Big Brother Over the Top Week 1 came to a close Wednesday as the first evicted houseguest walked out the door into a sad and dark studio sans Julie.
It’s been quite an exciting week getting to know this new game and 13 new houseguests. And we are loving it. If you missed the first week, then don’t worry because we’ve got you covered. Below is a quick-hit graphic of everything that went down this first week and if you want to read a little more about it, I’ve got the details for you starting now.
On night one, the houseguests moved in one by one. Super fan Scott was the first one in and super fan veteran Jason was the last. Jason of course beat Jozea for the chance to play the game a second time.
It didn’t take long for alliances to form and break apart. There’s of course was a guy’s alliance formed night one (Monte, Scott, Shane and Cornbread) and a group of misfits (Jason, Neely, Justin, Danielle and Kryssie) got together and formed their own. Each side brought in some more HGs each, this splitting the house down the middle.
Monte became the first head of household competition after a knockout style game. Monte nominated Jason and Danielle for eviction during a new-format nomination ceremony known now as the safety ceremony. Not long after the HGs learned that America would be voting for a third nominee and that ended up being Cornbread. We all decided to go after Cornbread to send a message to Monte and because of some suspect things he said in the house.
Jason won the Power of Veto competition and saved himself. Monte decided to put Kryssie on the block with her as the eviction target. Danielle decided she’d rather Cornbread go home instead. With the help of Neely and Shane, the plan to evict Cornbread didn’t take long to execute. By eviction night the entire house was on board to vote him out. Alex threw in a hinky vote against Danielle, making Cornbread’s eviction vote 9-1.
So Cornbread is out of the game for good and we are now heading into Week 2! What are you thinking of Big Brother Over the Top? We love it!
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