Capping off a busy Double Eviction night on Big Brother Over The Top the remaining Final 6 Houseguests faced off in another competition to decide yet again which side of the house would control the nominations following Alex & Whitney’s eviction.
Update: Due to equipment issues during Shelby’s turn Big Brother has decided to redo a comp between only Jason and Shelby tonight. We don’t know when, but I expect it once it gets dark enough.
Since everything with BBOTT is on the Feeds that means that this HoH comp and every single one this season will be right there for us to watch as they happen in full. If you miss the event then you can Flashback and catch it all over. We’re live recapping it as it happens so read on for the results.
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It’s an individual performance competition… starting around 1:30 AM ET. Yeah, I don’t know about this one. HGs drew chips for order: Jason (1st), Morgan (2nd) Kryssie (3rd), Shelby (4th), & Justin (5th). We’re waiting to see just what they’ll face.
HoH Comp Results – Week 7:
- 10:20 PM BBT – HGs just received their instructions & await their turns.
- 10:48 PM BBT – Jason is up first. Lasers! He must align mirrors to hit a target.
- 10:56 PM BBT – Jason buzzes in & gets it in about 8 mins.
- 11:15 PM BBT – Morgan’s turn and she’s off.
- 11:25 PM BBT – Morgan is still trying but is taking too long. BB doesn’t stop her.
- 11:28 PM BBT – Morgan is done. Jason’s time remains in the lead.
- 11:42 PM BBT – Kryssie is a go.
- 11:51 PM BBT – Kryssie has exceeded Jason’s time.
- 11:57 PM BBT – Kryssie finishes
- 12:10 AM BBT – Shelby has begun.
- 12:19 AM BBT – Shelby has exceeded Jason’s time.
- 12:22 AM BBT – Shelby is done. At this point either Jason or Justin will win.
- Extended wait for Justin’s turn likely due to an issue during Shelby’s turn.
- 3:42 AM BBT – Justin’s turn begins.
- 4:02 AM BBT – Justin hit his time limit.
- 5:10 AM BBT – HGs called to the living room. BB says there will be a rematch between just Jason & Shelby.
While we were waiting on official results it looked like Jason would be the new Head of Household, but Big Brother put those plans on pause.
As announced by Danielle with the results, Big Brother says Shelby’s issue with one of the mirrors occurred before Jason’s finished time. As such, they’re going to do a face-off between just Jason & Shelby Thurs night to see who will be the HoH.
Who did you want to win this week? Jump on the Feeds right now to see what happens next!
Viewer voting for the Care Package is on Thursday and America’s Nominee voting starts Sunday. Busy schedule so stick with us.
Nominations are coming up on Saturday and Sunday so get ready for those spoilers soon then Power of Veto comp will be held on Monday and the Ceremony on Tuesday.
Once the week gets rolling on Saturday it’ll go fast until the next eviction on Wednesday! Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.
This is really looking scripted for Jason to win this thing!
Nah man… I think Shelby might be able to do well
it was scripted for him to win when he was voted into the house
I agree. I watched it until 4am and when it was Shelbys turn she figured out where the mirrors should go and was working on her 3rd mirror at the 7 min time. But she had to keep fooling with the mirrors. If they wouldn’t of been lose she would of placed her 4th mirror and been done before Jason.
Are you kidding me LG? Shelby is the one who broke the mirror! Go watch the feeds…I even have a time stamp for you 12:14…watch as she tries to force that mirror to meet the target, it is in those couple of seconds there that she breaks the mirror Watch closely and you’ll see at 12:14:17 the mirror she was manhandling is suddenly pointing straight up. Then pay close attention to the mirrors after that b/c the one she leaves on the floor is the broken one…and at 12:16:21 almost 6 minutes into her comp….she puts that one up again and watch…it points straight up again. It did not do that before she tried to force it to meet the target.
I’m sorry, but Shelby broke that mirror during her comp by trying to force it to go in a direction it was not designed to do. She should have been DQd for breaking the equipment! I love Shelby and was so happy she stayed last night, but I have to be honest…she broke that mirror and Jason should not be penalized for that.
Before the mirror broke she had the patterned figured out and the first mirror was lose and wouldn’t stay. That’s why she switched it with another mirror. She had to keep going back and fixing the lose mirror. That’s when the problem first started. Way before the mirror broke. And Krissie is the one that probably messed the mirrors up because she was the one forcing that one mirror to go in a direction it wouldn’t go. She did it over a dozen times.
For some reason this comp makes me think of alchemy. Turn your mirrors the right way and you can get closer to the gold lol
Honestly she could sit down the entire 20min and still have nothing to worry about when it comes to the LNJ …. *crossing fingers she’s screwed this week* I just hope Shelby grabs the win.
What is going on???? It’s been like an hour since Shelby went. Where is Justin?
It seems they have technical issue. Maybe Shelby will have to replay.
It makes no sense for Shelby to replay. That would be unfair to everyone else since she’s already seen the set up and knows how the game works now. Ridiculous. If they want to screw Jason & just give Shelby the HOH win, don’t have the rest of us sitting here looking like fools.
Your right. They have to do a new hoh.
I feel like if they do that, that Big Brother is just trying to take the win away from Jason. Nobody should be doing any new HOH. Just fix the little box mirror & let Justin have his turn. Then it’s over. ?? It’s a good thing I work overnights because if I was someone at home sitting up waiting for this to be over I’d be super aggravated.
I just read on another site that they notice the mirror broken before Shelby (not sure when). I’m with you, I also work over night and just got home. I start to be aggravated!! Btw. It wouldn’t be fair at this time of the night to have Justin doing it.
They did let her finished, and we were clocking it in the chat rm. and she passed Jason’s time…She could be protesting something ( reviewing tapes)..Just our speculation.
She’s a lawyer! :)
Yup..There’s a question of when the mirror broke.
At this point I don’t doubt it will happen tonight.
How nice for everyone that they get to sleep & poor Kryssie is sitting in the food storage room. They could at least tell them what’s going on.
Poor Krissie. Hahahaha
Justin did have his turn after they fixed it, my question is why right then and there didn’t they just let Shelby redo her turn and let Jason’s time stand, I know why because they don’t want that side to win, only explanation, especially after having us vote on a bogus care package that we find out later was not what we were voting on at all #productionepicfail
I agree. Production needs to review the care package card. That wasn’t fair. The cbs site and the care package card Morgan read was different. If they r questioning the comp they need to question the care package card also.
Morgan has the veto power so she may have saved anyone nominated just as if she had won it in a comp and of course she’s safe as well.
Exactly. People are mad because the disgusting misfits lost.
I agree, its easy just put on the website the exact same wording that is on the card they get to explain it.
If they let her re-do it, she will bit Jason for sure. She already have seen the pattern and stuff. It broke when she was near the end and very close to Jason’s time. She would have killed it in 3 mins or less if they had let her do it again.
I agree. That’s why they’re probably doing something different or a different pattern. She had over a minute left when she started to have problems after placing her 3rd mirror.
Funny I knew what the care package was.
How did you know when they didn’t announce it and on 4 past seasons when someone got veto before noms they were still eligible to be nomonated
When? There was no veto before noms the past 4 seasons. Ian won a veto and was also safe and could use it. You do know if the person that wins the veto and isn’t on the block they are safe and can choose to either use it on someone or not. Not that hard to understand. It’s been like that forever. Your just mad because your favorite didn’t win it.
No ur wrong I don’t have a side and ian terry tweeted today that in fact he was eligible to be nominated. As well as 3 other times in past seasons when veto was awarded before noms. Veto isn’t immunity it means if you are not nominated then you can use on who you want if you are you can save yourself but if it is pre nomination you can still be nominated and use veto to save yourself so check your historical facts again, like I said ian terry even tweeted it today that he still could have been nominated and I think he should know
If you’re not on the block and win veto that’s safety. Then you can use it on someone that is on the block. It’s always been that way. The only thing that changed is the veto was awarded before nominations. Morgan was not on the block therefore she was safe. Then there were nominations then the veto ceremony which she chose not to use it. Like I said the only thing that changed were the time of the nominations. It was a twist, a care package, it’s going to be different. Jason fans are pissed because it didn’t benefit him but when he took over Shelbys HOH which he didn’t even earn oh that was okay.
I watched until after 4am. She started having problems when she placed her 3rd mirror and had to keep going back to the other lose mirrors at 7minutes. Had she not had problems I really don’t think it would of taken her over a minute to place the 4th mirror. She had it figured out. She would of won.
Jason wouldn’t of won. Shelby would have if her mirrors weren’t broke.
It’s the opposite. They’re screwing Shelby. The mirrors were broke on her turn. She was working on her 3rd mirror when she had to keep going back and fixing mirrors that were lose/broken at 7min. If the mirrors wouldn’t of been broke she would of finished before Jason and won.
Shelby broke the mirror..They have to replaced it..Home Depot is already closed.
Omg. This is insane. For the amount of time we’ve been waiting I refuse to believe that production couldn’t take a sheet of glass to a warehouse & cut a new slab by now.
OMG. However this situation end up, they only conversation that will happen will be the eternal “the game is rig”. Smh.
omg 4AM I waited for Justin. He did poorly. Must be ADD lol..I can’t watch him anymore…
He needed to go.
I’m glad they took into account the comp falling apart. It’s only fair, though to keep it completely fair, it should just be a redone comp for everyone if they were competing on a faulty set.
Should be redone for everyone but I guess the mirror came onto set when reset for shelbys turn after a timely review. They should show:
A) her yelling for hours about her impending lawsuit but it was “fishy” when it cut out and that she wasn’t shown after….
B) the reset of mirrors where the mistake on their part happened. BB has shown that before with malfunctions.
My theory is they stopped the clock and switched out mirror and then started up her time from that point and it was going to count until she threw an epic fit.
Doesn’t seem fair for the players and all feeling a bit chapped with right to be. On the other hand the game should be fair
Well, if Shelby would have won by using the “demo” mirror they swapped out for the broken one, everyone would be upset that Jason got screwed. It could be argued from both sides. So it’s only fair for a rematch.
Sorry… didn’t intend on looking like I was just replying to your comment, but wanted to contribute to the discussion. Must have hit the wrong “reply” button. O well…haha
Agree. It will be interesting to see what the rematch is. Hope it’s some sort of ‘crap-shoot’ comp so no one will cry rigged! So tired of hearing that and the I should of/would of won that!
She started having problems over a minute ahead of Jason’s time. But she kept going and had to keep going back to mirrors and fixing them. They were lose. Had the mirrors not been lose she wouldn’t of wasted over a minute fooling around with them and would of won. She had the pattern figured out with almost 2 minutes remaining.
RE: A) If I had been kept up past midnight after a stressful DE and then given faulty equipment, I know I would have pitched a fit of epic proportions. You really can’t fault her for that.
I’m with you.
I know. I want to see the lawyer side of her fight for her life in the game! And I bet she was smart enough to do just that! As a viewer I want to see it. Believe seeing that fight in her would earn her points and extra consideration if in F3 situation. Posted it below somewhere. I like Shelby she’s definetily grown on me. Also have couple others I favor. I’d be chapped and seems many were in stressful game-on stressfilled day(s)…just need to go forward today hopefully with a great recap & new ‘luck’ type comp….that way neither side will feel shafted or cry rigged. Win vs whine and that’s talking about all remaining.
This is just rediculous & I would say that even if it happened to other side. First they have us vote and award a care package of a veto without telling us first it was a “special” veto, then they fixed the mirror issue for Justin to go so why the heck didn’t they just let Shelby go again right then and let Jason’s time stand as the time to beat? Why indeed…instead wipe out his time and make him redo it? Wow ya right there is no rigging going on here at all is there? #bullshit
So tired of hearing everyone complain because they don’t understand rules. Anyone who has ever won a veto that is not ALREADY on the block is always safe from being nominated. Since they do the CP before nominations every week it is only right to assume that if the veto CP goes out before nominations then the holder would be safe and can still use it at the ceremony. As for being rigged for Shelby…everyone complaining should rewind and go watch the extra 30-40 seconds they gave Danielle to add up her numbers so she could win the last HoH. Without that extra time she would not have gotten the same answer and the other girls may have had a closer answer if they ignored to command for an answer TWICE just so they could continue doing the math.
Exactly. And why would anyone expect it to be a package that’s anything less than what Jason just had for his care package?
Jason complaining right after cracks me up. But if his side would of got it then it would of been great. He took away Shelbys HOH because of his care package so turn about is fair play. Karma
I see nearly every time a houseguest being asked when figuring an answer on the board, usually by Julie, to please give their answer & I need everyone’s answers now. So as fans of the show (they have all watched this happen) and IMO Nothing was done wrong here. Tired of
Cp could of been avoided had they voted a bit more strategically. Believe everyone will have that game moment they need to have accountability for from a vote to jumping off a beam
I think they will change the comp tonight because they will have it done in like 2 minutes… But i think they should start a new comp and let them all replay because the mirrors was messed up since the start of the game.. But i watched the comp on my 60 inch tv and Shelby broke the mirror when she was trying to move the mirror to hit the target the wrong way before
I hope they do change it. also hope players and audience get to see what unfolded in recap…. I feel like she made a stink about it once she finished that will be interesting to watch and help make sense why there is a duo do-over. Believe they had a time for her where they stopped and switched the mirror and she finished but argued the fairness. I don’t blame her as she knew she was fighting for her life….just want to know as a viewer if demo mirror or she broke it. Doesn’t seem fair to get to paint your own picture with the lights off for viewers…. with America playing a part in deciding noms, winners etc it’s important to see it.
But Julie doesn’t let it go on for another 30 seconds. Danielle should of been Dq’d.
Yeah, Rachel asked Danielle like two or three times for her final answer…in regular BB Julie would not have put up with that kind of delay…
As for ACP totally agree. If you have POV before noms it is like winning it and not being OTB already… you can use it to save someone without being the replacement nom yourself. I don’t see anything fishy with it.
Yep. People are butt hurt because the disgusting misfits had to eat one of their own.
Not so quite the opposite, Ian even tweeted that he was eligible to be nominated even as the veto holder as was Allison and another one I forget the name but its happened 3 other times and they were all eligible to be nominated. Veto is to save someone who is on the block, not to grant immunity prior to noms. All I’m saying is to be fair when we are voting on CP’s they should be clear about what they are, that was not just a normal veto, they could have easily put the same explanation that was put on the card they read on the website.
BC886699 is correct. Remember in season 14 when Ian found the veto in that claw machine thing? He was not elegible to be nominated and could use his veto as he wanted.
As for making Jason and Shelby both redo the competition it is actually in Jason favor to do so. If they had only Shelby redo it she would know exactly where everything went. This way they both should have a faster time if it’s the same comp tonight.
Not true ian even tweeted today he was eligible to be nominated and there were 3 other times same scenario and all 3 were also eligible to be nominated
Actually Ian tweeted that he was eligible to go on the block same thing with allison and there was another one also can’t think of the name but in all cases when veto was won before noms the veto holder was eligible to be nominated so then if they were they would use veto on themselvesbonly.
I don’t think it was a “special” veto though b/c it was awarded before noms and the POV has always been used to either save yourself or someone else…well, if a HG is not OTB (and Morgan was not since noms had not taken place yet) then it stands to reason as the veto holder she can’t be nominated therefore the HG holding the POV can use the veto to save someone else instead.
It will be used like if she had won the veto, then she can take someone down and both be safe. Shelby will be nominated, so of course she’ll take her down.
If the veto is used that way after noms, then Danielle who I can’t stand, but holds the power this week can nominate Shelby and Whitney and regardless who goes up after Morgan uses it, Whitney will leave.
Not true, on 4 occasions on past big brother seasons where HouseGuest’s were awarded veto before noms they were still eligible to be nominated therefore one would assume the same rules would apply, they could have just clearly stated it
Now that would be stupid. Shelby already new the pattern of the mirrors and would of done it in 2 minutes. I want Shelby to win but doing it over between those two is what seems fair.
Did anyone notice the care package definition on the cbs sight was different than what Morgan read
CBS aight read:
“During this week’s double eviction, the Houseguests will not compete in a veto competition. Instead, the winner of this care package will be awarded with the power of veto.”
Morgan read
Winner awarded veto and save a person
I read it that way but before voting it was only CP thus far you could not read the details about. They took it down and there was no arrow to the right that had been there to click on to see the last two CP. the houseguest should of voted out Morgan bc of future CP and a moment they will look back on as gamechanging
Someone brought up season 14 where same thing happened so it’s been done before. And guess it help someone to make game interesting.
Yeah I noticed the info was down yesterday…but it does stand to reason if thee ACP is the POV then that person cannot be nominated, plus they can still use it. I’m not upset about the ACP. I am however upset about the HOH comp… Shelby broke that damned mirror and they should not be having a re-do!
BB def should show viewers what they failed to last night. That goes for why Shelby wasn’t shown after she competed. Important to see all that for many reasons.
She threatened to sue if she did not get a re-do on the HOH–even tho she actually broke the mirror!!
Lol! I know she had to have a great rant or point to cause such a stall with no info given out (bc production was trying to figure out what to do w/ out knowing or having clearance and into the late hours!). I’m sure the best footage would of been of production.during all this vs anyone in the house! Willing to bet the footage of Shelby is hilarious whether the result of it all is right or wrong idk and won’t know. Hope we get to see the great reality we missed last night
Well in a way it kind of a situation like “turn about is fair play” most all previous comps have been won fair and square until Danielle won the latest HOH. She had been asked twice to stop writing and give her answer. The other three girls immediately followed instructions and put their pens down or at least quickly wrote down their final answer but Danielle continued to add up her total taking an extra 20 to 30 seconds. It was like 3 against 1 and the others were also closer to the correct answer than Morgan, so they would have had the HOH anyway. It was an obvious dirty move on Daniele’s part, and then to think she’s all that, really wasn’t fair to Kryssie or Whitney. I am for Morgan or Shelby but what fair is fair. And even though Whitney did the girls dirty it would have been at least a basket for her asHOH. And she was really no threat going forward and then Morgan could have gotten out Justin, but more likely Danielle as she deserved. Imagine if Whit won she may have offered Morgan and Shelby to not renom Justin if she put up like Danielle and Jason. OMG so Shelby getting a playoff since it is so questionable is fair considering Danielle’s blatant cheating. I’m sure everyone could have used an extra 30 seconds to add up their answers. But Danielle says “I’m so good at math”
Meant to say if Whitney had won HOH she could have offered Morgan the CP the final one if she gets it! That would have given her a seat in the final four! I hope over Danielle America gives it to Justin.
Thank you for the time stamp. It’s clear it wasn’t a demo mirror and it was broken bc the beam had no problem when she was positioning it the wrong pegs/patterns. Not sure the quality of the equipment and they were being worked pretty hard by Shelby and hg before her.
It was all there under more info
It doesn’t say save someone.
Usually the noms are before Veto. This CP wasn’t like a typical veto then. Viewers should have been informed more.
They screwed up with the descriptions of this Care Package several times yesterday. People were really confused about when to vote, who was eligible and what they were even voting for. Not Cool Big Brother!
No care package is befor noms
Ok lets say onlyMorgan was left from BS what would have happened was Morgan was declared safe as if she had competed in a pic comp. then as HOH Danielle noms two people. At that point Morgan would have been given the choice to either use the veto on someone or not leaving noms the same. Very simple! Because Shelby was there they just bypassed all the first part knowing Shelby would be saved . The only way it could have been played out unless let’s say a third BS was there it would have been then up to Morgan to decide one of hers to go home. If Alex had been there she would have let Shelby go home. So before everyone goes crazy , it’s exactly how it had to be played without going through the unnecessary motions!
Sorry I meant pov comp. Also she if alone would have chosen to use it or not. It was just pointless to go through the obvious!
Yeah, I do not remember the CP saying that in addition to being safe the winner would be able to take someone else down too. However, I’m not upset at it b/c this just makes the game still interesting imo.
If you’re not on the block and win POV you can save someone on the block. Why don’t people get this.
I do get it LG! Read my other posts before you go off please! I have said all damned day b/c Morgan had the POV before noms she was able to use it as if she was off the block and won POV….therefore she could save someone and not be named as a replacement nom.
I’ll accept your apology now… hahaha :)
No sorry I wasn’t going off on you. I meant people in general. Sorry I just used your post to reply. Lol.
Apology accepted and no hard feelings hun! ;) Love your passion for this game…you’re as hyper as I am! hahaha
Damn I know. Stupid reality show and to get this involved. Lol
Hahaha! But we do b/c we love this BB game! I’ve been watching since season 6.. When did you start?
Ya know LG, you & I are not always on the same team (e.g., u were team Nic & I was team Vic in BB18), but we can at least admit this is one wild and crazy game…right?? Makes us crazy!!! I respect your opinions tho…we all need to do that here coz, after all, debating the game is what this site is for right?? :)
I agree. It’s actually fun to see other opinions. Sometimes people open my eyes and it’s like oh yeah you’re right. I’ve been watching since season one. Didn’t care for that season. I loved Nicole but I really liked Victor after he came back the first time. I actually would of liked him in the F2 with Nicole. But Nicole is from my home state so I was a little biased. It is a crazy game. I can only imagine how they feel playing it when we’re just watching and get this involved. Lol.
You know what is super cool LG…. and since you’ve been watching since Season 1 (me-season 6) you might know better than I do…
I think BBOTT is the first ever season of BB where an *All Girl* alliance has been pretty darned successful for more than just a blip of time, i.e., a week or two. Can you think of another girl alliance that has been as successful as the Ball Smashers? I know Whitney flipped, but that was after several weeks and although Alex is gone…Shelbs and Morgan are still tight as hell. I have to say I think BS are THE MOST successful girl alliance in BB history!!!! Am I right here??
I agree. That’s what I was saying from the beginning. I wanted the 4 girls to make it to the end. There’s never been a girls alliance. Seasons have tried but it falls apart by the next day.
I think the problem some people were having including myself is that we thought the package was to only save the person who received it. I didn’t know that it could be used like a regular veto before the package winner was announced.
Understood. I wasn’t sure on it either b/c the directions on the CBS site were not as clear as what was stated within the CP itself. However, I did wonder at it beforehand b/c I just figured if she already had the POV then she couldn’t be nominated and it would be as if she was not OTB and therefore could use the veto as she wanted. CBS should have been more clear though in the information on the website. I was actually happy for that twist coiz I didn’t want Shelbs to go, but I can understand your point….Morgan might not have received that ACP if everyone had known it would save her AND Shelby.
Because that’s not how this one worked, because nobody was on the block yet. And in past seasons when veto was eon pre noms the veto holder was not immune from being nominated but holding the veto they could save themselves.
So what. Just because things worked however in past seasons doesn’t mean it’s going to be the same this season. It’s a twist. It’s a care package. Last season co-HOH didn’t take over the whole HOH and get rid of someone that was in an alliance with the original HOH.
What???? Save a person such as Shelby of course. Many viewers threatened to stop watching if all of the BS are gone.
Again more manipulation, but Kryssie may go home now.
And she wasn’t on the block when she was awarded the POV. They always do the care package before nominations. So she was safe and just like any POV if you’re not on the block and win veto you can use it to save someone.
Doesn’t matter in at least 4 times in the past their have been ppl awarded veto before noms and were still eligible to be nominated. And that is how this one should have worked too or explain the difference when describing it.
Why because you said so. I think production decides that. Lol
I’ve officially lost all faith and joy for the game I love. I am currently sleep deprived for waiting so long for this bull. I am not a fan of either side but I do see game manipulations by production. I’ve seen it during the summer now during OTT.
Any comp that is timed has always been won in favor of BS. When the comp is physical or agility, it is totally fair a unbiased. I think we need more comps like that. May the best man or woman win. Production has its hands in the many outcomes and I don’t like it. We don’t know who America has really voted for. We don’t know who America had given the CP to. We don’t know who America has really voted to evict. But the game has been lately moving it favor of the BS. Again, I don’t either side- this is my opinion and observation.
The BS overly excel in timed comps. Shelby knew what she was doing. She “figured it out ” just minutes shy of Jason. Shelby blew thru the morph comp as is she knew who everyone was and didn’t take a second look.
I currently have a love/ hate relationship for this game. I feel like BB is a cheating spouse- I want to leave but I want to fight and believe in the game I love.
I agree with you. I still can’t help but watch.
Jason is one of my favorites as a viewer and a fan of the show, but it seems like the producers and the rest of the people in charge manipulate the game and supposedly America’s votes to assist whomever they want on top. Jason has been saved many times and I think it is by them and not necessarily America.
Last season I couldn’t stand Nicole, but because she was a veteran they kept saving her throughout the game, and I personally believe that they are doing the same with Jason because he is a veteran of the show. Whether I’m a fan of the HG or not, I just will like it to be fairly done. Hopefully next season there won’t be any vets at all, not even as host of the comps. Keep them out.
So if it favors the girls why are there only 2 left and the disgusting misfits had 5 until Whitney went? Doesn’t sound like they’re favoring them to me. In fact it looks like they’re favoring disgusting Jason by him taking away Shelbys HOH.
Total BS Shelby would have beaten Jason’s time, if it weren’t for the broken mirror, i timed them with a stop watch!
I was timing them too and on her 3rd mirror she had figured out the pattern at it was 7min and she started having problems and kept going back to the mirrors. She would of finished before Jason.
LG I think you need to go back and watch the feeds. Shelby broke the mirror at 12:14. Then she moved the mirrors around, never putting the broken mirror in to play until 12:17.57 and that made her time @ 7 min, 29 seconds… Jason’s time to beat was 8 min. 16 sec… it took her until 12:20.13 to realize a mirror was broken and that was only when she had moved the broken mirror down to meet the target. Shelby would not have won that comp…she was less than a minute from Jason’s time when she set the broken mirror down; a mirror she broke herself btw… You know I love Shelbs, and was ecstatic she was saved last night, but I can admit good game moves when they happen (even when I hate them-e.g., Corey noming Vic b4 F4) but I also call foul when I see it and this re-do is unfair imo.
Jason had her beat pretty much at 12:17.57 and her threatening to sue is ridiculous!
She was just throwing a tantrum. She didn’t mean it. My point is Krissie is the one that loosened the mirror to begin with. She was forcing it several times. When she put the broken mirror into play it was her 3rd mirror. If it wouldn’t of been broke it wouldn’t of taken 45 seconds to place the 4th one. She had the pattern figured out.
No, Shelby is the one who broke the mirror… Go watch the feeds. At 12:14 Shelby was trying to force a mirror to go a certain way to meet the target and it was then that the mirror got broke. She did it to herself and then spent several minutes trying to fix what she broke…
BB is trying to make Jason the winner this season, really obvious!
Who went home last night. I missed the whole thing and I thought Danielle was still head of household. I should have read first.
Whitney went in the second round.
Lets say Shelby wins, It is still up to America this week? Then Shelby nominates J/J and America Nominates Morgan, K/D vote out Morgan. If America Nominates a LNJ, then a LNJ member will go home. America Nom is still the main power this week.
I didn’t expect Kryssie to do well in that comp. In all fairness, she hates mirrors.
I just watched Whitney’s eviction and I thought I would be happy, but with all the fake crying I shed a couple of tears.
Kryssie surely doesn’t know how to cry on cue.
No but did you see Jason in the bathroom pretend crying? I literally choked on a cough drop it was so bad, ah huh ah huh huh, he can pretend to be real and lie but fake crying is not his forte
Yes/ his fake crying was ridiculous. He doesn’t give an F about any of those people.
Why was Justin and Dani sleeping that close to one another? If they stuck out their tongues they would have touched! Why was he rubbing her head for? Did I miss something the past week watching how the Bs tried to stay afloat? I feel I definitely missed something, either spoken or not wth is up with that?
She’s a hole. She went all the way with Shane before even knowing him a couple of weeks. I guess she needs a man’s touch at all times.
What do you mean why?..they’re horny!
Random but rearranging your name axel Cyril then rearrange the letters in the name and I got Alex Lyric…. your name made me think, awesome!! Yea I know they are but keep your morals up don’t just sleep around ppl America is watching!
Morals on Big Brother? lol They don’t care. We as a viewer have a choice though….thanks, I know my name is awesome.
WTF? I knew this guy in high school. He played football. He had brown hair. The end.
I know, right? What the…? Who the…? Where the…? Lyserigic Acid Diethylamide talk (NOT on my part). PAO!
I’m pitching CBS idea on the next BB. Naked and Afraid Big Brother. OTT No Top…yup..yup..yup