‘Big Brother Over The Top’ Spoilers: Nominations & Safety Ceremony – Week 1 – Update: Final Results

The first Safety Ceremony of Big Brother Over The Top has arrived and with it come our spoilers and results for the first week’s potential eviction, but unlike past seasons this one won’t be over in one fell swoop. The fun kicks off Saturday at 10PM ET (7PM PT) on your Live Feeds.

Update: Round 2 of the ceremony is over and we have the final nomination results of the week. Well, final until we get that 3rd nominee. Ready to vote for who will be the 3rd nom? Go here at cbs.com to vote before it ends Monday at 12PM ET.

Monte and Cornbread plan the noms on BBOTT

Kicking off the two or maybe even three day run of nominations here is the first Safety Ceremony for BBOTT this week where Monte, the current HoH, will name a set number of HGs to be moved in to the “Safe” column for the moment. At that point they can’t end up nominated by Monte in this phase, but there are a few more opportunities for danger this week.

After Saturday night’s meeting there will be one more on Sunday to set us up for the HoH’s two nominees but then soon after that is over the viewers will get to send a third player to the Block in a bid to thwart the HoH’s plans. And even then there’s still the Veto comp looming in the near distance.

Here’s how it works. Monte went upstairs in private. HGs were told to pick up their “Block Passes” from the Storage room. Then their block remotely turns green if they’re one of the first five selected tonight. This will last 30 minutes each time apparently and it’s being dragged out as Monte hangs around in his room. We can see him, but not hear him.

Big Brother Over The Top Week 1 Safety Ceremony & Nominations:

Nominations – Week 1:

  • Danielle Lickey
  • Jason Roy

Safety Ceremony – Round 1:

Monte selected the following HGs as safe this week from his nominations:

  • Neeley
  • Whitney
  • Cornbread
  • Morgan
  • Shane

Safety Ceremony – Round 2:

Monte selected the following HGs as safe this week from his nominations:

  • Justin
  • Alex
  • Kryssie
  • Shelby
  • Scott

If you missed the first round of this week’s Safety Ceremony then rewind your Feeds to 7PM PT 10/1 and watch the action live. Or you can check the archives Video section for BBOTT on your CBS App to replay the segment. Use the Free Trial now to get started and watch along.

The viewer voting is now open to decide the 3rd nom. Remember you’ll need to have an All Access account to vote in this season’s decisions which includes who will be Have-Nots, who is the 3rd nominee, which nominee earns an extra eviction vote, and who will win Big Brother Over The Top!

At last discussion Monte was planning to target Jason this week and he has a lot of support through the house. They like Jason, but his Vet status makes his dangerous for a fan-vote centric season so they’re making a move against him. He’ll need a Block partner though and that’s up in the air for Monte between Shelby and Kryssie. Watch out, OTT Jamboree alliance!



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  1. I’ve never heard of a safety ceremony? What is it and what’s the point for it?
    Jason is a threat since he has fans and viewers will vote for the winner, but I think he should stay a little longer.

    • Where have you been for the last week?! This has been talked about so many times in other articles as to what a safety ceremony is.

    • The Safety Ceremony is probably going to be like the old noms ceremony where they step by step revealed who was safe leaving us with the 2 nominees. This will split that up over two days.

      • I’m not either. Everything seems to be moving so slow. I like how they’re doing things different but they’re dragging it out. Can’t wait for the comps to start.

      • That’s exactly what it is but ssstttrreeccchhhh out over such a long time. Makes it anti-climactic.

      • I agree. Hopefully they will see how the viewers feel and do some changes. I like all the new things that they’re doing with the show but quit dragging it out.

  2. Watching the unnecessary SC now. Shane and Danielle are matching and they seem cute together.

  3. Pretty cool concept here for the Safety Ceremony…love the new tech!
    Production did well with this.

      • I don’t mind the wait…feeds are going on, folks are chatting, a bit of tension in the air.

      • I don’ t know..30 minutes for a nomination ceremony..or safety ceremony, is too long. Guess I am just so used to it being done in about 8 minutes or so!

      • We’re usually waiting longer than that for the feeds to return over the summer every Friday nomination ceremony. Compared to that, this 30 minute period is great.

      • I agree Lynn, his is all so different. I’m hoping that once production works out the bugs and sticks to the schedule, we’ll all get in the groove with it.

        IMO, it’s great that there’s something on the schedule everyday to look forward to. But production needs to grasp that the weekday recaps are the most critical portion of OTT. They really need to put in the time and effort to not only recap the days events, but also provide some humor and insight into the HG personalities. They can do all this in 15-20 minutes per “episode.” Really draw the viewers in and set the table for future events.

    • I would have rather they went straight to the two nominees and everyone else would automatically know they are safe.
      Then Veto.
      I think it is a waste of time.

    • Yeah, it’s cool. I can see how this would only work for this setup, though. I don’t see this transferring over to the summer seasons.

      • I agree Saturn. Sounds like production intends to leave them as separate shows altogether…probably won’t be any bleed over into the two.

  4. Good Lord..at the rate they are telling Monte to make his selections.this SC is going to take an hour or more..that is way too long..they really need to speed it up..I think it was about 10 minutes between selections…way too long!

  5. I was wondering why it took him so long to pick Shane.
    Monte is lying. He knew exactly what he was doing and picked Shane last so it won’t be suspicious.

  6. Just watching these guys in the HOH, it really hits how LIKABLE everyone is this season so far. Sure, I’m rooting for Alex because she’s so much like me it’s kinda scary, but I don’t hate anyone with a burning, fiery passion yet.

    • Completely agree Saturn. This new casting team did really well, this group feels a lot like classic Big Brother casts. My skin doesn’t crawl no matter who’s on camera this season.

      • He is but like others have mentioned he’s a toned down version of Paulie and after us having to put up with him all summer we are all just glad Monte isn’t as bad as Paulie was… YET. I realize it’s early in the game and everyone is trying to Be on their best behavior.

    • I agree and that’s why I’m having a hard time even figuring out who I’d like to see go this week… as time goes on I’m sure I’ll like some less but right now I like them all and then I have my favorites.

  7. I think Cornbread needs to talk to Jason. Jason believes that he doesn’t like him because he is an older southerner and may be prejudiced about his preference. It is possible if they communicate they may understand each other better.

    • Shane did warn CB about it tonight, so maybe it’ll come up at some point. He also let slip to CB and Monte that Jason hates Whitney, too, and both guys were shocked by that.

      • yeah. I’m not sure why he doesn’t like Whitney, since the majority of the HGs are from the south as well.
        I just think Cornbread is older and may have a different opinion about Jason, but I don’t see it. I think cornbread may not have a problem with it at all.

      • No, it’s just Jason’s perception, I think. He’s so worried about prejudices that he’s not really taking the time to get to know these people.

        That was his problem in BB17. Whether he wants to admit it or not, he isolated himself outside with Da’Vonne, Meg, and James and he didn’t mingle with those in power. And he’s doing it again.

      • I kind of hope he goes. Keep it to all new people for a change. Besides he’s kind of boring and doesn’t add much IMO.

      • Like I said on a post from the other day Jason needs to abandon his “smoking corner” and socialize. He could have kept himself from going on the
        Block if he worked hard enough. Guess he thinks 1 talk with Monte is enough.

      • lol. I think Jason is pre-judging the country folk before getting to know them. He probably has had bad experiences with similar people in his life, or just making assumptions. He should try talking to them a bit and then decide.

      • A lot of country folk are also
        Conservative and against the gay lifestyle so you may be right about him having bad experiences with country
        People before

      • Unfortunately that is the case. I read on Twitter that CB did make a negative comment about Jason’s “lifestyle.” But, I wasn’t able to confirm it…so grain of salt there.

      • I haven’t seen anything on jokers about that or anyone else mention it so like you said, grain of salt. I will say that it wouldn’t surprise me if he did make a comment about it though. His obsession with disliking Shelby is crazy!

      • However with
        That being said this is
        Big brother and he needs to fake it til he makes it… he needs numbers on his side right now

  8. Who ya’ll going to nominate as the third blockmate? I’m seeing a lot of push for Cornbread on Twitter.

      • Yeah I don’t mind CB, but I like Shane a bit more and Alex a lot more. Don’t really want to see anyone leave at this

      • I agree. I also like Shane and Alex, but just to make Monte’s HOH a little messed up. I don’t care much for Monte’s personality so far.

      • I don’t either, he’s definitely the least likable. Winning HoH probably didn’t help him in that regard. But I agree, the third nominee should come from Monte’s group.

      • I don’t know what’s the consensus on who the viewers want to nominate. I just checked Joker users, that’s it, but Monte/Corndog is at the bottom. and most of their alliance. I’ll go with the flow for the 3rd nominee, as long as it’s a member of their alliance…I want to bulldoze that group.

      • I like Shane and Alex too. Besides I don’t want Shane gone I need someone pretty to look at. Lol.

      • Once she said that Jason doesn’t like her because she is America’s favorite, I decided to vote for her to let her know that she is not likable.

      • Whitney is honestly my first choice. I feel like if she wins anything it would be the guys who actually won since they will take charge of each and everyone of her wins. I feel she won’t ever make her own decisions this season, thus she should be the first evicted :)

      • Are you serious Dan? lol..Coz I thought he was alright…I mean. The guys was overwhelmed by this experience, You could tell the first day and he was honest about it. It’s probably the first time he was out of the kitchen.. He’s adjusting. ..I haven’t really watched the feeds..Is he annoying?

      • Totally serious Cyril! I know, I know…Justin was tough to watch that first night of feeds. But the guy is full of funny stories (Twitter fact checkers have shown them to be true) and brings life to this cast. He also has no filter and is just quirky enough to be interesting without being overly odd.

        He’s also said that he could take it to Monte come comp time…game on.

  9. Justin is not socializing. I don’t think they should get rid of the chef just yet. Eating delicious food is important.

    • I don’t think Corn is gaining a lot of fans. I don’t dislike him, but I’m not a fan. lol..so I’m getting the (onliners) vibe.

    • Certainly looks that way. I don’t think the showmance is gonna be a good idea at all this season. The closer Shane/Danielle have gotten, the more each of their names have come up negatively in conversation.

      The other consequence has been a near complete collapse of Danielle’s game focus. I was a fan of hers at first because she seemed like a true gamer. I’m losing faith.

      • Don’t lose faith yet Dan! I still have hopes for her, and kinda of view her as Natalie (when she actually started playing the game) she may just be using Shane to get far, or they may just be one of those power couples who are hated by the other houseguests yet still manage to get far by winning comps and keeping each other safe. I guess we won’t find out until the weeks pass but don’t lose hope just yet ;)

      • Thanks for those details CC!? I’ll stay positive and hope for the best. I like Shane as well, maybe they’ll turn it up in the near future and make some moves together.

  10. It’s kindof like the key-pulling nomination ceremony, but stupider. I miss old Big Brother days!!!

      • Big Brother 1 again? Not if they can discuss nominations, like Aus and UK!!! They would need to revamp it fully for it to happen. I think I might still with the key-pulling!

      • The last celeb season in the UK got more than half the cast there openly discussing noms. Even with repeated warnings and punishments, it doesn’t seem to deter them. hehe

  11. Wow..I missed a lot..I guess it’s time to watch some flashbacks..get my moneys worth. I think I know where my vote is going.

      • I have a feeling, Voters want to sabotage the major alliance, based on what I’ve seen in social media. I like that, send them a message. So for now, I’ll go with the popular vote. If the fans wants to save Jason..I’ll support that too. I guess anything that’s against them..I’ll support. lol

      • Jason has been getting on my nerves…I may have just realized that I really enjoyed him for his awesome DRs in BB17 and less for banter on the feeds (to say nothing of his lack of strategy). I still don’t want him out first though.

      • I don’t know what he did, or what he didn’t do. This is horrible to be the first one to be evicted….and he’s a Vet.

      • As far as to be targeted first for eviction? If so, it’s b/c he’s a vet and those at the power center this week fear that he already has America’s vote. Should he get to the end he’ll easily win. Alex also correctly theorized that the viewers will be voting for a lot more this season and Jason is likely to have too much power b/c of it. There are other minor reasons, but those seems to be the ones given.

      • So Nicole, are we on opposing side this time? lol I really don’t have any fav yet..Looks like you do…

      • I’m still feeling them all out but I can tell you I don’t much care for Monte or CB which is surprising because from
        Their intros I thought i would really like them. I like Jason and want him to step his game play up which means not hiding out in his smoking corner and waiting for house guests to visit him but actually branching out and forming relationships with others aside from the few he’s bonded with already. He needs to realize there’s power in numbers and he needs numbers right now. I also like Alex a lot! She is easily my fav girl so far this season. She really knows her big brother which is why she is targeting Jason with all the America voting that’s happening this season but is really like to see her take a step back and look at the ways she could use Jason to her benefit for a while. So you tell me, are we on the same team or not? :)

  12. Have been trying to get into BBOTT but haven’t yet and haven’t watched as a result. Can some of my trusted community members here give me a recap of the cast and happenings in a nutshell or word or few? ?

    Really enjoyed BB18 except for all of productions interference that favored Nicole. So would love to get into BBOTT. Thanks a bunch.

    • If you have the feeds you can look under clips and find the normal intro video by Julie telling about each house guests as well as recaps And other videos you can watch.

      • @disqus_629rp9j6kN:disqus

        Thanks, I saw those. Was hoping for something to get me hooked first. ?

        Some interesting storyline… Or occurrence.

        How are you enjoying BBOTT so far?

    • I think it’s a huge adjustment for most long-time BBUS/BBCAn viewers to see the game unfold live straight from Day 1 onwards so expect things to start a bit on the slowside. But doesn’t take long after the HOH competition did the house went to game-mode.

      Each of the cast members went inside the house one-by-one across two hours. After everyone are all in one place, Julie greeted them and told them about BBOTT having no jury. The HOH competition that happened not long after started when Shane drank a “poison” sent by BB, only to learn that he got “infected” by the BB Bug, which makes him ineligible to become Head of Household.

      At the stroke of the alarm, he will infect a fellow housemate, making him/her not eligible as well. Eventually, the last one standing Monte became Head of Household.

      Right now, Monte has set his sights on Jason being the first one out.

      And this is all what I’ve got so far as someone who doesn’t have the geographical means to even subscribe to All Access. So I hope you enjoy this. hehe.

      To be honest, the lack of actual episodes to guide people through may throw them off a bit but for me, it’s quite refreshing, only because I was exposed to how original BB works.

      • @jbata5:disqus THANKS for that. You gave us something to go on!

  13. FYI…the OTT Jamboree alliance came up with a name for Whitney, Alex, and Morgan the other night: The Plastics ??

  14. The game is moving too slow already for something that is so live feed centric. I get it that they’re over complicating it on purpose to hopefully generate more content for us to watch but I don’t feel that that’s actually what’s happening; I see a lot of needless things being done that don’t lead anywhere.

    Combine that with their not sticking to the schedule and it’s starting to drag on mine.

  15. Okay, I can’t tell. Are the cameras freezing on the feeds tonight or is it just my freak of nature computer?

      • I’ve been doing that for the past half hour, but I also keep getting the pinwheel of death. I think it’s my laptop.

  16. Justin is safe.
    This is not very surprising, but is Kryssie or Danielle going up with Jason.

    • Just because he does not know stuff from early seasons does not mean he was a recruit. I honestly think everyone was an applicant due to the fact that this is a less serious version of the game.

  17. Is anyone else annoyed that Monte keeps saying he didn’t want to nominate her because she is pretty? How about athletic and potentially strong in competitions.

    • We haven’t seen any of that yet. Veto will be our first opportunity to judge how these HGs do in comps.

  18. If everyone votes for cornbread, that means that the girls will decide who goes home. This is the reason I voted for Alex.

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