‘Big Brother Over The Top’ Spoilers: Veto Ceremony Results – Week 4 [POLL]

Veto Ceremony results are in for this week on Big Brother as the Houseguests prepared for another renom event as we’ve had the Veto come in to play every week so far on BBOTT. The streak was kept alive this round and we have our final noms for the week.

Power of Veto competition on Big Brother

Once Morgan secured her Veto, beating out fellow nom Scott by just a few seconds, we knew the medallion would be put to use and Kryssie would have to name a new nominee with just a few choices to play the role of her new pawn this week. Read on to find out who that is.

You could watch the ceremony live as it happened but if you missed it then Flashback to 1PM PT (4PM ET) to see how this plays out on our Live Feeds (get the Free Trial now).

Power of Veto Ceremony Results – Week 4:

  • Morgan used the Veto on herself
  • Kryssie (HoH) renom’d Whitney in Morgan’s place
  • Final noms of the week are: Scott, Neeley, & Whitney

What do you think of today’s events at the meeting? Were the right choices made by everyone involved? Who is our most likely target for the week?

Eviction vote comes up Wednesday night and we’ll see then how this all turns out between any wavering HG votes and America’s Vote which will start shortly. Who do you think will be voted out this week? Cast your eviction prediction vote in our poll below.



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  1. Why is Neeley’s name not on this poll? Put Neeley’s name on the poll because that is who America wants out. Let’s be fair BBOTT Network

  2. LOL guys calm down. I’m sure the poll will reflect people’s intentions in time. Jokers already has 500+ votes with Neely 70%+. Matthew thanks for the quick reporting as always.

    • People are getting confused! They are reading false update accounts on Twitter thinking the girls want Scott out. That is not true!! They want Neeley out! They want America’s vote to be Neeley!!

  3. Definitely voting out Scott! I am happy to help Morgan and hope she also votes Scott too.

      • You’re sooooo bad, telling others you’re voting Neeley out to help ruin Kryssie’s HoH. Had Scott won the veto, then yeh, I’d have voted out Neeley, but that’s now neither here nor there. LOLOL

      • Hey Joni, you wanna see some funny scenes/flasgback from yesterday? Not sure if you’ve seen ‘shitacuzzi’ talk. . It’s hilarious.

      • No!.. I’ll give you two timestamps. 10-24 7:58PM PST/Cam 1/2 HOH rm. “Shitacuzzi’ Justin talking about his dislike towards Shelby..I watched this several times, and lol with them all the time.
        9:48 PM PST/Cam 1 HoH rm ‘Justin said something to Danielle about Shane’ ..funny.

      • Oh yeh, I did see that…and get back in the hottub! Making it expand through my cotton underwear! hahaha She’s also a Zombavamp! hahaha I think I saw the other too…let me go check! :-) Yeh, he keeps yelling bungalow then starts mocking her laugh! LOL

      • Oh..forgot I owe you one. Ok..I’ll give her 10 votes tomorrow. lol..then 10 more the next day.

  4. Giving all my votes to getting Neeley out. Then I want Kryssie and Danielle out. After that, I will evaluate things.

  5. Voting out Scott is not helping Morgan or the girls! What is going on with you all? Morgan and girls want Neeley voted out!

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