Will Big Brother Season 16 Be A ‘Battle Of The Sexes’?

There is always enough speculation each Big Brother preseason to keep ourselves busy and that hasn’t slowed down as we approach the season premiere on Wednesday, June 25, 2014. One of the latest rumors is that we’ll see a battle of the sexes. I’m not so convinced.

Big Brother 16 - Men Vs Women?
Big Brother 16 – Men Vs Women? – Images courtesy of CBS

Few things are pointing fans toward the possibility of a Men Vs Women season of Big Brother this summer. Setting it all up are the split memory wall screens which many said indicated a “Blood VS Water” theme. Well that theme didn’t pan out, but the teams speculating continued on.

CBS went and posted articles on the official Big Brother site for “meet the men” and “meet the women” in separate postings. Grouping them like this was another cited reason for a battle of the sexes. Heck, I was even told by at least four of the women HGs that they wanted to form an all-girls alliance. An unlikely strategy, but if production was looking to go this route then they’d need to have willing and ready participants. So is that where we’re heading?

Ehh, I don’t think so. Maybe, maybe we’ll get teams. It could happen. The whole “Battle of the Block” and Two HoHs twists could easily fit in with a team dynamic, but both could also work without it. As for the two memory wall screens, I don’t think they changed that out just for this season’s theme. 65-inch screens are a standard size and two of them fit well there while allowing for more keyholes to surround the screens. Again, it’s possible, but teams aren’t necessary for them to have two screens (what would they do with them next year otherwise?).

Well wait, as one reader pointed out, what if both HoHs want to nominate the same person? They can’t do that so either they’re nominating from separated pools (teams) or the two HoHs have to coordinate their decisions before the ceremony. Oh my goodness, this could get messy!

Then for Men Vs Women, if the show split them up that way then how could we get Nicole cuddling up to Donny Caleb without causing problems within their teams? Dividing by male/female lines isolates a fun dynamic of the game and considering the lengths production has gone to fabricate relationships in past seasons I don’t think they’d put such a roadblock in their way.

Huge Update: Yes, the house will be divided in to groups for at least the start of the game. We’ve learned one group of eight will enter on Wednesday and another on Thursday. Both will have separate HoH competitions. We do not know if they’ll continue to play as teams as determined by these groups of if they’ll all go solo at that point.

Of course this is all just speculation and we could end up with Team Men vs Team Women with each having their own Memory Wall screen. I just don’t see it as the most likely answer to what we’ve seen so far and wouldn’t they have hyped that by this point? Hmm.

But if it does happen, won’t those ladies be at a disadvantage? I mean it’s science after all. (Kidding!)



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  1. I’m thinking that there might be teams to avoid duplicate nominations from the two HOH’s. However, I think they maybe the old schoolyard pick. They went into the house, had the HOH Comp and that winner is the first HOH. Then America’s vote for who they want to form an alliance with is the second HOH.They then pick teams. If the winner of HOH Comps is the same person as America’s choice then the second highest vote getter is the second HOH.

    • the average ‘merican viewer needs simple stupid … this gets too complicated and the channels gettin’ changed.

  2. I doubt it will be men vs women. It would be hard to come up with physical comps that are fair to both. Maybe whoever wins HOH gets to pick their team. Each HOH taking turns at choosing. Or each HOH gets to pick a name out of the bag (like when picking veto comp players). But we might end up with a lopsided team if that happened.

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  1. Big Brother 16 Move-In Will Be Divided Groups | Big Brother 16
  2. Big Brother 16 Spoilers: First HoH Comp & First Group Of HGs Revealed! | Big Brother 16

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