuances in conversations that others dismiss. Additionally I like that she appears to be a floater, when she’s actually one of the masterminds this season. Smart smart player. She deserves the #1 spot.

  8. My guess is that Jeremy, Aaryn, and Kaitlin or going to be the next 3 evicted. They can even see Spencer as a huge threat and try to get him out before jury.

    • And then it’s going to be funny watching that huge alliance of 10 all start turning on each other. I’m going to sit back and enjoy the show.

  9. Well once again I agree with most of your choices. I think Helen deserves # 1 since she controls every move Elissa makes. And Amanda should not even be in the top 10. I think her social game sucks. She goes around bullying people. Even Candice was yelling at her telling her to quit telling her what to do and quit bullying her about the vote. McCrae even told her she needs to stop bullying people and telling them what to do. And 90% of the people in the house have talked about getting rid of Amanda soon. And that’s her own alliance talking like that.

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