‘Big Brother Over The Top’ Spoilers: Week 6 Veto Competition Results – Who Won PoV?

Time for this week’s Big Brother Over The Top Veto competition on the Live Feeds starting at 1PM PT (4PM ET) as the HGs are ready to see who can win the chance to undo either one of the Co-HoH’s nominations or void America’s pick for HGs on the Block.

Power of Veto competition on Big Brother

America’s Vote earlier gave us the week’s third nominee before just one more player was picked to join in the competition and now they’re all ready. Remember these Veto competitions are live online each week at 1PM PT on Mondays so you can always turn on your Feeds and watch how things turn out.

Today we’ve got Shelby & Jason (Co-HoH’s), Whitney & Danielle (noms), Alex (America’s Nom), and Morgan (HG Choice by Alex) playing for the medallion.

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Big Brother Over The Top Spoilers: Week 6 Veto Competition:

HGs are set up with a balancing beam and a tube to carry balls back and forth to the other side where they must fill tubes on the other side. There are three tubes on the other side that hold 10 balls. When they reach 10 in each tube they’ve “banked” that tube & move to the next. Dropping a ball at anytime or stepping off the beam forces a reset of the current tube. There’s a 2 hour time limit.

  • 12:45 PM BBT – Waiting for the comp to kick off.
  • 1:00 PM BBT – Still waiting…
  • 1:15 PM BBT – Yep, still waiting.
  • 1:18 PM BBT – Feeds return & we’re getting the rules.
  • 1:22 PM BBT – Rules finally done (LOTS of rules) & comp starts.
  • 1:25 PM BBT – Alex, Shelby, & Jason have had to reset
  • 1:28 PM BBT – Shelby has banked 10 balls
  • 1:28 PM BBT – Danielle has banked 10 balls
  • 1:29 PM BBT – Alex has banked 10 balls
  • 1:29 PM BBT – Shelby has to reset in her 2nd column costing her the lead
  • 1:32 PM BBT – Jason has banked 10 balls
  • 1:32 PM BBT – Danielle has to reset
  • 1:36 PM BBT – Jason has banked 20 balls.
  • 1:37 PM BBT – Shelby gets 20 then steps down & has to reset to 10.
  • 1:38 PM BBT – Danielle has banked 20 balls.
  • 1:40 PM BBT – Jason wins Veto! He also gets the tie-breaker power.

So now that Jason has the Veto what we can expect is for him to use it on Danielle, he’ll renom Alex, we’ll see three PBS on the Block, LNJ has 3 votes, and America’s Vote won’t matter. I’d say it’s time for Alex to start working the room or she’s toast.

If you missed the action then you can later rewind your Feeds to 1PM BBT and watch it again. CBS should also include results and clips in the daily recap video either tonight or tomorrow.

What do you think of the PoV Comp today? What should happen at the ceremony? The Veto Ceremony will be coming up Tuesday at 1PM PT (4PM ET) and we’ll post live spoilers then.

Turn on your Live Feeds and enjoy the latest drama. Watch it all now live & uncensored.



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  1. Justin is saying balls a lot more than Paul with his silly jokes. The rules are very lengthy.

      • Because they wanted to give Alex the chance to save herself. If they voted Kryssie instead, Alex would have been backdoored, with no chance of saving herself

      • But the LNJ had a plan to backdoor her anyway. This way there was a 50/50 shot at her not being on the block. It was a Hail Mary play, it just didn’t work.

      • Least it wouldn’t have been a BS sweep on the block (for the second week in a row) with NONE OF THEM able to vote.

      • But didn’t she pull her own chip? So maybe if Kryssie had picked she wouldn’t have been picked?
        I think Alex’s fans wanted her to have the chance to win the POV and her non-fans wanted her to be on the block as a tempting option. Both groups combined their efforts.

      • I don’t fault the non-fans because they were playing the game for their preferred HG. But things could’ve gone very differently. Kryssie’s cursing up a storm might have thrown Jason and Danielle off their game, not to mention giving the girls a confidence boost.

      • Please it sent the message that their hateful behavior was acceptable and it increased dramatically. If Kryssie was on the block then Jason would have re-thought his plan and probably went after Dani. He knows that he can’t win with her at the end. This was a really bad am non

      • Actually, about a good chunk of us were willing to take that risk if it meant bringing Kryssie down a peg or ten. But the other half couldn’t, and then all of the non-fans were voting against her, anyway, so they added to the votes.

        So Smasherettes split their votes while Misfit fanatics united theirs. Which certainly explains why this season’s fan favorite ended up on the block.

      • Sweetie, there’s your problem. You see them as a unit – NOT as individuals. For shame.

  2. I guess Alex will go home.
    Now the girls will have to grow a brain and try to play the game.

  3. Jason will probably renom Morgan. I wouldn’t count Alex out yet though, she surely could spin words around and make Whitney go home this week. Is it probable? Probably not. But it could happen

    • Hopefully she won’t try to get her sister out, but she said it is an individual game. Justin won’t vote Whitney out and I don’t think Kryssie would either.

  4. Alex likely goes home now. Sad. I have been rooting for Jason secondary to Alex, but that was one comp I wanted him to lose. Thought he had no chance after starting out terribly.

  5. Well good…the America Nom doesn’t come into play with Jason’s veto win. Alex would have gone home either way.

    Do feel bad for Shelby…that was an amazing HoH win and now one of her alliance members will be going home.

    • wasn’t she a misfit the first week? if only she could figure out she needs to workwith Dani and get everyone else out of that house…that would be my fav final 2. I know it’s 3, but maybe whit or Justin could tag along, lol.

    Jason wins. He’ll take Danielle down and replace her with Morgan and it will be all Ball Smashers on the block for this week’s eviction.
    I think Alex is DONE !

  7. Do all these former house guests that rally for Jason on twitter really want to see the little turd do something the majority of them couldn’t do and win? He would have been gone a long time ago if it wasn’t for his cronies! (fan base)

  8. I’m kinda with Alex here. Danielle was SO obnoxious during the entire end of that comp. So spiteful. None of the girls have EVER done that!

    FYI, this is now 2 weeks in a row of LNJ getting exactly what they wanted. As compared to BS, who’ve only gotten their way 1 week (when Shane went home).

    • I agree. This care packaged screwed Shelbys HOH. Alex will probably go and now it will be boring. Probably won’t watch very much anymore. Hope Shelby wins it all and I hope disgusting Jason or Krissie go out next on DE.

      • She’s the only one that talks game or strategy. The other disgusting LNJ people talk crap and sit around saying vulgar disgusting things. Sorry not my idea of entertainment. Maybe it is for you though.

    • What? Lol I guess they just hid in the storage room first, but hey, I dunno…I was jumping for joy myself!

    • Jason out played the girls. They fell for him wanting Dani out when he wanted her up in hopes she would win so they could back door someone from the other side. It wasn’t the co-HOH that ruined Shelbys week – it’s that they were literally out played. I don’t want Alex to go home :(

  9. PBS bitching about losing the veto comp and being angry and trying to think of ways to deceive Jason into doing their bidding…(FAT CHANCE !)

    • If Alex could manage that, THEN, I would consider her a real player. She has been given so much credit for simply beginning America for help.
      However, if she escapes this almost guaranteed eviction then good for her. She will have my respect as a player at that point.

    • Why shouldn’t they try to figure out a way for Alex to stay? It is a game of strategy after all. As Dan Gheesling said “There’s always a way out of every situation as long as you believe you can get out.”

    • Danielle didn’t even win veto and the plastics are obsessively dissing her! They are so petty and jealous of her! I love it.

      • She’s nothing to be jealous of. Unmarried with a kid and a filthy mouth. Yep that’s something to be jealous of.

      • If they weren’t jealous of her they wouldn’t constantly talk about her. The fact that you think unmarried women with children are less than, tells quite a bit about you. The successful marriage rate is incredibly low and thinking a woman has to be married to be anything is horse and buggy thinking. So is singling someone out for cursing when everyone in the house does it.

      • I see that as insecurity and trying to hard to fit in… I like her game but so wish she wasn’t so insecure.

      • I think you’re probably right about Danielle trying to fit in. She’s young in age and her mental maturity is younger than her age. Some people are like 23 going on 18, I think that’s Danielle. She talks about herself because she has no life experience. What else is she going to talk about? Yes she could shut up once in a while but again her mental immaturity hasn’t learned yet to pick up on obvious cues.

      • There’s a difference between cursing and saying vulgar filthy things. Jason wants to cum in Scotts mouth, Justin wants to put his nut sac on Shelbys face. And there are a million more comments just like those that Jason, Krissie, Danielle and Justin have said. There’s a huge difference and if you don’t see that says quite a bit about you.

      • There is a lot to say about both of you then… The LNJ does and says some downright filthy and awful things. They are despicable. I don’t see anything positive about them.

        For this behavior, I could NEVER envy or respect Danielle. But I’ve seen plenty single mothers who have done well for themselves and their child. Whether the father passed away, walked out, or was never there, I’ve seen plenty of single, independent woman still give their children everything they need and more.

        Bottom line is, I CAN respect a woman who is “Unmarried with a child”. As long as they take care of the child. There are plenty of married couples who neglect their children.

      • I get that. I was a widow and pregnant at 25. But I didn’t act the way she does. She has sex with someone she doesn’t know on tv then is in bed with Justin a week after Shane leaves. Then the way she talked about money from the babies father. Sorry I don’t respect that.

    • Why wouldn’t they try to deceive Jason? What do you think Jason was doing to them this week.

      • Yes…and at least one of them was a cheerleader and two of the others looked like they had some gymnastics abilities. Funny that Jason beat all the girls at that ‘balancing beam’ competition. I honestly expected him to come in dead last on that one, but he pulled it out and PBS is fit to be tied about it,….lolol

      • None of the girls have gymnastics abilities. Morgan is the only cheerleader.

        Cheerleaders don’t carry balls in a tube on a balance beam..in fact they don’t use a balance beam at at all.

        Jason was the only player in the shade and after failing miserably, he broke the rules to win the comp by holding the tube against his chest and gently putting pressure on the balls through the flexible plastic with his hands. Production doesn’t care since they set it up for him to win.

        Every one else had strong sun in their eyes and could barely see.

        One other person had partial shade – would have to rewatch to see who it was.

      • Whitney. But she was horrible at this comp. Kept dropping her balls all over the place.

  10. Jason should get rid of danyelle I don’t want them two in the finals, he should keep Alex, because of the drama even with all the casualties he would win, not the case with Danny in the game

    • My friends all just wrote to CBS to see if they could get their money back for wasting their time, ha ha!

      I won’t quit watching if Alex goes, despite the personal blow (seriously, the girl is practically ME), but I won’t be as interested I know. Unless Danielle, Kryssie, Justin, and Jason go consecutively in the following weeks, that is. LOL

      • The worst part is that Kryssie will still be doing fart circles all around the house for at least another week.

      • Most misfit fans aren’t real crazy about her ‘cept as a number for the moment. Won’t surprise me if she’s next to go. I guess some Jason diehards will wanna keep her cause he says she’s his ride or die…. But not me.

      • Not if production wants Jason to be safe for the next couple of weeks. There is no way that Kryssie got less votes than Alex for nominations.

    • Wanna know how to shut her up?

      EVICT HER!

      Seriously, that’s the only way to stop her constant chatter.

      • Ugh, right? Seems like we better settle in for a Jason, Danielle, and Kryssie finale… only for them to leave and find out that the only thing that saved them was the stupidity of the Alex “fans.”

      • They will pitch in the ‘get Danielle out/big fish/comp beast’ to Jason, and I don’t think Misfits fans would mind…it’s an uphill battle.

  11. CBS should just write the check to Jason now. If they wanted Jason to win they could have just hired him and not made this season. Or at least made it fair and had all new people.

    • I’ve been a misfit fan, but not necessarily a Jason fan. Personally I want Shelby and Dani to pair up. Lol. I know, fat chance but I can still hope they see the opportunity there. ?

      • I hope they are both voted out soon. This season there aren’t many likable people. Justin and Jason were the only ones a little entertaining.

  12. The discussion page on Joker’s is going nuts. People really aren’t happy with this result.

    • Lol good! PB fans have overridden joker’s and bash any LNJ fan, so yeah, I bet they are going nuts!

  13. No one is going to watch big brother over the top after alex is evited unless you are a idiot

    • Well hopefully they’ll hang around long enough to vote Morgan for the next Care Package, Lord knows she’s gonna need it!

    • Then I’m an idiot cause I’m going to continue watching with or without Alex just like I have when the misfits were on the short end of the stick.

    • I would still watch even if i feel sorry for alex for leaving cuz she is my favorite. I think im going to stop voting for anything except for the winner lol

  14. I probably wouldn’t be as upset if it there was still the AFP award this season. I’d be confident in Alex at least getting that.

  15. I’m actually very upset at this outcome. Really don’t want to listen to the foulmouthed farting burping LNJ for the rest of the season. :(

    • Me either. My hope is there’s a twist like Julie said. Everyone email CBS to save Alex. Lol.

  16. There may be a BS blowup soon. Whitney is acting a little TOO happy right now, and it’s on the girls’ radar.

    • Who knows with Morgan going OTB Alex can potentially rally up votes against her. A little family feud wouldn’t hurt, plus Morgan would understand

    • I’ll probably root for Shelby. I sure don’t want any from the LNJ to win and that includes the traitor Whitney.

      • Can you believe this? Whitney doesn’t even feel bad. This is messed up to flip for really no reason then tell all their secrets. Little does she know this other group is more fractured and have all these separate secret alliances and she is even more expendable now. God I had thought for a minute there Jason might take the deal. He has a deal with Danielle , Justin with Kryssie . Jason is doing a pretty good job though playing them all. He’s the one in the first place angering Danielle and Kryssie by telling them things that Shelby and the others were saying when they actually weren’t. He got all the stuff with Scott blown up out of proportion!

      • I’ll probably just watch the comps and nominations and evictions now. Won’t be watching much of the feeds because I can’t stomach to watch Jason, Krissie, Danielle, Justin or fake Whitney. I hope Morgan and Shelby make it to the end. I’m voting Morgan for the care package and Krissie for nomination if we still get to nominate.

    • Just root for whomever you think is the best player. Who is actually playing the social game and winning comps.

  17. It’s time for a vote flip don’t we normally have 1 vote flip every season flip the vote and vote out Whitney

  18. I can’t believe Alex did not win this comp, she’s a gymnast! A balance beam comp seems to be suited just for her… I didn’t vote for Alex to be AN b/c I honestly like Alex, but apparently the fans tried to give her a way to save herself, but she failed, moreover, she failed in a comp that she should have aced! I’m not really feeling sorry for her right now. She really should have had that comp imo.

    Say what you want about Jason…but he wins the POV when he has to.

    • Hey TGJ…been awhile! Yeah I also expected her to do better…I wonder if she was still mentally reeling from the AN?

      • Hey Dan! I know, it has been more than a minute. :) I was on vacation for two weeks…Total vay-cay in Sarasota Fl. (love the pink sanded beaches there! GORGEOUS!) I spent the last week trolling BBN & Jokers for updates on good feeds to watch & then binge watching said highlights, full episodes & weekday recaps! Whew! That was one full week of BBOTT! haha!

        I was surprised at Alex’s nom actually. I voted for Kryssie…but I think Alex fans voted for her so she could participate in the POV comp…it just didn’t work out for her. I think she should have done better in that comp, but it is what it is and if Jason does not send her home this week, then he is a fool! Alex will not honor any deal she makes with him… She’s already proven herself to break deals and last week her and Scott were ready to promise all kinds of things and all the while were saying “not that we’re going to honor that deal…” So… I think that says it all imo. She’s a smart player and America DOES love her, if he doesn’t get her out now then he’s an idiot and deserves to go in the double eviction!!! ;)

      • Hahaha! Good. Never cared. ;) I have to say in my binge watching I was surprised how quick Neeley went all dark and wicked. She seemed so nice at first.

    • The problem was balancing the balls in the tube. No one ever fell off the beam. But they kept dropping the balls.

      • But balancing was part of the comp…at least putting one foot in front of the other on a beam. A person might think that being a gymnast would have given her an advantage on that portion of the comp, making the tube/ball portion easier.

      • I know, but Alex says she’s a gymnast and balancing that tube while walking across that beam should have been easier for her b/c she is used to working on beams like that. Hell, she must have done backflips on them in the past if she’s really a gymnast. I ask you this, how is walking with a tube and balancing two balls in that tube harder than doing a backflip or a handstand while managing to land on that thin strip of wood??

        This really should have been her comp. Jason even said that in the HOH room…

      • Well, being disabled, I wouldn’t know how hard it is. I’ve never had the luxury of trying it myself, no matter how much I would’ve loved to try gymnastics.

  19. So in other news…

    The BS girls (minus Whitney) talk to Danielle, and while we all knew Danielle would report back to her alliance, she’s making up parts of the story to suit her own interests and throw the girls under the bus in front of Whitney. Then Justin calls the girls c***s and everyone laughs, EVEN WHITNEY.

    Yeah, that girl is gonna get an earful from her mother when she exits the house, if Whitney was even telling the truth about that.

    • Both Danielle and Justin do this all the time. Same as they did to Scott. They make up stuff!

  20. Anyone know when the next CP is gonna open? Because they’re gonna have to run the eviction vote and the CP vote simultaneously in order to have enough time to collect enough votes.

  21. Plastics are really buying Jason’s cockamania plan to backdoor Justin. They’re very excited. They said ‘there is a God’ lmaopao!

    • I’m all about the BB drama, but almost can’t watch this??
      Wow…if the Jamboree really pull this blindside off tomorrow night it’s gonna be epic.

      Poor Shelby though???

  22. The care package did NOT ruin Shelbys week – they are out played by Jason’s plan and now 3 of the girls will be on the block as a result. The co-HOH could have way different had Jason nom’Ed one of the girls and Shelby put of the LNC up. The 4 girls were out played and everyone’s using the cop out of it’s the care packages fault — no, they were out played. With that being said, I actually wanted jasons plan to fail and for Dani to go home and my girl Alex stay. :(

    • Oh, I’m not blaming the CP vote at all. It’s a combination of things that happened AFTER that CP vote.

      • I’m most relieved that this week’s AN didn’t come into play. It wouldn’t have mattered if Kryssie went up…she wouldn’t be going home anyway.

        She must go next week…please?

      • Better still – let Kryssie leave during the DE. Best revenge I can think of for poor Alex.

    • Sorry Nicole…looks like Alex is toast this week. Always sucks when your favs get hosed?

      Oh, was that nom plan Jason’s…or Danielle’s?

      • I’m just catching up on all my comments and getting back in the swing of things… I’m still not thrilled she’s gone but really it’s her fault. Like Jason said, all they know about Alex is she’s a gamer who likes BB… she refused to open up at all with the house even those she was closest with really didn’t get details on her life and I’m sure it’s bc they decided Morgan could use all the stories from
        Their life but that really hurt Alex’s game bc she missed out on making those personal connections like she needed.

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