‘Big Brother Over The Top’ Spoilers: America’s Nominee – Week 6

Results are in for this week’s America’s Nominee BBOTT vote following Jason and Shelby’s nomination of Whitney and Danielle, a coordinated decision between the two HoHs, thanks to this week’s ACP Co-HoH power, as each will be vying for deeper control of this week’s eviction.

America's Nominees on Big Brother Over The Top

Read on to find out which Houseguest was selected by viewers to join Danielle and Whitney on the Block as one of the three nominees this week for Big Brother Over The Top.

Big Brother Over The Top – Week 6 – America’s Vote:

  • Viewers voted Alex as the 3rd nominee

Player picked for the Veto comp was Morgan. Alex’s chip was drawn so she selected Morgan to play for her. Since we have an extra HoH this round there was only one spot left to be filled.

So this could turn out to be a blessing in disguise for Alex as she now gets to compete for her own safety to dodge a potential Backdoor and she got to pick her sister to play on her behalf as well. Well that’s a turn of events!

All three nominees need to get ready because here comes the Power of Veto competition today at 1PM PT (4PM ET) shown live on the Feeds and that’s their chance to get off the Block.

What do you think of the results for America’s Nominee? The next round of voting starts Tuesday at 2PM PT for America’s Eviction Vote and you’ll get 20 votes a day so be sure to get your votes in early in case of a repeat of issues like we’ve seen in earlier weeks.



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  1. I thought I was the only that dislikes Alex… thankfully not…i thought America loved her…she lies in the diary room…that is more than enough for me to not like her…

    • I’m a Ball Smasher fan that voted for Alex to be the third nom. In 90% of the scenarios I ran in my head, she was going to be on the block anyhow, I wanted her to have a chance to play in the veto comp. I understand why Alex didn’t want to be on the block, but I’m a little disappointed in the girls for not taking the threat a little more seriously.

      • It’s ok, because I’m a Jason fan, but still voted for Kryssie and have voted for Danielle.

    • Maybe people voted for her so she could play in veto and not be backdoored. She is number 1 in the polls for favorite and has been since week 1.

  2. Shocking!!!
    This is very suspicious since Kryssie has been ahead by a much higher percent. Are the producers doing everything in their power to save Jason? I like him, but want him to win fairly.

    • There’s nothing suspicious. The official results are just that and our poll are just that. Sure, I’m surprised when our poll was that far between the top two, but I’m certainly not suspicious of it.

      • I’m suspicious every season, since we don’t know what goes on behind the scenes. The producers could do whatever they want and we will never know about it. Last season they picked Nicole as their favorite.

    • I wasn’t surprised at all…seriously, but there’s a possibility Justin/Jason could go up.

      • I’m shocked that it’s Alex since most of the viewers seem to hate Kryssie and the polls shows her on top. I am even more surprise that both Shelby and Jason nominated one of their own.

      • You should watch Flashback Shelby/Jason Co HoH first meeting in the HoH rm, how they came up with their noms. rules/claiming their noms if they come down etc. and it would make sense to you.

      • Isn’t she playing both sides. I think Justin is the only one from the other side that she is aligned with.

      • I’m pretty sure that many people voted for Alex so that she could compete for veto. Personally, I hope she doesn’t win the veto and remains on the block and let the chips fall where they may. I’d like to see the other PBS begin to play their own game, particularly Morgan.

      • Logical voters/maybe her fans would have voted her so she could compete, avoid a backdoor. Combined that with fans that just don’t like her/Misfit fans.

  3. Wow. Shocked and confused. Kryssie was at the top of every poll that counts. BBN, Joker’s…

    Well, like Matt said, this just guaranteed Alex a spot in the Veto comp, and gave the Ball Smashers a 4 in 6 chance of winning (compared to the 2 in 6 chance Danielle and Jason now have… Yeah, OOPS! for all you LNJ folks out there).

    The Veto comp today should be very interesting.

    • Alex has played veto before and HOH comps, but only won once, so she is not really a threat when it comes to competitions.

      • I didn’t say she’s guaranteed to win, just that she’s guaranteed to play and that this ups the odds of a BS walking away with the power as opposed to Danielle and Jason.

      • I find Danielle to have a better chance at winning, but if Alex stays up there, then Justin and Kryssie will vote her out, unless America makes it a tie by voting for Danielle. Morgan and America, vote D and K and Justin vote Alex. Shelby is a better comp player than Jason, so she may break the tie and D will go.

      • No wait a minute, if Danielle wins, comes down, Morgan would go up and Shelby can’t vote

      • I like Alex and wanted for her to go far, but I honestly don’t care if any of those other girls go. I wanted Kryssie or Danielle to go this week, but as long as is not Justin or Jason, I am perfectly fine with whomever gets evicted, but hope is Danielle. This is the chance for Alex to prove herself and if she doesn’t win, then deserves to go. She acts like she is a great competitor, but I have yet to see it. I don’t think is fair that Jason is HOH without earning it and this could be Alex’s week to go.

    • I hope Alex wins and then Danielle goes home. Jason and Justin were so cocky last night saying how Shelby’s an idiot thinking he really wants Danielle gone. Hope it backfires on him.

  4. Shocking, should’ve been Kryssie. Well hopefully she wins veto and all is well. Maybe America’s eviction will go the ball smashers way even if the Nominee didn’t. Alex is #1 in all the popularity poll, I don’t see her getting America’s eviction vote. I think some ball smasher fans didn’t want her backdoored and this is strategy.

  5. Krissy is worthless, how is she still in the house? I sure hope final four is Jason, Whitney, Shelby and Justin they would really need to fight for the win.

      • Whitney in the finals would be super crazy should she win for not causing waves or loose for not choosing a side

      • There’s much more gameplay to being a floater and trying to work both sides than there is to just picking a side and trying to win comps, IMO.

        Whit’s one of my top choices to win.

    • Yes! Since it looks like Alex is leaving I would love to see the Jelby and Jitney battle it out for F3!! ;)

  6. Very surprised! I am confused if this was due to LNJ fans or PBS fans wanting to give her the chance to play for veto. Was hoping for Kryssie.

    • Maybe a bit of both? That is the LNJ fans voted for her to put her at risk and the Plastics fans always voted for her to not have her backdoored.

    • I think this was an idea to help Alex that backfired horribly! Now she is really in deep trouble. Sucks b/c I really like her.

  7. I’m so confused could someone explain this to me. Everyone loves Alex why is she the third nom. Is this to save her or send her packing.

      • Something definitely fishy! BBN has been right on polls (more or less) this was really shocking.

    • Twitter was leading a strong charge this week to get Alex on the block. I’m sure they are trying to give her a chance to save herself

  8. Wow. All the polls showed Krissie. So once again disgusting Krissie thinks America loves her. Too bad America you got this one wrong. Am I missing something because I believe people that behave and talk all that filth and vulgar should not be rewarded. Are there actually that many people that approve of this behavior? If there is then all I can say is WOW.

    • I know I am in shock. You know I agree with you. We seem to be on the same page. But I thought we were on the same page with many others???? But Dani would probably win anyways and they would have backdoors Alex, maybe Morgan. I just hate watching them act so condescending! And OMG Whitney has been feeding them info. Now only worried for herself. Well now Alex or Morgan needs to do this and send Danielle the bully home to her mean streets of LA!

      • Oh I am. Supposed to go somewhere this afternoon but I can’t now. Where are you? I’m in so. Calif!

      • WOW…mean streets of LA? I’m born and raised in Los Angeles, UCLA graduate 1985 WTF? Typical PREJUDICE reply!

      • Hello what I was referring to was Danielle’s comments of having her friends mop the street of LA with Shelby’s ass! She said she wanted to kill her! Oh and by the way I am in LA . I am in no way a racist or prejudice. And What a coincidence I too am a graduate of UCLA . Class of 1982. And Masters from Purdue University and am now about to retire as a Finance Director of a major company. Believe me an attitude like you’ve chosen (without any facts) to accuse me of wouldn’t have gotten me as far as I have in life. In fact bullies and bigots have a zero place in my life. Have a nice day Vincent , my fellow neighbor and alumnus.!!! Go Bruins , Lakers, and Rams!!!!!!!!!!

      • I didn’t hear Danielle make those remarks, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t make them. I never said you were Racist, I referred to you’re comment as Prejudice, there’s a big difference between the two.

        UCLA football teams season is a dumpster fire this season. I can only hope we won’t be embarrassed vs USC.

        I sincerely apologize for not getting my facts straight, reacting to you’re reply of mean streets of LA. UCLA Bruins 4LIFE.

      • Vincent, I do accept your apology. It does take a honorable man to extend those words. Thank you. Yeah, she has really said those words and more. I know it’s a brutal kind of game but she also along with Jason has made some really unnecessary game moves. For instance they already fooled the girls into having false hope telling them he would leave Danielle on the block then took her down. But for the two of them to go to them and pretend to target Justin and would make a final five deal with them, only to humiliate them at the ceremony in front of thousands of people (when chances are there to be more viewers tuning in). It was a dirty move that then they enjoyed laughing at when the girls were blindsided and crying. When they had to send home Whitney at the DE both Morgan and Shelby tried ti comfort all of them as they were all crying and it wasn’t their fault at all. We gave Morgan the CP. Even after they tried to come together and socialize all together each sharing their thoughts and pain who went right back to calling the girls “effen’ bitches” None other than Danielle and Jason. Then they deliberately were loud to keep Morgan up all night in the Have not room! They are mean-spirited! Sorry I can handle the game play which can be like I said brutal, but when you gain nothing but enjoyment out of someone else’s pain, it is borderline evil. I am a big UA fan too (Univ. Of Az….Tucson) I actually was born there, moved here then back there as an adult for many years. So at least in basketball I love my Wildcats!!

      • Big Brother is a very emotional game. Watching the exit interviews, Alex and Whitney described how emotional, brutal, the game really is. And just by the comments on this blog, our emotions are exposed also.

        It’s easy to play the game from the sidelines, vs playing from within the Lions Den! Unfortunately, emotional response, leads to strategic success in Big Brother. Alex and Whitney have said, there’s no hard feelings, towards each other, and the members that remains in the house.

        Jason, really respects Alex game, and vice versa. I do believe after the Big Brother game is over, and everyone decompresses, they will be friends outside of the game. After All, they share a bond, the first BBOTT competitors.

      • I guess all black people, from the so called, MEAN STREETS OF LA, can’t add or subtract? Think about your biased comments before you speak. Go Danielle!

  9. Hate to watch the LNJ thinking everyone hates the BS . And we love them. I know this not to be true. A lot of us are sick of the bullying and terrible name calling. Jason calls the GIRLS Bitches and Hoes. So proud of himself that they may screw up Shelby’s HOH and sick of them saying Shelby and Morgan ate worthless and never win anything! Like they have all won so much. And whitney hasn’t won anything. Alex has played the best game. The BS only isolate from them BC from the start they knew they were talking smack on them. Now Whitney is telling Jason and Justin all that they have ever said about them. Their fears, strong and weak points! Not cool! They hadn’t done anything to her life She is a sweet girl but she does self describes herself in her bio as the southern bell.. and she planned to play being really sweet! How this sweet girl can sit and listen to the way these people talk when she seemed so offended the first couple days as they told their dirty stories

    • I don’t think LNJ think people hate the plastics. They have won every CP other than the terrible one Kryssie won and the one Jason won. They have made comments about how the Plastics have won all the CPs, and those are based on popularity.

  10. This is just… disturbing. I don’t get how it’s strategy to put so done in direct danger when you know they’re a target. Thought it was stupid for Danielle to volunteer, and I think it’s equally stupid for fans to do it to Alex. Because there’s no predicting this game. Look at what’s happened during nearly every DE – fan favorites are evicted! If Alex doesn’t win today and/or her alliance refuses to save her, then people are going to feel so stupid. And I will just sit here and laugh, as I will do if Danielle ends up just as screwed by the actions of her and her alliance if Alex wins.

    • To be fair Danielle was on the bottom of her alliance, so even if she hadn’t volunteered I think it would have turned out the same way. Jason wouldn’t have nominated Justin or Kryssie.

  11. It’s about time Alex got placed on the block. She tried to pull a Derrick. You can’t do that anymore.

  12. If Whitney wins, then Shelby needs to put Kryssie up and hopefully America will help to get rid of her.

  13. Jason will win this…I think he’s only got ten more balls, and that’s it…and Alex could be dead…well, we’ll see. lol

    update: and he did.. Jason won POV

  14. Best way for Jason to win big brother over the top is getting out alex who has won 2 comps and isn’t as good at comps as people think

  15. Alex said Danielle is a horrible person…really? She said she couldn’t concentrate because Danielle was talking to herself, during the competition really? Alex said to Shelby and Morgan, I wish I could have pushed Danielle of her beam, because she was annoying, really?

    #1 if Alex pushed Danielle, she would have been disqualified from the Big Brother house, #2 Danielle would have given Alex, a good ol Barbie Dolls beating! When everything was going the Barbie Dolls way, it was all good in the land of OZ. Now the tables have turned, and Alex,Morgan,Shelby are real SALTY right now.

    The Barbie Dolls, bitch and moan when LNJ celebrates, but it’s perfectly ok for the Barbie Dolls to celebrate ?? Maybe the Barbie Dolls, should watch reruns of Soul Train, then maybe their celebrations wouldn’t be so BAD…

  16. I would NEVER EAT at Justin’s restaurant! Dude is always picking his nose. He just picked his nose, and put his dirty finger in his mouth?

  17. I am #bummed! I hate to see Alex evicted!!!!! I wanted her in the F3 for sure b/c she is such a good strategist and superfan of BB. She deserved to be there at the end. Not at all liking Jason & Danielle’s playing with the girls’ emotions by offering this “FAKE” deal. It doesn’t further their (Jas & Dani) game, it simply makes them look malicious and mean spirited imo.

    • Fake deals are part of the game. Just because you’re favorites got played, it’s happened to many players in Big Brother, get over it, and get over you’re favoritism!

      • First of all, Jason has been my favorite through most of this game, so calling the BS my faves is inaccurate. I like Alex and Shelby, but Jason has been my fave, I just don’t like what he did here.

        Secondly, I’d like you to name one time in all of BB history when an HOH, who has the votes to send their target out, has gone to that target and formed a “fake” alliance with them just to humiliate them further!!?? Just give me one instance of that ever happening! I cannot think of a single one. Not telling someone you are evicting them or making a fake deal to get off the block or to save themselves or an alliance member is not the same thing as making a fake alliance for no other reason than to mess with someone’s emotions!

  18. I’ve said before, I’ll say it again, Big Brother is RIGGED! They know how to feed the frenzy on blogs, just like this one and others. The more controversy, racist, prejudice involvement the better for CBS.

    Again, both sides have said SHITTY remarks about each other. Controversy sells…

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