Reminder: ‘After Dark’ On TVGN For Big Brother 16

Many fans had hoped that CBS would move Big Brother After Dark back to SHO2 after it’s trip to TVGN last summer. That’s not going to happen. At least not this year.

Big Brother After Dark on TVGN
Big Brother After Dark – Source: TVGN

“After Dark” will be back on TVGN starting this Thursday night following the conclusion of the second episode of Big Brother 16. I’m sure that will disappoint those who had enjoyed a truly uncensored view in to the house each night on SHO2. Following the announcement of its move to TVGN last year I was assured the experience and censoring would be the same. Obviously that was not accurate and viewers were instead treated to extremely heavy-handed censorship.

So what can viewers expect this year? Pretty much the same thing. Though it’s worth nothing the censorship was improved to a core list by the end of the last season of Big Brother, but it’s still going to happen and will definitely impact the fun-factor.

In light of its notable censorship TVGN released the following commercial to poke fun which I’d consider kinda NSFW even if those words are partially bleeped.

So what are your options? If you truly want a “bleep” free Big Brother 16 experience then you’ll need to get the Live Feeds. There’s no one sitting on a button to block the HG conversations and you’ll have the benefit of multiple camera options and even a DVR feature for the entire season. Want to go back and listen to a conversation from six weeks ago on a specific day, hour, minute, and even pick which camera? Yep, you can do that with the Live Feeds.

Personally, the only time I use BBAD is when we’re watching for the conclusion of a comp and looking to see if After Dark turns on first. That happens once or twice a season. It’s a great alternative to the Feeds if you’d rather not purchase a subscription. Otherwise it’s just not practical.

First episode this season will premiere on Friday at 1AM ET/PT. The advertisements may indicated Thursday June 26 as the start of BBAD, but it won’t be until after the second episode of the season, not the first.

But for those dedicated After Dark viewers, episodes will air 11:00 PM-2:00 AM, live ET on Monday and Tuesday; 12:00 AM-2:00 AM, live ET on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday; and 1:00 AM-3:00 AM, live ET on Thursday. Take note of the back and forth start times.



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  1. Another good reason to get the live feeds. Last year the TVGN broadcast was awful to watch with all the beeping.

    • this. I think I watched maybe 2 days on TVGN last year before giving up because of the beeps

    • Yes, get live feeds since they’re in HD & uncensored & if u want to watch on ur big screen TV like me, u can just stream it from ur phone or connect it using an mhl device…definitely don’t watch tvgn this yr though & maybe they will finally bring it back to sho2 next season✌

  2. TVGN For Big Brother SUCKS.. I rather pay for it then to hear BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP…


  4. Xfinity/comcast schedule for SF Bay Area says the first After Dark will air friday 6/27, 1:00am PST .. waiting til all 16 HGs are in the house?

  5. Hiya Matt & Friends!
    Back again for another summer of fun :)

    Another thing with TVGN is that it is not HD.
    Wishfull thinking for next year on Showtime.
    Maybe someone will listen to us viewers.

  6. Watched it ALL the time on Showtime2, TVGN was a huge letdown to loyal fans. Quit watching after 2 shows, it was all bleeped out. They need to put back on Showtime where it belongs or run it on both channels.

  7. Well that sucks. Not only is it not on Showtime2 again. But for the first time ever its starting a day later.Ughhhh.

  8. You guys at CBS had a whole year to get it back to Showtime, what the hell gives. This is going to be the downfall of Big Brother

  9. Tried to watch it last year and you couldn’t make out what the heck was going on.

  10. They chose to air on TVGN, again, so that more people would PAY for the live feeds. This way they make MORE money.

    • No, they moved BBAD to TVGN after CBS bought a half stake in the channel. They put a popular show on their new channel to gain it an automatic viewership. If they wanted to up Feed sales then they would have just done away with After Dark.

  11. Just f’ing pathetic! I don’t see the point of listening to beeping for 3 hours. All it is a brilliant idea for the series to cash in on the live computer feed. Too bad I’m not falling it and I wish everyone else wouldn’t either.

  12. cbs owns tvgn, and this is only a ploy to rip people off with those
    garbage live feeds which are a complete scam, we bought the live feeds
    for 3 weeks and mostly got to watch fish tanks. BOYCOTT TVGN … do not
    sign up for live feeds, if you want to see the after dark, watch online
    for free, DO NOT WATCH TVGN, make sure they do not get the ratings

  13. make sure tvgn does not get the ratings, make sure live feeds do not make money … watch bb16 and after dark online for free

  14. I would stay with Victoria at the final in order to ensure a 100% win for myself. No one but Derrick is thinking this. Donnie, Hayden or Nicole should win HOH next week. I hope Zack, Caleb or Cody go bye bye this Thursday.

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