Big Brother Over The Top: Jambalaya Gang F4 & Nomination Plans

Shelby Stockton is in charge of the BBOTT nominations this week and this time around she gets to make all the noms herself. No more of that Co-HoH thing, although her only real ally left is going to help her along. As of yesterday it looks like this week’s plans are all set for who will go to the Block.

Jambalaya Gang unites on BBOTT

After it was decided in the rematch that Shelby would be the HoH we knew that an LNJ would end up going home, unless America throws a wrench with their voting this round. The only question was which way would Shelby decide to steer the week on Big Brother Over The Top.

Early on Friday Jason approached Shelby and Morgan with the pitch for the Smashers to align with him and Danielle while targeting Justin and using Kryssie as a pawn. Shelby thought he made good points, but Morgan wasn’t having anything to do with it.

The ladies decided why would they want to go to the end with competition-winning opponents like Jason and Danielle when you could go with Kryssie and Justin? Granted, Morgan has won only one comp, just as Kryssie and Justin have (though Justin’s was a tie for first in the PoV), while Shelby has won two comps.

Danielle approached the Smashers with the same offer as Jason, suggesting they go after Justin, but that was received just about as well as the last idea. So when Justin and Kryssie talked with Shelby and Morgan it didn’t take long for a new plan to hatch. Flashback on your Live Feeds to 4:30 PM BBT 11/11 to watch.

The Smashers let Justin and Kryssie know that Jason and Danielle were doing the ol’ UTB in hopes of solidifying the divide. Whether or not it worked, the group shook on it and named themselves the Jambalaya Gang as a F4. After Kryssie and Justin left Morgan told Shelby the joke is now on Jason. Well…

Back downstairs Kryssie told Justin they needed to protect Jason and she’d tell the Smashers anything they needed to hear. They’re on board with Shelby’s plan this week to target Danielle since it sure looks like one of them will have to go and as we heard from them in private, they’d rather it be her than him.

This week there will still be two parts for the Safety Ceremony with two revealed tonight and one more tomorrow. That split will reveal tonight to Jason and Danielle that Shelby is rejecting the deal they offered. Shelby will likely give safety to Morgan and then either Kryssie or Justin which will make it obvious who is going up: Jason and Danielle.

If Danielle stays on the Block this week then watch for her to go, but crazier things have happened this season. With Danielle on the Block the viewers will have to pick another option to nominate and that’ll be interesting to see if they take the Smashers’ or the LNJ’s side with this one.

Update: Shelby has told Justin and Morgan that she might make Justin and Kryssie safe tonight to go ahead and get it over with.

What do you think of Shelby’s plans and the F4 deal with the Jambalaya Gang?



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  1. Not rooting for anyone as yet. As my favs has been shifting around. I guess I’m just enjoying the ‘unpredictability’ of OTT. The ups and down, the unlikely to align “Jambalaya Gang’ evolution was amazing to watch. I think all the players/characters are good. Shelby is “popping’! lol They seemed to be more ‘lit’ without Alex. ..Jason VS Justin VS Danielle..the best has yet to come.

    • Haha Yea it would be pretty shocking if Danielle won the veto when everyone seems to believe her luck has eventually ran out, but weirder things has happened in BB so who knows. If she gets a sense that everyone wants her gone I think she’ll fight hard for the veto.

  2. I hope Shelby does not come to regret this… by putting up Danielle, she takes away the one player America would FOR SURE nominate for eviction! America just voted out Alex… Shelby should be thinking America might nominate Morgan if she puts up Jason and Danielle together.

    • Who do you think is a good nom. strategically? Kryssie could be a contender too as 3rd nom. I don’t think that entered their mind, or anybody. A lot of them think she’s America’s fav. lol It’s a judgement call. They have the momentum..You think America is going to turn against them now and sabotage Shelby’s goal?… It’s gonna be crazy. ..we’ll see.

      • Not sure, but after Alex getting America’s vote to evict, I have to think it is possible America might turn and put Morgan up. Imo, Shelby and Morgan should be keeping all options open just in case… I mean I don’t see that they have given much thought to Kryssie and Justin flipping on them if Danielle leaves. Considering Shelby can’t compete next week and I doubt Morgan could win a comp if her life depended on it… the BS should be developing a relationship with Jason (even though he was an a$$) b/c they might need to use that next week if the LNJ have a reunion. You know what I mean? And that is only IF America decides NOT to throw a wrench into Shelby’s plan and leaves Morgan off the block, which is not at all a certainty imo.

      • But even a lot of Misfit fanatics don’t like Kryssie and would rather Morgan stay over her, so this could be the week it actually happens.

      • Well, Kryssie will be getting my votes, but I gave Whitney all my votes for eviction last week and look what happened there! JS…America likes to throw a wrench in a good plan. I hope not, (for Shelby’s sake) but it wouldn’t surprise me.

  3. I hope is Danielle and Kryssie. Kryssie and Justin would not vote out Jason. Unfortunately Jason may vote for Justin.
    I haven’t watched the DR sessions, but I think Kryssie will never betray Jason since she has mentioned that he is her “ride or die”.

  4. Kryssie has all my votes. Let one of the Misfits go home this week. Shelby’s last HOH ..Alex was sent home. It is time for HOH to mean something.

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