‘Big Brother Over The Top’ Spoilers: Who Was Voted Out Tonight & Who Won HoH

We’re preparing for the first Big Brother Over The Top live weekly show with the eviction and follow on HoH competition and it airs only on All Access so make sure you’re ready for the show! Things kick off at 7PM PT and we’ll be here to recap it all.

Big Brother Over The Top on CBS All Access

BBOTT may be not be on TV, but we’ve still got the same weekly live show episode and the events to go along with it so it’s time to get the vote rolling and send one of these Houseguests on out the door. Remember there is no Jury this year so all the evicted HGs, not just the first few, will be sent on home when their game is over. Let’s find out who that will be tonight.

Ready to find out who was voted out and who takes control next? Here is our live recap for Wednesday’s show with the latest BBOTT results. You can download our Big Brother App, find us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates so you never miss anymore Big Brother spoilers all season.

Want to watch tonight’s live eviction & HoH competition for Big Brother Over The Top? Sign up now for the Free Trial and get your Live Feeds rolling to see this all play out. You can even watch things streamed to your TV so it feels more like a regular CBS episode.

Big Brother Over The Top Live Feeds Free Trial

Before we can get in to the eviction vote there’s a lot of catching up to do as we’re rewinding all the way back to the move-in night since CBS is acting like this is the premiere of the season rather than what happened a week ago. Go figure!

Julie visits the HGs via the screen and tells the HGs there are some twists this season including no Jury, so when they’re evicted then it’s game over as America alone will decide the winner this season.

Working through the past week’s events we saw Monte win HoH in the BB Bug comp… he nominates Jason and Danielle for eviction, but wait, there’s more! Twist time.

America’s Nominee is the open vote by viewers to select a 3rd nominee to go up on the Block. This week that’s Cornbread.

Power of Veto time as Alex and Whitney are drawn to play along with Monte, Danielle, Jason, and CB. Jason pulls off the win despite having to fend off Monte, CB, Whitney, and Alex who were all clearly working together and sharing notes and numbers. That was allowed, but made it a lot harder for Jason and Whitney.

At the Ceremony Jason uses the Veto and Monte puts Kryssie up on the Block as the renom. That takes us right up to the live house as they await the eviction vote.

Going in to the eviction the latest talks had Cornbread on the losing end of the vote but things have been changing quickly over the past few days.

Big Brother OTT Week 1 Votes:

  • Neeley votes to evict: Cornbread
  • Jason votes to evict: Cornbread
  • Whitney votes to evict: Cornbread
  • Morgan votes to evict: Cornbread
  • Justin votes to evict: Cornbread
  • Shelby votes to evict: Cornbread
  • That’s enough votes. CB will be evicted.
  • Scott votes to evict: Cornbread
  • Alex votes to evict: Danielle
  • Shane votes to evict: Cornbread
  • America’s Eviction vote: Cornbread

By a vote of 9-1, Cornbread has been evicted.

You’ll notice the one vote there against Danielle. That was Alex who said in the DR that she was doing it to create paranoia. It worked. Just minutes after the show ended HGs were discussing it and Danielle was stressed that viewers had done it. Later when Alex spoke with Monte she discouraged the thought that it might be Whitney and instead suggested that America did it. Hmm.

We know how America voted but the HGs won’t hear that result called out from the rest so they’ll be left wondering how things went. That could work well for causing confusion and paranoia especially after they discover that’s how it’s going to work following the first eviction.

Now all of the remaining HGs will face off in another HoH competition except for the outgoing HoH, Monte, who will be watching from the sidelines. Last night we heard him say in the DR that he’s as powerful in the HoH room as he will be down with the commoners, so let’s see how that holds up.

Watch this week’s HoH comp live on the Feeds starting at 9PM PT (12AM ET) or rewind in the morning to see how things played out.

Big Brother Over The Top Live Feeds Free Trial

Big Brother Over The Top Week 2 HoH comp:

What do you think of tonight’s results? Are you happy with how the vote went? Don’t forget we’ll be picking the Have-Nots and another third nominee for next week so keep checking back for details.



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  1. Allright the show thread. I don’t if I’ll be able to tough it out for 3 hours, but I will try.

  2. Super excited to see how the show is tonight. I’m a bit disappointed that Julie will not be interviewing the evicted HG immediately after the show though. They have always done that as far back as I can remember and I don’t understand why she can’t do the interview right after the HG is evicted?? Does anyone know why they have changed that format for OTT??

    • Yes and no? It’s really hard to tell what she’s doing. I don’t she even knows…messy game so far.

  3. So, wait, they’re doing an edited show… despite the fact that we’ve all seen this all ready????

    • Not sure. It’s past 10h00 and we are watching them get prepare. So something will be live.

      • I just realize they seem to be like 12 minutes behind the actual time. The clock just hit 7H00 BBT.

      • Ok, you just fill me with doubt. So I just realize in the right down corner, it says “Go Live”. I don’t know what happened, I’m not live.

  4. They love wasting our time. Why are they showing this. I just want to go straight to voting and comp.

    • Yeah, if they’re gonna run it like this, they’re gonna have a lot of unhappy feedsters, I think. This isn’t what any of us were expecting.

  5. Is everyone else seeing a recap of their first day on the feeds? Is this the right place?

  6. Um… I think I just figured out why they’re doing this. They need the rehearsal time. That’s why the feeds always cut on Thursday early.

    • Good point Saturn…I think production told them earlier today that the live vote rehearsal would be at 7:30

      • why do they need to rehearse? Go in to DR and say the name of who you want out. How hard is that.

      • I think they just want everything to go smooth as possible…a number of things in OTT have been kinda amateur hour.

      • It’s actually more involved than that. They have to make sure the cameras and mics are functioning properly. They need to check the lighting. They need to assign the voting order, and the HGs have to come up with their own cute little things to do while they’re heading to the DR to cast their vote.

  7. I don’t mind this. I think it’s needed to frame the story of each episode. Like a summary of the week, before the Eviction/HoH

    • Me too. This is really what a lot of casual viewers need to get into OTT as well. Spoon feed em ?

      • Exactly. I knew this would be appreciated by everyone. I don’t watch feeds all the time, so I like this..a condensed version.

    • Which is all fine, well, and good, but it’s all ready 10pm on the east coast. The longer this drags out, the later it gets and the more screwed we are. Some of us need a full 8 hours in order to function properly at work.

      • All of those 3 hours, you will be able to watch it tomorrow. Using flashback or pretty sure it will be available in the video section.

  8. Okay, so one of my friends just asked me a question, and I honestly don’t know the answer, so I’m posing this to those who have had the feeds longer than me (I literally started getting them in BB16).

    Is it possible for more than one computer to be watching the feeds at the same time in the same location? I have never tried it, so I don’t know what to tell her. I mean, I imagine even if it’s possible, it probably causes issues with the reception.

  9. I thought this was the coolest thing!…The necklace that lits up if your safe….like so scify!

  10. “Tasteful” cursing on BB?? I’m a fan of it?

    Just enough to feel natural without being offensive.

  11. So we can just watch these extended recaps every Wednesday and we will be up to date?

  12. Okay, Matt, thanks for including this line in the article. I seriously laughed so hard at this.

    “… CBS is acting like this is the premiere of the season rather than what happened a week ago. Go figure!”

  13. I’m always waiting for a commercial..lol We had what? 5 sec break announcement from Julie?..this is great.

  14. That’s Monte’s reason for nominating Kryssie?..I can’t wait to nominate him next week….and the Have not on the way.

      • I doubt it. It was the same old boring unanimous voting at the last minute. We are not seeing everything as some people speculate. They still let us watch and hear only specific things to make us think otherwise. That’s why there is only 4 cameras and the same things shown in a couple of them. I want to watch a live show, just keep the cameras rolling without interruptions. They have the budget.

  15. Glad that Alex threw a monkey wrench; Danielle shouldn’t be feeling too comfortable.

  16. Danielle will probably think the one vote as from either Morgan or Whitney, maybe Shelby. I doubt she’ll guess Alex.

  17. Danielle doesn’t come across as very humble. That’s why she shouldn’t be feeling to comfortable. Then again, bless all of them for coming on this show. It’s no easy feat.

  18. BB just told the HGs to wear athletic clothing.

    Cast your votes not – Physical or Endurance?

  19. Things are getting real in this house!

    And to think that it’s only day 8! We didn’t even have live feeds at this point in BB18…crazy.

  20. Seems like it’s going to be a long season. Anyone else feel like it’s dragging? Maybe it’s just the HG

  21. I kept it on cam 1, so missed the DR voting. Next time I will put it on Quad view. Will not miss CB.

  22. I love Alex. Haha shake things up. Let the panic begin. Danielle thinks America voted for her.

  23. Monte got called in DR..I think they’re telling him..America will nominate you next week. Ha!

  24. That was quite the exit! Cornbread said F..ck ya all Everybody is laughing about it on Twitter. I just wonder did the HG hear him say it? I did not hear anyone address it. What do you all think?

  25. You know what I find funny? For years we’ve been whining about the house being boring and finally Alex comes along and tries to make things interesting, create some paranoia by throwing in a hinky vote and people are screaming to make her a have-not.

    By doing so you’re straight up discouraging people from playing the game and trying to shake things up. I just don’t get it.

    • You’re absolutely right. I thought that was funny that she did that, and I like her for it.

  26. We’ve got a real chance of having the illusive “divided house” this season.

    On one side you’ve got: Monte, the Plastics (inc Shelby), and Scott.
    On the other side: Shane, Danielle, Jason, Justin, Kryssie, Neely.

    There’s some potential for cross-over on both sides, but it’s been years since we’ve seen a more or less evenly divided house. The battles for power and votes could be oh so good!

  27. To anyone who’s down in Florida right now, hope everyone’s planning to get out of Matthew’s way! Stay safe!

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