Big Brother Rewind Airs Online Tonight 7PM ET

If you’re worn out from watching the girls in their bikinis and the guys grabbing some sun poolside today on the Big Brother 12 live feeds then I’ve got a great a really cool alternative for you to check out tonight. The Guys From Queens (GFQ) put out a live online show at called Big Brother Rewind every Sunday night at 7PM ET which is great because it’s a perfect lead in to tonight’s Big Brother 12 Nominations show at 8PM.

Each week Big Brother Rewind hosts Andrew and Jessica discuss everything that’s happened in CBS’ Big Brother. GFQ’s show will cover everything going on inside the house including the HOH & POV comps and of course the evictions.

If you miss a live show no need to worry, you can download the Podcast at anytime on iTunes and on

So check it out and let me know what you think of their online show.



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  1. I’m watching it now. I presonally think it’s a waste of time. They make jokes and stuff, but they seem really cold. The recap would be nice if you’ve missed the whole week of episodes, but otherwise there was nothing special about it.

  2. @jenn #2

    i couldnt agree with you more. bigbrothernetwork is so amazing, and just the fact they endorse this is disappointing.

  3. You’ve gotta join in the conversation. They pick right up on comments and discussions added via the chat. It’s smoother running than a few of the RealNetworks’ live shows I’ve signed in on. I’m going to keep checking it out and maybe we can break in a few more spoilers along the way!

    Big Brother Rewind is another extension of the online BB community. A live chat show is something we can’t offer so I’m glad we can put this out there for fans looking to join in on something like that. If you’ve got the live feeds you can always get those chat shows as well, but these are nice because they’re totally free and open to everyone.

  4. I thought most of the show was a little boring… I personally think it would be more interesting if they were talking about the spoilers and what fan/they thought was going to happen or should happen. I think tonight would have been better if they discussed the nominations that Matt did make and why he made them. And how bad his plan backfired on him.

  5. @S: Yeah, my preference would be for spoilers as well. I can see holding back for part of the time, but a little more time on the current action in the house would be cool too.

  6. I am really, really, really sick of Rachael and Brendon right now. They are so pathetic.

  7. Hey,

    I don’t have a tv right now and want to watch the show.. there’s about 40 mins left… is there a place/link online where i can watch it???


  8. Get rid of Rachael and Brendon PLEASE their so annoying. They need to go. The just care about making out and nothing else. boohoo

  9. Had fun listening tonight. The quality is amazing compared to whats out there. I hope they do more spoilers next week. but other then that it was a great show. thanks Matt

  10. Thought it was good. Im so glad Kathy is on the block . I hope they kick her butt out of that house.
    BTW Is this a weekly show or a one time thing?

  11. @Mikey: GFQ runs their live BB talk show every Sunday at 7PM.

    @James: Glad you liked it. I was impressed by the picture and audio quality too.

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