Big Brother Over The Top Week 3 Recap [Infographic]

Big Brother Over The Top is now into Week 4, but for those only keeping up periodically, we’ve got a little Week 3 recap for you, including our most recent collectable graphic.


At the start of the week Scott became the new Head of Household. America chose Alex, Shelby and Danielle as Have-Nots and Scott for America’s Care Package. Scott had the choice to pick which special veto would be in play for the week. He went with the Double Veto instead of the Diamond Power of Veto and the Boomerang Veto.

Scott decided to nominate Kryssie and Neeley as pawns for the week with is sights set on a backdoor plan for the season’s only showmance Shane and Danielle. America decided to help Scott out a little when they chose Danielle as America’s nominee, sending shockwaves through the Jamboree side of the house. They weren’t use to America voting against them, of course.

At the veto competition, Alex and Justin both won a veto (remember, Scott chose the Double Veto twist). Alex ended up not using hers, but Justin decided to save Kryssie, opening up Scott’s plan to backdoor Shane or Danielle. Of course the plan quickly became to evict Shane instead of Danielle.

During the live eviction, the Plastics side of the house voted Shane and the Jamboree side voted Danielle. America went with Danielle, making the vote a tie. Scott, as HOH, broke the tie and sent Shane packing.

Check out the week’s stats in our infographic below.

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1 Comment

  1. This was quite very entertaining week and the live eviction was full of drama. I love every minute of it.

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