‘Big Brother Over The Top’ Week 6 Veto Plans & America’s Nom Anticipation

Later today the Big Brother Over The Top Houseguests will face two big events when first America’s Nominee is revealed and then a little the week’s competitors will head outside to face off for the Power of Veto. This will have a defining impact on the week ahead.

Co-HoHs Jason & Shelby reveal their noms

Right now we’ve got two Heads of Household with Shelby winning her way in and Jason receiving the Care Package power giving him the same influence this round. Now each have made their picks and America is actively working to make theirs too. Here’s how this could all go down.

Jason sent Danielle to the Block and Shelby picked Whitney. Whitney is the most disposable to the Smashers now that they’ve sensed her as slightly wavering between the sides while Danielle is being made to appear as though the LNJ is done with her. What the LNJ is trying to do though is trick the other side in to thinking they want her gone but their real plan is to get Alex on the Block and out the door.

America’s Nominee looks to be going toward Kryssie, according to our poll, which is going to open some interesting possibilities. Kryssie hasn’t always been the strongest of competitors so by sending her to the Block she could make the path easier for the other players to win. Meanwhile an America’s Nom of Alex would send a tougher competitor in to the mix but also put her at risk. It’d be a gamble for PBS fans to roll the dice but I could see it’s advantages. When you’re a Backdoor target you just might want to have a fighting chance to stop that from happening. But if you’re not on the Block then they can’t vote you out (assuming she doesn’t get renom’d later).

So let’s say Kryssie gets the AN like I’m expecting then she’ll be going against Shelby, Jason, Whitney, and Danielle plus one more player who will be drawn at the 10AM PT gathering today. If she wins the Veto then she comes down and we’re back to Whitney vs Danielle for the votes. In that situation there will be just four HGs votes this week plus America’s so a tie is possible if we keep three noms on the Block, but it’s unlikely. Should America’s Nom stay on the Block then we are more likely to have a tie with 3 HGs votes & America’s vote. However, in the case of a tie this week whichever HoH performs better in the Veto comp today will get to be the tie-breaker.

Back to Veto comp outcomes, say Jason wins the Veto then he’ll save Danielle, not Kryssie should she be America’s Nom, because he’ll want to renom Alex. At that point we’d have votes from Danielle, Justin, and Morgan plus America. I could see that going to a tie and then if Jason won the Veto that means he defeated Shelby so he’d break the tie and evict Alex.

Going the other way, say Shelby wins the Veto then since she claimed Whitney as her nominee she could take her down and renom Justin in her place. That’d leave us with Danielle, Justin, and Kryssie on the Block, sort of a reverse from last week’s all-PBS Block. The votes there would be Alex, Morgan, and Whitney so they could have a controlling decision no matter how America decides to vote.

What a crazy week this could be! There are so many possibilities so we’ll have to keep watching the Live Feeds to see what happens next. Get the Free Trial now to watch along if you haven’t started yet! We’ve got the America’s Nom and Veto player pick coming up at 1PM ET (10AM PT) then the Veto competition at 4PM ET (1PM PT) and that latter one is what will likely decide the rest of the week’s outcomes.

Who do you hope to see nominated today by viewers and who do you most want to see pull off the Veto win? Keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email for more Big Brother all season!



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    • Not me Dan…Based on my unscientific survey. lol They all recognized Alex is a smart player, and a strategist, but her lack of personality, and poor social game, talking to the camera a lot begging was a turn off from a lot of viewers. Even her fans turn against her…also Misfit fans are solid..Justin could be in trouble and a possibility of going up…we’ll see.

      • Knew it would be between Alex and Kryssie, but the poll here was favoring Kryssie pretty strongly. Has there been another week that this poll chose the wrong nom?

        Personally I’d much rather see Kryssie nom’d and evicted over Alex. Kryssie is just miserable, quits comps, is delusional, and will likely coast to the end. Alex has her faults without a doubt, but she’s much more tolerable imo.

      • Misfits fans don’t like Kryssie either, I don’t like Kryssie, or Danielle, but they’re very protective of Jason/Justin.

  1. Not sure if everyone knew this but you could vote 3 times for AN. I think that might have a lot to do with the results we are seeing today. At any rate, go Alex!

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