‘Big Brother Over The Top’ Spoilers: America’s Nominee – Week 4

Results are in for this week’s America’s Nominee BBOTT vote after Kryssie made her picks last night to send Scott and Morgan to the Block with her target squarely on Scott. Would the viewers go along with her plans by sending another PBS to the Block or would they turn on her and nominate an ally as a tempting alternative for the other side?

America's Nominees on Big Brother Over The Top

Read on to find out which Houseguest was selected by viewers to join Scott and Morgan on the Block as one of the three nominees this week for Big Brother Over The Top.

Big Brother Over The Top – Week 4 – America’s Vote:

  • Viewers voted Neeley as the 3rd nominee

Jason was definitely surprised and disappointed that it wasn’t Shelby who got the 3rd Nom spot, but if you followed our poll you weren’t surprised by these results.

As for the Veto players picked, Justin was added and Scott got HG’s Choice and went with Shelby. Whitney is hosting this week’s comp.

All three nominees better get ready because here comes the Power of Veto competition today at 1PM PT (4PM ET) shown live on the Feeds and that’s their chance to get off the Block.

What do you think of the results for America’s Nominee? The next round of voting starts Tuesday at 2PM PT for America’s Eviction Vote and you’ll get 20 votes a day so be sure to get your votes in early in case of a repeat of issues like we’ve seen in earlier weeks.



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  1. Jason showing what a real loser he is, bad mouthing us voters, saying vile things about Shelby, what a piece of $#!+ this punk is!

    • I didn’t think I could hate him anymore but his actions right now are so disgusting I had to turn the feeds off. And Krissie is no better. I will vote for Jason everytime he’s available for have nots and nominations. I hope his ass is on the block by America next week. And the care package I’m voting for either Whitney, Morgan or Shelby. Depending on who everyone is agreeing to vote for.

    • Excuse You?? Have you not heard one word out of Shelby’s mouth? She has said nothing but vile things and that is the piece of crap you should be referring to!

      • Yeah, I’m not really sure why people are excusing the crap coming out of the plastics mouths but want to burn the LNJ at the stake for reacting to the bs from the plastics since week 1. Get it together, America!

    • I have heard Jason call people cunts but I have not heard that word come from one of the plastics. I have heard them called bitches over and over again. The name calling from the LNJ is what is getting them in trouble. Talking of double standards, did you see Neeley and Jason tweeking after Kryssie’s win when they had been complaining for days about people celebrating after a win?

  2. Even though I voted for Neely, I do feel kind of sorry for her. She really is a wrong time- wrong place nominee. If she survives the week, I hope she takes it as a wake up call from America. I do have to say, the look on Kryssie’s face was priceless.

    • From listening to her now it sounds like she still can’t take the hint. And Jason and his out is getting Totally out of hand. He’s just keeps getting more and more disgusting.

    • k9mama27 โœ“แต›แต‰สณแถฆแถ แถฆแต‰แตˆ แต€สณแต˜แตแต– says:

      What time was that? I’d like to go back and see it. I can’t stand Kryssie and her mouth. She is so clueless as to what America is saying to her. She’s always spinning it in a weird direction that America is on their side. Delusional! Lol

      • They usually do the noms on Monday 10 a.m.(Pacific Standard Time). I think they started a few minutes early this week, When I tuned in , they’d already started.

      • k9mama27 โœ“แต›แต‰สณแถฆแถ แถฆแต‰แตˆ แต€สณแต˜แตแต– says:

        Thanks, Queen! Really appreciate it! ?

  3. Good to see the poll here is accurate another week. Veto draw is very even as well. Kryssie, Neely, and Justin vs. Scott, Morgan, and Shelby. If Scott is still on the block he could go this week, but if he happens to be saved from veto it could be Neely’s last week.

  4. Jason is unbelievable . His mouth is disgusting he needs to go. He should also be called to the diary room and be held accountable for the stuff he’s saying. He’s going way beyond game talk to the point of slander and deformation of someone’s character..

  5. Jason is even calling big brother names, this guy is the worst, he’s a spoiled little brat. Every girl is a prostitute to this guy, how is it that BB dosen’t put a stop to this? If you haven’t seen this you have got to go back and watch it! Oh yeah, in all the years i have watched this show i have never seen anybody rifle through the veto box to look for his or her chip, which by the way was in there!!!

    • As compared to the other side? So many of them are doing it and being incredibly petty this season.

      As for his chip, Jason was proving that his chip was in there. Hardly a calling for outrage. Other seasons they’ve dumped the chips out as well to show they’re all there, but we only hear about it since it’s not live.

      • The difference is Jason has a filthy, disgusting mouth. I had to turn the feeds off because he makes me sick. Being petty is one thing, being filthy is another.

      • k9mama27 โœ“แต›แต‰สณแถฆแถ แถฆแต‰แตˆ แต€สณแต˜แตแต– says:

        Can you tell me what time that happened so I can go back and watch and also do you know what time they do the American Nom reveal? I haven’t seen one yet so I’d like to know what time. I’m ET but if you’ll just tell me whether the time you post is PT or ET I’d appreciate it. Thank you so much!

      • It started around 10am bbt but 1PM ET. It was after America revealed their nomination.

      • k9mama27 โœ“แต›แต‰สณแถฆแถ แถฆแต‰แตˆ แต€สณแต˜แตแต– says:

        Thank you! ?

      • k9mama27 โœ“แต›แต‰สณแถฆแถ แถฆแต‰แตˆ แต€สณแต˜แตแต– says:

        Thanks! I’ll check it out. I usually use my tablet so I must need to do it on my laptop. ?

    • Totally agree. I’m not a big Shelby fan but I did want things to not be so one sided. Jason’s reaction was way out of line.

  6. Too bad they won’t mute Jason’s microphone. Now he’s complaining his chip was on the very bottom. He’s a poor sport, Winnie and a vindictive foul mouth individual. He needs to go.

  7. Neely comes across as a very humble and kind person now. She just had a bad week and it caught up with her. Hope she doesn’t go home.

    Jason, like Neely, is also going through a lot. They came to play the game because they needed the money. They are both good sports.

      • Heck I wanted him since the beginning. I have never liked him. Couldn’t believe BB gave him a second chance. There are more deserving players they could have chosen.

    • Met darling……we need to talk. I love you to bits but you aren’t watching the same show as other people are. Neeley has been mean, nasty and condescending ever since she won the co HOH with kryssie. ??

  8. Whatever America I’m just gonna say this to you crazy people. Neeley has a good shot of winning the veto against all the weaklings in the house and not if but when she does I hope twerks all over the house. It is wrong and cowardly but that is typically the behavior of individual who don’t think before they vote. Jason man My only faith in this game is that u win and laughter for everyone that gets evicted

  9. Wait earlier people were wanting Neeley on the block. Now people are complaining it wasn’t Shelby? I mean granted Shelby is no angel, but weren’t people wanting Neeley out.

    Frankly I was not all for LNJ so I would be okay with her going up.

  10. Sorry I don’t see Shelby being as nasty as Dannie’s, Jason or Krissey.

    • I guess someone is totally blind to Shelby’s vile comments about the late night jamboree?

  11. Jason is becoming like Nicole did to me. He is now insulting America because of their nomination? He has to be careful or America might put him up soon. I still want to root for him, but I haven’t been happy with his attitude.

    • I’ve always thought he was a jerk. Have never liked him. This just showed me I was right. Can’t wait till he’s gone.

  12. Just reading some of the posts below. Apparently Matthew Boyer deseves 5 tofus for being a jerk to people

  13. Had to watch this now for the first time due to my work schedule. And my impression is… not good for Jason. Seriously, I don’t care if you love or hate Shelby, you do NOT say those kinds of things about someone. I don’t care if they’re true, you don’t say it. That is so sexist, and considering his own position in society, it’s still shocking to me to hear these vile things about women coming out of his mouth. Doesn’t matter if you’re gay, straight, bi, you do not have the authority to badmouth someone like that.

    • People in the Big Brother house, always say bad things about another person. The problem is, people cherry pick their favorite poison.

  14. Missed the vote completely but saw Jason’s nasty morning rant and this evening’s plan of the Plastics + Scott wanting to pester and slut shame Danielle … Pull it together HGs! Was Danielle not an option for America’s Nominee this week?

  15. For some reason, America is giving the Barbie Dolls extreme power? When Scott was HOH, Neely, Krissie were his nominees, Danielle, Americas nominee. Krissie HOH, Scott, Morgan nominees, Neely, America’s nominee.

    Shelby is one of the most vile people to be admitted to the Big Brother house, but America gives her a pass, but condemns Jason? Two wrongs are never right…right?
    The Barbie Dolls aren’t innocent, both sides have dirty laundry America.

  16. I see it but she also shows me some good qualities I don’t see in krissey or Dannie. Kyssey is so street she get on my last nerve

  17. We all have dirty laundry it’s how you air it out that shows class. Some of the misfits can’t spell class. Jason and Justin are useless

    • Well, I guess Shelby doesn’t have to worry about washing her laundry, their isn’t enough TIDE, to wash her laundry, and their isn’t enough fresh air. Both sides have shown how not classy they can be, some more than others.

  18. BIg Brother loves drama! The Barbie Dollls, aka the plastics, begs America for forgiveness, pleading, begging to the cameras, and America delivers another lifeline?

    How can people,turn a Blind Eye to Shelby, but condemn Neely, Danielle? Yes Jason said horrible things about Shelby, but Shelby has been the most vile, mean spirited person in the BB house. 2 wrongs are never right…right?

    There’s a difference,between playing the game,and playing favorites…

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