The Big Brother Over The Top Final 3 came one step closer this afternoon when Jason Roy named one Houseguest to join him in the finale, a perk from his win in the first part of the final series of competitions.
Julie had previously revealed to the Houseguests that things would be playing out a little differently on BBOTT than they’re used to with the Big Brother finale and this was certainly a departure, but definitely an interesting one as well. So who did Jason decide to take with him?
No surprises here. Jason informed the Houseguests that he was trying to decide between “game long loyalties” versus “smart, end game decisions” and his decision is to take Kryssie Ridolfi on to the end. If you missed it, you can Flashback to 1:01 PM BBT to watch it again.
All hope is not lost for Justin Duncan and Morgan Willett though. They’ll have one last chance to join the F3 with the final competition of the season during Tuesday night’s episode (starting at 8PM ET / 5PM PT) and the winner there will move on to America’s Vote for the winner of BBOTT. The loser heads home with no chance at the quarter million dollar prize.
This was a good pick by Jason for his best chances at the end. He may be afraid Justin is too popular with the viewers though he’s been presenting a case of general dislike for Justin over the past few days, a departure from their season long friendship.
As for Morgan versus Justin, I don’t think this is a sure thing for Morgan as that last Veto comp we saw Justin demolish Morgan’s performance. If someone gets flustered this could swing things in either direction. We’ll have to wait and see.
What do you think of Jason’s choice of Kryssie? Was there a better option with either Justin or Morgan? Share your thoughts.
He made the right choice. Kryssie increases his odds of winning.
I agree. This was Jason’s best choice. Kryssie is guaranteed third place. All three of the others will beat her easily.
It’s going to depend on what kind of comp we’re looking at. Morgan and Justin have different strengths. It would be smart of BB to have a comp that combines both their strengths or have a comp that incorporates none of those strengths to keep things interesting. But somehow, I doubt that’s gonna happen.
This whole season BB has been favoring a couple of people from both sides and towards the end we saw how much they favored Morgan and Jason, so who knows if they will want them both at the end to battle it out.
Maybe we will see another comp that’s a combo of questions and endurance/how bad do you want it… like the one Morgan won but someone a little easier for Justin?
I truly dislike the fact that there will be three people at the end instead of the usual 2. Justin and Jason should be the only two left sitting at the end. Kryssie should immediately get booted as soon as Julie reads the votes. I want to see this woman awaken.
I think Julie should announce which one of the 3 came in last place, let K leave and go sit with the other evicted house guests and then accounce between Jason and Justin/Morgan who won. Just so the whole world AND K is clear that she came in 3rd.
I will add to that Julie stating: with 2% of America votes, krissie, you are eliminated !
I don’t even want her to get 2 percent ?
LOL. But do you think she will blame it on her yoga pants if she lose? She was so close to win it (wink wink) ;)
???? you just killed me!!
You mean Justin or Morgan. We don’t know who’s going to end up in the Final 3 yet.
Yeah about that….
Go back to BB1 and you can see why its like that.
I’ve watched all of the season but barely remember any of them.
Of course neither Jason or Justin should be sitting at the end…it should be Morgan and Shelby or ALex, or Danielle
Jason and Justin and I agree Shelby should be the only ones sitting at the end. The rest of the cast including Alex were not good at this game. Alex was overrated by her fans. I barely so her doing anything.
Even Jason – one of YOUR favs – regards Alex as an amazing player. That’s why he felt the need to get her evicted when the opportunity presented itself. If you don’t see it, then you haven’t been watching as closely as you should have.
What I didn’t see was her doing so good in the comps even though she kept acting like she was so great. Her fans also thought she was that good that even nominated to on the block. Jason knew that Alex was after him from the beginning and she was a good player at the beginning when manipulating Scott and the girls, but she was overrated. I really liked her at the beginning of the game and wanted for her to go to the end, but she was after Jason so I wasn’t bummed out when she left.
There weren’t any comp beasts this year, so it’s hard to judge any of them based on who was good at the comps. I think all of the heavy competitors eventually tied at around 2 comp wins. Danielle was probably the only one to go over that (I think she ended up with 3 total comp wins)(and I’m not counting the HOH and Veto that was handed to Jason and Morgan respectively by America’s Care Package).
And for the record, I thought the plan to vote Alex for America’s Nominee was stupid and unnecessary, especially given how the week played out (Jason’s victory in the Veto comp made the entire thing a moot point). And it just goes to show how wrong those people turned out to be. Fans wanted to give Alex a chance at safety, rationalizing that Kryssie could be America’s Nominee the following week. But Alex lost the Veto AND ended up being the final America’s Nom, so the entire effort was in vain. And the icing on the cake? Kryssie continues to think she’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.
I agree that not one person was a comp beast. I didn’t even think a couple of the comp winners did it without a little help. America also helped the remaining HGs a lot, but mostly Morgan and Jason. I think the best player this season was Justin based solely on his social game. Even when the BS girls were disgusted by him, he was still able to convince them to side with him. Justin played Scott as well and Alex had her main focus on getting rid of Jason or Danielle which may have cost her the game.
What was absent from Jason’s choice – as well as from the hyperbolic “game-changing ceremony” – was any surprise whatsoever. Of course he ‘s keeping the real turkey: Kryssie.
Jason was an interesting BB commentator after he was evicted, pre-jury, from BB17. Emphasis is on the word WAS, as now the little dude appears to be on the verge of winning OTT as a terribly unattractive, miserably unsportsmanlike, foul schmuck. Way to represent. Corn-gratulations.
Jason is in the F3 but he is certainly still playing the game hard by doing PR to us viewers to try and attack Justin’s likeability in the event that Justin wins his way to F3. Like I’ve said, what Jason hasn’t considered is he’d have a better chance against Justin in the F3 since the voters would be choosing the winner from the same alliance. If Morgan is in the F3, votes will be split between 2 alliances. Out of everyone left Jason knows BB fans the best so I’m really surprised he hasn’t thought of this. He should be helping Justin study and get ready for this comp instead of instantly turning his back on him.
I’m not even going to waste any time saying anything about K.
I don’t care who we choose to win it all as long as it’s not Kryssie! hahahaha
I couldn’t agree more!!!
I don’t want Jason to win.
Women wont vote for women, look at AMerican Idol…only guys win.
Jason knows sitting at the end with 2 women is a win guarantte…Hillary did not win because all the american woman did not care much to vote for her. Would be a miracle and Morgan wins at the end.
It would be in Jason’s best interest to have Justin, and not Morgan in the final 3. Since Jason and Morgan are pretty much tied in the polls, Kryssie, she could be the potential spoiler, and split the vote between her and Jason, causing a Morgan victory. I don’t think Kryssie will get as many votes as Jason. But even if Kryssie gets 1% of the vote, the difference could be just enough to put Morgan over the top (no pun intended), and actually win. So if Morgan makes the top 3, I wouldn’t surprised if we saw a surprise upset, and Morgan ends up winning. It would certainly be the biggest upset in BB history, that’s for sure.
I agree
Does anyone know when Shelby’s eviction interview will be available either on CBS or this website?
CBS hasn’t informed us when we’ll get our eviction interview with Shelby, but last week they said it’d be this week so hopefully we’ll have something in the next few days.
I just signed up for CBS All Access and watched all the episodes in 2 days…Damm I loved this girls alliance and Loved Shelby. I wish that useless had not win that stupid comp and Shelby would still be in the house.
I think because of the Thanksgiving weekend the interview will be a little delayed
I have a feeling that no matter who ends up in the final three, Jason will win either way. I have a bad feeling that many people will end up voting for who their favorite was, which a lot of BB fans will vote for Jason because of him being a fan favorite from this and his last season. I honestly think the only person who has a semi=decent chance against him is Justin, however, Morgan could surprise us (which I low key hope she does)
American does not vote for women…look at American Idol….only 4 women won and that was btw the first 6 season…after that it was guy after guy winning. But I pray somehow Morgan will win.
Congrats to the winner of BB:OTT, Jason!! YAY!!!
I’m mixed on a few things.
I liked Jason on BB17 and I have no regrets on voting for him to come back for this season. And I do think he played a better game than last time. But at the same time, Jason has become an arrogant little punk as well as being condescending towards the other alliance (especially Shelby). I don’t know if I want Jason to win for gameplay or to lose because of how much he has let me down.
As for Morgan, I think she played a low key game after her big sis left. She’s no Alex, but she is worth rooting for as the underdog. But at the same time she was pretty much her sister’s Cody if Alex was Derrick. So its hard to say if she deserves or not.
I am a Jason fan, but I do agree with you. He has become really arrogant and that’s why I would prefer if Justin won over him. If not Justin, then I would like Jason to win over the girls.
If Alex was Derrick? That’s a major stretch. You’re seriously gonna compare Alex to the greatest BB player of all time?
I don’t think there’s any one player we can call the best in all of BB History. There are many great players, all of whom had different ways of playing the game. And not all of them were winners.
Well you can’t be the best and not win. Unless it’s a former winner who lost the second time around. Or a former loser, who came back, and won. Like Nicole or soon to be Jason.
I wouldn’t say that. Look at players like Janelle and Vanessa. Sure, Van was crazy, but she was one heck of a player. And doesn’t Janelle still hold the record for most comps won in a single season?
As far as most comp wins go, that just makes you a bigger threat, and all the reason to get you out. Like Victor. And you can’t be the best player if everyone if actively trying to get you out of the out, since BB is a social game. And Vanessa is the worst case of that. The difference between Derrick and Vanessa is that Van tried to play Derrick’s game, and got caught halfway through. And she’s a poker player. It went to the point where Steve had the opportunity to bring Vanessa to the finals, and then make his case to the jury who really did not like her, and possibly win against her. (I would’ve voted for Steve against Vanessa if I was on that jury.) But instead he chose to take Liz over Vanessa. And in the process, started the jury count with -2, considering Liz had two automatic votes from Austin and Julia (which is 40% of the total jury votes needed to win), and he knew there was nothing he could possibly say to persuade them, and convince them to vote for him. How do you lose to someone with two guaranteed jury, when you only need 5 to win? So how is Vanessa the best player?
I still believe Steve should’ve brought Vanessa to the final 2. Because I believe he could’ve beat her easily. That jury did not like Vanessa. And I think Steve could’ve made some pretty convincing arguments, and persuaded them to vote for him over Vanessa to win. Even Vanessa was scared of him, saying she wouldn’t have taken him either. Had Steve done that, I believe Steve would be in the list of greatest winners ever. He’s already one of the all time best, just for winning. But had he won against Vanessa, which I think he could’ve, he would’ve been one of the best winners.
Did we watch the same BB17?
Vanessa was going to win hands down if she was in the F2 that season. We all knew it, Steve knew it. Taking Liz guaranteed she’d have her sister and Austin’s votes, but Vanessa would’ve had all the Austwins votes.
The fact of the matter is the best players don’t win every season. If that was the case, Dan would’ve been crowned the winner of BB14 over Ian, and Alex and Danielle would still be in the house right now.
We see things differently I guess. Vanessa played a horrible social game. The jury hated her. Steve had 6 guaranteed votes, Vanessa only had 3, with the twins and Shelli. Austin didn’t like her. Becky didn’t like her. Meg didn’t like her. James didn’t like her. Johnny Mac didn’t like her. Jackie didn’t like her. They all loved Steve. How could she have possibly won?
People vote for who they see as having played the best game overall. Social games only count for part of the vote. The HGs also appreciate a good competitor.
But Vanessa didn’t play that great of a game. Otherwise Steve would’ve taken her. And youre missing the biggest. Vanessa is a professional poker player, and she couldnt convince anybody in the house that she was trustworthy. That’s why you can never even compare her to someone like Derrick’s, who literally lost the final hoh, and was still brought to the final 2, over Victoria. Bringing Victoria would’ve been the easiest win in BB history. But Derrick played everyone so well, that he literally made Cody, and everyone else that he wasn’t a threat. Vanessa didn’t. And that is all due to Derrick’s amazing social game, Vanessa didn’t have.
Analogy wise. Maybe it’s a stretch but I’m comparing their relationship/