Diary Room: Adam Poch On Big Brother 16 Premiere & All Those Crazy Twists

Big Brother HG - Adam Poch
Big Brother HG Adam Poch – Credit: Greg P Photo

2 nights, 16 houseguests, 2 HoH competitions, and twist after twist after twist! Welcome to a new season of BIG BROTHER!

On BB7 – we had 2 HoH’s the first week. On BB9 we had 4 people nominated the first couple of weeks. But BB16 is nothing like those 2 seasons. We will find out soon (if not already) who each HoH nominated, and which group of nominees won the new Battle of the Block. Frankie & Caleb need to be very careful – because they can go back into the nomination pool.

That fact alone may persuade them to nominate weaker players so they cannot win the BotB, and the first 2 weeks will be the toughest, since they wont know what type of competition it will be. Is it going to be mental, physical, a puzzle, endurance??? And will that competition change from week to week?

We saw Frankie get into it a little bit with Zach right away – and Frankie showed us his cards a little that he would go after Zach. And Caleb told Paola that he is good at reading people. Will she go back and tell the Crazy 8s his secret?

Speaking of the Crazy 8’s how long do you think before they turn on each other? Now that the rest of the houseguests came in – as they talk and start to bond with people in the Second 8 they may find out they like some of them more than they like their original group. I still do not see Frankie nominating anyone from the Crazy 8s, but I can see Caleb nominating someone(s) from his group.

Then again, this new twist could also be beneficial if the 2 HoH’s work together, and pick 4 people to try and stack the odds in their favor. With one of the HoH’s losing their safety, one of them can sacrifice their HoH, and put up 2 people they think will win the BotB, if they are guaranteed safety for the week .

We also have learned who the first member of TEAM AMERICA is: Seattle Makeup artist Joey. I am sure she was just as surprised as we were. I am still not quite sure how this is going to play out. There are too many unknown factors – like what kind of challenges they will they have to perform to win $5000, and what happens if/when one member of the team gets voted out?

The best part of all of this is this is the first time Big Brother has been played this way – and it will take a few weeks for them to run through every scenario. It will not be as easy to back door someone. Some of the new HGs may have watched every episode of every season, but that will not help them at all. Perhaps that’s why the cast is made up of more recruits than superfans. Superfans (think they) know how the game is played / has been played / will be played. But with all these new wrinkles no one really knows what will happen next.

Catch me again here on Tuesday when I give my first week rankings. Who will get the Golden Strip of Bacon, and who will get the Tofurkey of the week.

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  1. Did anyone else get really mad when Zack started outright picking on Frankie. I am not a huge Frankie fan, but you’ve known the man for five minutes, Zack! He reminds me of an arrogant Jeremy from last season. I hope he goes soon. Like Frankie said, not too smart to pick on the HoH on night one!

    • Except that now Frankie is not HOH anymore. And we’ve a lot of stuff in BB, what Zack said to Frankie was pretty light. I would worry about it.

    • Tame stuff. You would think Frankie would have a thicker skin.

      And why is it a crime for Zack to judge Frankie, but Frankie starts assuming this and that about about Caleb immediately?

      • Slappy, you’re right. It’s not fair to make a snap judgement about anyone after just being introduced to them. Need to get to know them a little first. That was exactly my point.

  2. Like Adam said – going to be harder to backdoor someone. The 2 noms who win BoB are safe that week.
    I’m really liking these twists alot.

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