The Big Brother Rewind twist may open up some interesting scenarios after we already saw the first run at the week. Now with the house hopping up and down to get out Frankie they may have another chance as things move back to “go!”
If there was no Rewind this week then Victoria would be the one walking out the door, but she’s lucked in to a second shot at survival. More importantly for the guys battling their pink-frosted competitor for a share of the wins, they’ve lucked in to another shot at Frankie.
When the needle moves back to zero on Wednesday night it’ll be like Derrick’s reign had just ended so he’ll be the outgoing HoH and unable to compete in back-to-back comps. That’s the standard rule and Julie Chen has confirmed that’s how it’ll work.
Caleb, Cody, Frankie, and Victoria will have another go at the HoH power. If Frankie pulls off yet another win, and who would be surprised if he did?, then I’m guessing we’ll have the exact same repeat of noms with Cody and Victoria going up. Frankie already did it to them once so why upset anyone else with that?
Now if Frankie doesn’t win HoH but instead Caleb or Cody gets it then we may still not see Frankie go up in the first wave of nominees. They know the Veto lays ahead and a move to put him up on the block might only fan the fire under his feet to get the win. Better let him relax just a nudge and then surprise him with a renom and eviction.
When Frankie isn’t around the guys have discussed and agreed that they need to get him out in the eleventh hour here. Meanwhile Frankie has had some camera talk time and said he expects him to do that very thing. He’s even told Derrick that if he doesn’t win the next Veto he knows he’ll go. That’s of course the scenario if this week’s events weren’t being nullified.
Should Victoria win HoH then she’d probably go right for it and nominate Cody with Frankie. She’s not putting up Derrick and doesn’t seem to have much of an issue with Caleb like she does with the other two guys.
As for the Veto possibilities, if Frankie is both HoH winner and the Veto winner then we’ll probably see Victoria head on out the door as originally planned. Should Frankie lose both comps then yes, I think that’ll be the end for him.
Unless one of them secretly wants to keep Frankie, and Derrick actually might, then they’d be just as foolish to keep him as they were the past two weeks. Frankie is a comp beast and will keep winning his way to the end if they continue to give him the chance.
If Cody or Caleb wins the HoH but Frankie wins the Veto then it’ll be back to Victoria going out the door. Probably. Maybe we’d see Cody win HoH, Frankie win Veto, and Derrick convince Frankie in to voting out Caleb instead of Victoria under the guise of keeping their F4 to F3 transition even easier.
Or heck, Derrick wouldn’t have to convince Frankie of anything as he could split the votes and send the tie-breaker to Cody as the HoH. Wait, are we relying on Cody to make any sort of move here and evict Caleb instead of Victoria? Heh, yeah, nevermind on that. Derrick would probably just need to go through Frankie and make it unanimous.
Frankie went from having to avoid one week to needing to survive two weeks if he wants to get to F3. His odds are dented, but not insurmountable so this could turn in to an exciting run of events.
What do you think could end up happening with the Big Brother Rewind?
I fully expect the “Media Mogul” to win every competition he’s allowed to compete in from here on out. He’s got it won. They were too stupid to get him out when they had the chance.
That’s what I’m all of a sudden expecting as well…still hopeful it doesn’t, so I’m waiting patiently to see how the cards fall!
I’m afraid I agree with you there. As much as I honestly can’t stand Frankie (I can’t even express how much), he’s certainly played his butt off.
Well, that’s the thing … If he had just played the game, and just won the comps, instead of playing for the villain and MeanGirls and all his other sociopathic tendencies … I think his millions and millions of fans and followers would have actually liked him, both as a Player and as a Person … but, now … I dunno ….
Gary from BBCAN1 was basically the Frankie of this year .. a Production Favoured from the get go, had a number of Production-type favoritisms, but won the comps when he needed to … and, this year, he was a SideShow Co-Host, and actually quite entertaining, once he got rid of all that game play vile-ness …
Actually, I am now wondering if Frankie was attempting to play Gary’s game this season ?? Hmmmm ???
Does Frankie even know Gary???
Sorry your so called “sociopathic tendencies” as you say, can be directed only towards Derrick.
What? Why in the world would anyone think of Derrick as sociopathic? Manipulative, yes. Not sociopathic. That term implies an individual who has violent tendencies, thoughts, suggetions and actions toward others. Skankie is the sociopath poster child. He has talked about beheading a fellow houseguest, euthanizing, killing, stabbing in the heart, others in the house, taking all the virginities of another hg, wishing still another hg would commit suicide, plus, he has called the women in the house ugly names, all behind the back of each of them. But, he prances around squealing, “I love you” to each and every recipient of those horrific comments. That is sociopathic behavior. There’s an evilness in him that allows him to cuddle and kiss someone one minute then wish them harm or death the next. Sociopathic.
A very functioning sociopath! Yep!
Technically, a definitive sociopath does not need to have violent thoughts. A sociopath is someone with no conscience. They know the difference between right and wrong, but don’t care. They have no real emotions, but are able to mimic emotions based on observations they’ve made and figure must be “normal.”
But yes, Frankie seems like a sociopath.
Fakey is a vile human being. He wasn’t trying to be a villain or trying to do anything. It’s just who he is. Nothing will change with Fakey when he leaves this game. He is just, simply put, not a great person.
Frankie is a typical “Boca Brat,” as they are known from Boca Raton.
the only thing frankie has done is win competitions, his social game has been wreckless in my opinion, he has been caught lying about various things, evicted the one guy that would never vote him out and the only guy that would take him to final two, and on any other season he would have been evicted already
However, Frankie PLAYED the game with all it’s in and outs and won comps. Cannot say that for Caleb, Derrick and Cody. Victoria is the all time BB Floater who will win it all cause of her personality……no aggression towards the jury.
Caleb, Cody and Derrick have all won several comps. And have not acted like disgusting pigs like Skankie.
I agree
Yup… with Derrick being sidelined for the comp, I see it just going down the same as it already did and the whole twist being a total and utter letdown, just like all the previous twists this season.
Not that Derrick would win HOH, but it is one less person for Frankie to have to beat.
I see this happening. The way BB twist go. Next week will be boring.
I still think he’d lose at the end if he’s with Derrick. Winning a lot of competitions doesn’t mean your a good player; quite the opposite of it in my book.
Also, it kind of sucks that he’ll probably be holding records for competition wins. Shouldn’t really count since there were so many more opportunities to win HOH and other comps this season versus prior ones.
Chubby Checker would beat em’ all.
Who’s that? :-)
I’m going to hope that is sarcasm, or am I REALLY that old? Please don’t answer that. :(
You’re not really that old! How’s that? haha
whispering in KSJB’s ear…it’s sarcarsm! I grew up in the 60s if that gives you a clue!
You’ll never be as old as me.
I don’t look it, but I’m older than a lot on this board! :-)
LOL you aren’t that old at least I hope not! Because I certainly know who Chubby Checker is and then that would make me old too!!! I DO NOT consider myself old YET!!
My daughter had her 39th BD yesterday. There was a little boy, probably about 4 yrs old, at the ballpark yesterday where my two grandsons were playing. He guessed my age at 23. We became fast friends.
I could have a daughter that age if I started having children as early as 16, 17 or 18, but I was still sticking mashed potatoes in my ears then…LOL Among those my age I was friends with all started having kids early…I waited another 9 years later to do that! :-)
Happy Belated Birthday to your daughter!
TY, Joni, very sweet.
What park? I want to go there. Lol
Little boys name was Fluffy. Only in Tn.!
He’ll grow up to be a rapper…but will need a name change to fit him then! :-)
He’s a Rapper.
Aren’t you suppose to be a music producer? Chubby is a she.
Can SHE do the twist??
Chubby Checker is a African American man around 72 years old.
Are you sure? I think she plays piano at a nudist church in Virginia.
I think you’re confusing Chubby Checker with Lil Richard! :-)
Actually Chubby Checker (the inventor of ‘the twist’) and Little Richard are contemporaries, although Little Richard has been around a bit longer.
KSJB and I were just funnin with one another robin…our ages are telling, especially to those who’ve not been around long enough to know who these legends are! :-)
Love your sense of humor!!!!
He just started producing. I’m his first artist. :-)
I’m sorry.
I thought it was Brooke Shields…I could be wrong! hahaha
I don’t think cbs has the stones to get rid of tinkerbell .someone please tell me when “politically correct” will fade to history ?
LOL @ TINKERBELL!! That guy displays every stereotypical thing that can be thrown out at homosexuals with no apology. It drives me nuts!!
Mr. No Moral Compass is what he is to me!
Worse it makes my Gay friends cringe everytime he starts talking.
That’s so true. It has nothing to do with Frankie being gay, but it has everything to do with him being the disgusting person he is. I think every synonym for ‘vile’ that appears in Webster’s dictionary has been used to describe him.
Don’t be like the BB15 HGs, please. We’re trying to hold ourselves on a higher level than these BB villains, right?
Meanwhile, CBS and BB have NEVER ejected a House Guest for language or cruel words. There have only been 4 ejections from the house for the 16 seasons that the show has been on, and all 4 were due to physical violence. If there was ever a time to set a new example, it would have been last year. But that ship has sailed. Clearly, the House Guests can say anything they want, as long as they don’t physically injure someone.
Derrick poised to go 53/53 on surviving nominations. Incredible. He’s already made it further than anyone in history without being nominated. Hoping he can win the final four HOH to make it through the entire game without ever being nominated.
I am surprised that Frankie hasn’t nominated Derrick simply out of jealousy to keep Derrick from holding that “title”. I think it bothers Frankie. He has mentioned it a few times to others.
Frankie knows that Derrick is in control of this house, but it doesn’t seem to bother him when he’s around Derrick. I’ve even heard him say that he wouldn’t mind it if Derrick wins the game, even if Frankie himself is in the Final 2. Call that what you will, but Frankie seems to like Derrick.
Please tell me with the rewind they won’t get their $5K since it is supposed to mean the week never happened that means the mission did not happen either…..right?
They get it. Wish they had to do the other one.
is the rewind one the last HOH or do they have one more?
2 more after this and 1 veto. There is no veto on the F3 just F4 and they all play for HOH in both. Counting Wed 3 HOH and 2 Veto.
so let frankie have this one and he can’t compete in next one and he can’t win veto perfect right?
Or why not try this time and fail than not try at all to get him out if he doesn’t win either HoH or Veto?
They won’t be able to get Frankie out of that house. I wasn’t a Frankie fan but he is good. If he makes it to F2 I will be rooting for him. Nicole is the only player in that house that had the balls to nominate him. Derrick has played a good game but compared to Frankie’s competition record it will be hard to deny him.
We’re at F5 and Derrick has never been nominated. Is that some sort of BB record?
From what I found on the net from bb2-bb15 no one has made through an entire season without being nominated at least once. So if Derrick continues on his no nomination streak it will be a record. IDK if F5 with no nominations is a record or not though.
As of now, yes, but there’s still a lot of game to play and, unfortunately, very few HGs left for the nomination pool. The chances are high that his luck will run out.
Derrick has played the best BB game but Frankie has played the best physical game. Hard to say who would win but I know Jocasta, Hayden and Nicole said they would vote for Derrick. At one time Donny also said he would vote for him because he knew Derrick was running the house. Don’t know but it takes 5. I know Victoria will vote for him but the others could change their minds.
If it’s Frankie and Derrick in Final 2, then Derrick will win hands down. Nicole, Hayden, Jocasta, Victoria, and Cody would give him their votes hands down – that’s 5 right there. It wouldn’t matter what Donny, Caleb, Zach, or Christine do.
My fear is they’re not going to be able to get rid of Skankie. Stupid not getting rid of him when they had the chance. Everyone saying it’s to soon including people on this site. Is it still too soon?
I thought it was a dumb move not to “get her done” the first chance they had. Guess I wouldn’t make a very good playa.
No, and even the last opportunity they had would have no longer been considered “too soon,” as far as the game Derrick is playing now. Yes, Frankie is still a guarantee to take him to Final 2, but so are Cody and Victoria at this point. I even think he’s got Caleb convinced that Derrick wouldn’t win if he was sitting next to Beastmode in Final 2.
And now is the time to strike. Frankie’s nearly matched Janelle’s record of comp wins. If he stays, he will likely gain more and then he will be very difficult to beat in the end.
Frankie is now trying to convince everyone that Derrick would win in the F2 because he is a family man and everybody likes him. Derricks never been on the block, etc. Derrick is worried.
just saw their favorite poll and can’t believe it was Donny – Donny refused to play the TA challenge -so he really wasn’t part of the team and then complained because they voted him out. The Gomer Pyle act was old after the second show – as was watching him dig at his beard and armpits…. sorry – his is probably a very nice person – I am just not a fan.
he refused on the one that would throw their games not all of them, his idea for the one that was their choice was better then Frankie’s idea which lost overwhelmingly
he refused two of them and only wanted to take part in the one that would save himself …. I agree Frankie’s idea was pathetic – but so was Donny’s – very self-serving.
Donny only refused to take part in one TA challenge, and he had a very good reason for doing so…his life in the game. Although it might have been self-serving to try and use his last TA challenge to stay in the house, he did have good reasoning behind his idea…but, Fakie wanted to do HIS self-serving “let’s put on a play” challenge which went over like a DUD…..Fakie thinks it’s ALL about him…in his egomaniacal mind, he’s all that America cares for and wants to see…he imagines that we hang on his every word and idea….he is SO completely egocentric that he makes me want to puke.
pass the barf bucket – me too
I’ll get the mop bucket when you’re all done and make you all clean it up! Yep, that’s how I roll! :-)
Don’t waste your vomit on a swine. He would just eat it….ugh!
He’d probably make one of my cats do that!
So-So true
but he went along with 3 of them at least because he is getting 15K. Yes Frankie is not self serving at all
What two did he refuse? And who are you a fan of?
I don’t remember what the challenge was – but I thought he refused two back to back and then wanted TA to save him in the last one. – I agree Frankie’s idea totally sucked – but so did Donny’s
I think Derrick is playing a great game – it sounds like his hand is infected and this could have an effect on whatever physical challenge there might be.
Nawww….it’s just an injured middle finger. He’ll be flying that baby again in no time! :-)
Isn’t that what BB is? Everyone out for themselves? But also be able to form alliances and play at being social even if you’re not usually sociable. Donny wasn’t able to relate to others except Jocasta.
Donny was looking at the bigger picture. $5K wasn’t enough to potentially have people turning against him. Smart move.
I didn’t see where Donny had a “game plan” must have missed that show as he was doing nothing in the shows I did see.
you are right – Frankie needs to go and I don’t believe the schools in Africa story – I think Frankie wants to go on vacation.
Can’t stand the suspense until Wednesday. Fingers crossed we’re not all disappointed. Want Frankie gone so badly I can taste it. Also can’t believe how totally addicted I am to these posts, I’ll probably go into serious withdrawal when the season ends. Is there a rehab for people like me? When does Survivor start? Hope I make it until then, someone help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee………………………………………
We’ll do it together, GMaG. But it will have to be a specialized place. I’ll also need a little weight counseling, thanks to SHARONA causing me to crave ice cream while watching the shows, and a little marriage counseling due to the fact that my husband thinks I’ve gone off the deep end. He doesn’t understand (not a BB fan). And just one more thing, it doesn’t help that I am posting with a hippy Californian who drinks Patron,is a music producer, and a Deacon at a nudie church. My Tn man isn’t into all that. Upon thinking about it, GMaG,you my want someone else to go with. I may be too far gone.
Thank you, KSJB! Sounds like just the place for me. I could probably use all those things too, plus some special treatment to rid me of the sound of Christine’s cackle, Caleb’s fantasies, and Frankie’s non-stop friggin’ voice! We’ll be tough nuts to crack!
Maybe ObamaCare would help if the place is too expensive.Did you mention snot sucking Cody, or maybe that one didn’t bother you.
LOL. Gross! Yea, I can add him to the list. Damn, and I was just about to eat my dinner (West Coast).
Stop you two…my stomach hurts laughing too hard!
It will be the best birthday present I could give to hubby on Wednesday, who really doesn’t care about this show! LOL
It all depends on who wins HOH. Frankie probably will still win it. Chances are pretty good it will be Victoria going home. Derrick probably will not be able to save her this time out. If Victoria and say Cody winds up on the block again, it will be Victoria going home. That will leave Frankie, Cody, Caleb and Derrick in the house. If it is Caleb or Cody who wins HOH then, they probably will try and get Frankie out if he does not win POV. My feeling is if the guys all stay safe and Victoria is evicted, the next HOH is going to be the most important HOH.
Wait, didn’t Julie say that ALL HGs would be playing in this upcoming HOH?
Everybody except Derrick. He would technically still be HOH since Frankie’s didn’t count.
She sure did ! I took it literally…
If people were smart in this game, they would keep Frankie because he won’t get votes from the jury house. It’s a guaranteed win for anyone going against Frankie!
But how many times have we seen the F2 standing before the jury and hearing the jury tell them, “I really don’t want to vote for you, but you played the strongest game, by far.”? Those who don’t want Frankie to win have to hope that his obnoxiousness, which the jury doesn’t have full knowledge of (and which they mostly condoned), will outweigh the fact that he left the other players in the dust when it came to challenges. Even when that idiot Caleb sat down on the ground instead of making sure that Frankie lost, Frankie managed to win the comp anyway! They can blame Caleb for the fact that Frankie’s still in the house, due to that stupid move. Don’t like Frankie one bit but he’s one fierce competitor.
you are right – if he wanted to control the situation he should have played the game and made sure it had the outcome they were hoping for. Frankie would have been gone! Instead he sat down like a two year old having a tantrum….. s**t for brains.
That was really dumb but so was not backdooring Frankie when he had the chance. They have had many chances and didn’t do it.
I really don’t think you are right with this. Frankie and Derrick are the only two players this season that really played the game. After the HGs get voted out they talk and realize that even though they are bitter they have to choose the best player. There may be one juror who will remain bitter until the end and vote the other way, but usually the best player gets the most votes. Frankie stays and he will win. Derrick has a better chance if he doesn’t take Frankie.
I want Frankie gone! Hope they have questions Victoria knows to stir things up.
From another article, written by Matt Boyer;
“Victoria would have gone home 2-0 this week, but thanks to the Big Brother Rewind sheโll get another shot at safety.”
This just makes me cringe, because I believe Matt is right, and I would love for not only non-player Victoria to leave, but to have a final four of competitors for the first time maybe ever with this show. I expect a whirlwind of back-lash for saying this, but I’m starting to really hope the rewind plays out exactly the same way. Frankie HoH, nominates Cody and Victoria, Frankie POV, not used…Victoria evicted.
Hopefully then next week when Frankie can’t play for HoH, he finally doesn’t win a Veto, and he’s evicted next.
Derrick is busy putting out many fires tonight….first time he may be in serious trouble…he can’t play HOH, he’s gonna have to hope Vic wins it, or he has to win POV…..up til tonight, he’s played a great game, but I think he may be in real danger of going home…..and I think he knows it, and now he’s scrambling a bit….
I’ve been saying for weeks if they start comparing notes or really thinking he could go. Multiple alliances, no enemies. But we all know they also change their minds constantly.
No matter what happens please let me be there when someone tells Caleb what Beast Mode Cowboy means.
Funny. Let’s hope they tell him that it’s spelled wrong — it should be D-O-U-C-H-E-B-A-G-L-O-S-E-R.
I like him better now that he’s not stalking Amber but I also know it was because of him that she’s gone and I personally feel he ruined her experience. I dunno how she feels but I can’t forget.
I have DirecTV. I know this is a bit off-topic, but how do I get a chance to watch BBCan? I hear people discuss it and the various players. As much as I love BB, I would sure like to see how the Canadians do it……anyone?
I can’t stand that Caleb is always saying he is gonna win AFP because everyone loves him, ugh! The only person that loves Caleb is Caleb! #TeamDerrick