Big Brother Spoilers: Who Won HoH Last Night? 6-26-2014

Last night on Big Brother, spoilers & results revealed who won the Head of Household competition for the second group of Houseguests soon after they moved in to their new home.

Frankie Grande on Big Brother 16
Frankie Grande on Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

This was part two of the Season 16 premiere and wrapped up all the introductions, crowned a new, additional HoH, shocked us with the news that Frankie is the first Team America player, and set us up for the first Battle of the Block competition.

I’ll be live blogging with all the details of tonight’s show over here, but if you just want the highlights for spoilers and results from the show then this is the post for you.

We already know who moved in the first night so that makes the Group 2 move-in obvious, but here’s who was there:

Houseguests Move-In:

  • Brittany Martinez
  • Caleb Reynolds
  • Christine Brecht
  • Derrick Levasseur
  • Hayden Voss
  • Jocasta Odom
  • Victoria Rafaeli
  • Zach Rance

Head of Household Competition – “Over The Coals”:

It’s an endurance comp set up with last night’s comp gear, but instead of running on the rolling cylinder, they’ll be hanging on as it rotates them. Last player standing wins HoH and joins Frankie at the HoH table.

  • Victoria drops quickly
  • Brittany lets go after BB starts spraying sauce
  • Jocasta slips off
  • Christine is struggling and there she goes
  • Zach goes next, but on person
  • Derrick falls on purpose as well
  • Just Hayden and Caleb are left… Hayden finally falls!

Caleb is the new Head of Household and will join Frankie in the role.

click images to see full-size

Season 16 Twists revealed:

  • Julie confirms 4 nominees each week
  • Battle of the Block will only include those 4 noms, HoHs won’t compete
  • Winning duo of noms will get off the block & dethrone their nominator
  • Removed HoH is vulnerable via PoV & can be evicted that week

Team America:

  • First member of Team America is… Joey! Wait, what?
  • She’ll soon learn the other members of her team

What did you think of tonight’s Big Brother 16 premiere? This season holds a lot of promise for me and I’ve very excited for what’s ahead of us. Thankfully now that the premiere is completely over we can get ready to start watching the Live Feeds! If you hurry you might still be able to get the Early Bird sale price, but either way, make sure you have your Feeds ready to go. Big Brother Feeds start at 10PM PT / 1AM ET as does After Dark tonight on TVGN.



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  1. I’m glad Joey was picked. I was afraid all the girls were going to go by the wayside in Team America. She’s the perfect choice.

  2. it’s nice to see that there are 16 newbies and some somewhat normal people, lol… I wonder if there is such a thing. There are a couple that may get on my nerves by the end of the game. OK! Maybe now :) Especially Zach

  3. I’m excited for the new twist finally, but is there still going to be veto comp or does the battle of the block replace it?

    • I’m not sure, but from the info we have so far, I believe there will be a veto comp.

      • They never said “replaced POV” and it makes sense to have POV since the dethroned HoH “could be sent home” same week. That is doable by using POV and making HoH a replacement.
        I like these twists, I have to say:
        BoB – should reduce “thrown comps”
        2 HoHs and 4 Noms each week (while feasible) – reduces chance of a major alliance “running the house”, since so many people in the direct line of fire each week.
        I like these changes this season!

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