‘Big Brother OTT’ Live Feeds Week 4: Wednesday Night Highlights

It’s a new week in the Big Brother Over the Top house and the power has shifted, so a new side of the house is panicking this week and hoping America can help them out this week.


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Big Brother OTT Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, October 19, 2016:

9:40 PM BBT – HoH comp is over, Paul says goodbye, and the HGs head back inside.

9:41 PM BBT – Jamboree is celebrating Kryssie’s HOH win. Neely and Jason twerking and everyone of them is very happy. They dedicate her HOH to Shane.

9:46 PM BBT – Alex tells her alliance that two of them are going on the block and one of them is going home. She knows Kryssie doesn’t like her, she says. Shelby says they might be able to get the Care Package and that could help them.

9:48 PM BBT – Alex says she’s not even mad that Kryssie won HOH because she’s still mad at Shane’s speech and him saying they were all fake to him. Whitney said she was upset because Neely kept rolling her eyes at her.

9:50 PM BBT – Kryssie says she’s not going to gloat over her HOH win. Jason says that’s a good idea because they all walked around with a smug look on their faces when they were in power.

9:51 PM BBT – Kryssie plans to nominate Morgan and Whitney and hopes America nominates Scott. Then the plan would be to backdoor Alex.

9:54 PM BBT – Shelby makes fun of Kryssie’s boyfriend and says they’ll get to see a photo of him now.

9:56 PM BBT – Everyone thinks Paul’s vibe was that he did not win BB18.

10:00 PM BBT – Shelby trashes Paul and says she couldn’t stand being around him 24/7.

10:03 PM BBT – Alex and Shelby beg America for this week’s Care Package.

10:24 PM BBT – Jason and Justin still seem to want to protect Alex. They say they’ll act like they want her to go this week.

10:38 PM BBT – Shelby wants Frankie Grande to host a competition.

10:47 PM BBT – Kryssie tells Justin that Alex has got to go this week. He plays along.

12:30 AM BBT – Alex says it is 100 percent fact that someone from their side will go home this week. Scott says that the Care Package could still be something amazing that saves them.

12:43 AM BBT – Morgan is talking about throwing Scott under the bus to Kryssie. The girls seem to be leaning toward selling Scott out to save themselves.

12:53 AM BBT – Kryssie gets her HOH room.

1:30 AM BBT – Scott and Shelby discuss how Kryssie was more emotional about Shane’s eviction than Danielle was.

1:35 AM BBT – Scott planning a few points to tell Kryssie that she can BD him instead so she shouldn’t put him up on the Block from the start. He thinks maybe he could also sway her saying he could be America’s Nom so she should save her nom.

1:45 AM BBT – Shelby talks with Scott about trying to save some money to take community college courses. (Shelby has completed her law degree but is obviously trying to hide that.)

2:00 AM BBT – Alex warns Shelby that Scott will likely blame them to get Kryssie focused on the girls this week instead of him. She’s afraid Kryssie will come after her this week.

3:00 AM BBT – Jamboree plotting to tell Shelby her side is suggesting her as a target.

3:15 AM BBT – Jamboree talks continues over targets. They identify Alex as the brains of the other side and sounds like she’s still their main target.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. So tired of the hypocrisy. Scott was a “scared little boy” because he backdoored Shane, first thing out of her mouth is she’s doing the same to Alex. Neely ranting violently after catching a glimpse in the mirror of girls celebrating veto win, but now she is doing same right in front of them. I think Neely needs to go up to give Alex a fighting chance.

  2. I was so looking forward to seeing Shelby as the Safety Servant. Now it looks like I’m going to have to vote for Alex,just to keep her from being backdoored.

  3. As long as my girl Alex can survive this week, I’ll be ok!! Justin and Jason still seem down with their alliance so I’m hoping! Can’t Americas care package save Alex this week?

    See what happens when I go to bed early on an important night!! Lol

    • I agree Nicole. It seems Justin & Jason are going to try and keep Scott & Alex safe this week. But, Alex may have already turned on Scott and plans to throw him OTB to Kryssie to save the Plastics.☹️

      • I know I’ve been trying to read up on it and am very disappointed to see that Alex apparently can’t commit to Scott and that alliance since she’s really planning to throw him to the wolves this week to save herself when he is legit working to save her. Plus Jason and Justin are too. She seemed so defeated last night and didn’t even want to consider that the CP could help save them this week. I’m hoping she comes to her senses and doesn’t throw Scott UTB

      • I hear you, so disappointed. Alex needs to understand that anything she says about Scott to Jamboree will make it’s way back to him. Hope she wakes up with a different perspective today and decides to wait until the CP drops before she makes any quick moves.

        Scott’s going to be devastated if/when he learns that Alex turned on him so quickly.

      • So far so good. She hasn’t thrown him under the bus YET. And the LNC specifically asked Scott to throw the girls UTB and he refused. I can’t believe Neely A. Asked him that and B. Dogged him after he left for not doing it. I can tell Jason is playing along and doing his part to try and shift the target without revealing why. But I did see that Alex said earlier she thinks the alliance is dead and I believe she told Shelby about the alliance… or maybe it was Morgan she told I’m not sure.

      • Yeah Nicole, Alex told her sister about it. Sounds like Jason & Justin are done with this new alliance as well. It’s really too bad…maybe it will come back together down the road.

        Also read that Neely, Kryssie and Danielle are beginning to have serious longterm doubts about Jason & Justin ?

      • Yeah I just posted a comment about that on the other blog post. It was Dani who thought about it and brought it up. I saw Dani working Neely alone earlier about not trusting Justin. Then in HOH alone with neely and Krissy,Dani brought up Jason seemingly always trying to save Alex in their convo’s and not trusting him then she moved on from that to include Justin not being trusted either. Jason and Justin may not have much of a choice but to keep an alliance with Alex soon. If Alex gets the CP, I’m interested to see if Jason will gravitate back towards Alex. At this point I really think Justin and Jason think Alex is a lost cause since no far they have been unable to steer the LNC away from
        Targeting her. Plus Jason seems to shape his game play around America’s choices so I want to see if she gets the CP if it will click with him that America likes her so she must be ok. A girl can dream right?

      • I completely agree with you Nicole! Great observations??

        Danielle is back to playing full steam now that Shane is gone…this is gonna make things very interesting. So much is changing with this new shift in power. I think you’re onto something with Jason moving back toward Alex should she win the CP?

        Just think if Neely gets the viewer nom! That’s going to shake everything up. Not a fan of this Kryssie HoH, but there’s a lot of movement and strategy going on as a result!

  4. Scott has my 40 votes, and I would like to see Shelby win the care package. She is not their target this week, and it would be very entertaining for her to have to do anything for anyone, especially Krissie!

    • Why would we want to put up Scott ? At least he’s playing the game without getting nasty. Him, Alex ,Jason and Justin would make a good alliance to work together. We need to keep those 4 safe.

    • Neeley has to be 3rd Nom this week. Kryssie would be devastated! And I think votes might be there to get her out if she stayed up!

  5. Debating whether I should pick Scott or Neeley. I’d pick Neeley because I support the middle alliance (Alex/Jason/Justin/Scott)

  6. My thoughts:
    – Say what you want about Scott but atleast he’s playing the game. He may be the villain but atleast he’s doing something.
    – Krissie, Neely and Danielle are by far the least likeable people in this game.
    – Jason and Justin need to stray away from the insanos known as the Jamboree. It’s at this point they’re about to be a lost cause.
    – Still rooting for Alex to win. She’s like a nicer version of Vanessa

  7. I want to see Neeley get the 3rd nom, and slop to go with it, and Alex get the package. ….Watch this house turn into asylum. lol

  8. Why the hell is Neeley wearing this black pointed headgear? lol..Is she wearing the costume now?

  9. I’m beginning to think there is some sort of racist vibe for big brother it’s highly funny that you all are willing to take a perfectly innocent players chance at winning away for someone else it’s completely unfair. Don’t get me wrong I like Alex and kryssie is a little messy but to get rid of Neeley. It’s so Monet of season 12 all over. Why can’t black people go far in the game ever. I know no one likes to talk about that but I feel voting for Neely is not smart. For the long run. What about Shelby.

    • I don’t see that at all. As a voter, I like to balanced out the power at the same time keeping my favs safe….and I also like the chaos it brings, since that side is getting a little too comfy..to be honest. lol

      • Ok maybe I’m not seeing the picture completely and I believe you’re absolutely right on the chaos that will ensue. However that side is going to be picked off one by one each week. And with America behind the other side the lnj is in pure trouble. I just don’t want Scott to win the game he is playing the game but will get way to cocky fast and he needs to be taken down. This week will be sad to watch?

  10. Alex care package. Neely 3rd nom. Nothing to do with skin color. Not even going to humor that with anymore responses. I love the thought of an Alex, Jason, Justin, and Scott alliance!

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