Big Brother 18 Houseguests Paul Abrahamian, Da’Vonne Rogers, and Victor Arroyo made their debut on CBS’s soap “The Bold & The Beautiful.” Check out photos from their appearance and return to TV.
Returning to the screen we had Victor as a caterer, making a reference to repeat trips to the house, Da’Vonne as a florist saying she’d like to be a houseguest here, and Paul, another florist who admires the central character’s friendship. Oh yes, they got all their Big Brother lines in.
All three were given the chance with speaking roles and repeat appearances on-screen during Monday’s episode of B&B. I’d say they all did a great job of it too and no one felt awkward in their deliveries. Very nicely done, Houseguests!
If you missed the episode then you can go back on All Access to see what happened. Otherwise check out the screenshots we snagged from today’s Big Brother special appearance on The Bold & The Beautiful.
Source: CBS
Don’t watch this show but I’m gonna have to check out this episode to see these 3