‘Big Brother OTT’ Live Feeds Week 7: Friday Highlights

The Big Brother Over the Top HGs spent Friday making deals, both real and only kind of real, as Shelby honed in on her target for the week. Later in the night the latest round of Live Diary Rooms interrupted the lounging and game talk for a bit. Read on to get all the details from the day.

Officer Morgan considers her options on BBOTT

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Big Brother OTT Live Feed Highlights – Friday, November 11, 2016:

10:00 AM BBT – HGs getting their wake up call.

10:20 AM BBT – Morgan and Shelby agree that Danielle needs to be the one to go this week. They hope Morgan doesn’t get America’s Nom because fans will see it keeps things more balanced and otherwise they’ll be wiped out in two rounds.

10:30 AM BBT – Jason is pitching to Shelby and Morgan to work with him and Danielle while nominating Justin and Kryssie. He says America could end up nominating Danielle if she doesn’t put her up in the first round noms.

10:45 AM BBT – Shelby and Morgan don’t seem to trust his offer and point out he’s betrayed other deals and offers between them. Jason swears he’ll vote out Justin this week and to put up Kryssie next to him because no one would want to waste the eviction on Kryssie instead of him.

11:00 AM BBT – Jason persists with his deal offering and how America is likely to put up Danielle instead of Morgan because there’d be nothing exciting with that.

11:05 AM BBT – Jason leaves. Morgan says this is a bad idea and they shouldn’t do it. Shelby says Jason has good points though.

11:10 AM BBT – Shelby wants to wait and see what Kryssie or Justin might offer them.

11:20 AM BBT – Morgan says if they get rid of Danielle then she’ll be competing in HoH against Kryssie, Justin, and Jason and she likes those chances better.

11:45 AM BBT – Jason camtalks that Justin needs to go this week but wants to wait and see if Morgan ends up as America’s Nom.

11:55 AM BBT – Jason says his dream F3 is with Kryssie and Morgan.

12:00 PM BBT – Morgan talks with Shelby that she wants a F4 deal with Justin and Kryssie rather than with Jason and Danielle.

12:10 PM BBT – Danielle has gone to the HoH room to make her offer. Danielle telling Shelby and Morgan that she wants to keep Jason rather than Kryssie. Danielle suggests Justin and Kryssie would come after Shelby.

12:20 PM BBT – Danielle offers Shelby safety next week but Shelby points out that’s hard to trust after what’s happened.

12:25 PM BBT – Danielle promises Shelby she’s ready to make a deal and is okay with cutting Kryssie and Justin at this point.

12:30 PM BBT – Kryssie heads in to the HoH room after Danielle leaves. Kryssie says she can work with Shelby because she (S) hasn’t broken deals with Kryssie.

12:40 PM BBT – Kryssie suggests they could decide who to keep based on who needs the money.

12:50 PM BBT – Kryssie wraps up her talk with Shelby after Shelby tells her she’s not the target this week.

1:00 PM BBT – Justin has gone up for his turn now in the HoH room. Shelby talks with him about if Danielle was gone then the next ACP would be all his. She asks if he’d work with them if they did that for him (getting rid of Danielle). Justin says he’s ready to make a deal with them and will sign on it.

1:05 PM BBT – Morgan tells Justin he only survived the DE because of Kryssie’s refusal to go along with voting him out.

1:15 PM BBT – Justin is back downstairs but doesn’t mention the deal making to the rest of his group.

1:20 PM BBT – Justin talks with Kryssie and confirms the details of the deal saying it’s crazy but it’d keep them two safe. He shares that Danielle is the target. Justin says he wants to keep Jason with them for a F3 but is okay with Danielle going.

2:15 PM BBT – Shelby lets Kryssie know that both Jason and Danielle pushed to get Justin up and out this week. Shelby warns Kryssie that if she doesn’t backstab Jason and Danielle then they’ll do it first to her. Kryssie says she’ll make the deal to protect herself. Shelby says Jason said he lied to Kryssie about her being his number one and his real number one is Danielle.

2:30 PM BBT – Shelby and Morgan tell Kryssie that they’ll take her to the F3 over Justin and Justin would take her (K) to the F3 as well so if they stick out this F4 then Kryssie will make it to F3 either way.

2:40 PM BBT – Jason offers Shelby all the Krackle bars back as a peace offering.

3:00 PM BBT – Shelby and Morgan are happy with the idea of getting to F3 with Kryssie. Morgan says Alex told her that Kryssie was her best option.

3:25 PM BBT – Justin tells Kryssie that with Danielle gone then he definitely gets the ACP and he’s going to do what he has to do. Kryssie says they need to protect Jason and keep him safe this week so they can still be the F3. Kryssie says she’ll tell the girls whatever it takes. She thinks they need to keep this quiet and hidden from Jason for the time being.

4:05 PM BBT – Shelby worries Kryssie was a little unsure about taking the deal but tells Morgan she thinks Kryssie will end up taking it. They agree that Justin is excited to take the deal.

4:13 PM BBT – Morgan asks Shelby what she thinks Jason would have done if he’d won HOH instead of Shelby. She says probably putting the two of them up. Shelby says she loves calling out Jason on his lies (she’s still annoyed by the fake final 5 alliance he and Danielle made with them).

4:15 PM BBT – Morgan says Danielle has to go this week and Jason next. They know that Justin will need coached on how to follow through with their deal.

4:25 PM BBT – It occurs to Shelby and Morgan that the other side has only lost two of their members. Everyone else who has gone has been from their side of the house.

4:29 PM BBT – Justin says Danielle hasn’t been making eye contact with him so he knows she’s plotting against him. He says he’s just getting that vibe from her.

4:31 PM BBT – Kryssie and Justin go to the HOH to secure their deal with Shelby and Morgan. They agree to take down America’s nominee if any of them win veto and that they all vote Danielle out. And then next week Justin wins the Care Package and they keep each other safe and they make it to final four.

4:32 PM BBT – Justin, Kryssie, Shelby and Morgan go all in on the deal and decide on calling themselves the Jambalaya Gang.

4:33 PM BBT – Kryssie and Justin leave the room and Shelby and Morgan are excited and surprised they just solidified that deal.

4:34 PM BBT – Kryssie and Justin talk about how this helps them keep Shelby and Morgan’s focus on Danielle and not Jason.

4:37 PM BBT – Justin tells Kryssie that it’s not going to be hard to get Danielle out because she was never in his Top 3. Kryssie tells Justin that Danielle was ready to send him out instead of Whitney but didn’t because she and Jason didn’t want that. Justin says Danielle has to go. Her going also means he gets the last Care Package.

4:50 PM BBT – Morgan is afraid Kryssie is still skeptical of the deal since Kryssie has been lied to in the game. Shelby says she will prove it by not nominating Kryssie or Justin.

5:09 PM BBT – Kryssie and Jason discuss deals with Shelby. Jason tells her about offering Shelby Krackles but there was no actual deal. Kryssie tells Jason they want to pawn her but doesn’t tell him about the actual deal.

5:11 PM BBT – Kryssie tells Jason the only way to keep himself safe this week is give them Danielle. Jason says he thinks they’ll just want him go. Kryssie says they are more afraid of Danielle with competitions.

5:13 PM BBT – Jason says the best scenario for them would be himself, Kryssie and Morgan in final 3.

5:20 PM BBT – Kryssie tells Jason she’s afraid that America might vote Morgan or Shelby to win the game. Jason doesn’t think so. They do know that Justin would definitely win so getting him out could be the game-winning move, he tells her.

5:58 PM BBT – Jason cam talks and says if America wants the Jamboree in Final 4 nominate Morgan. But if we want him to work with Shelby and Morgan nominate Danielle.

6:27 PM BBT – Shelby and Morgan agree that Scott blew up Alex’s game. They say she got Beastmode Cowboy’d.

6:50 PM BBT – Shelby tells Justin that Danielle said she’s been flirting with him as strategy. He says that’s not going to work.

7:01 PM BBT – Recap show starts.

7:31 PM BBT – Live Diary Rooms begin. Danielle is up first.

9:40 PM BBT – HGs getting ready to eat dinner. BB calls for an inside lockdown.

10:10 PM BBT – Lockdown has ended and Morgan and Shelby are outside playing pool.

10:40 PM BBT – HGs discussing getting close to the end of the season and things to look forward to like getting games from production. They hope for alcohol to celebrate their achievement.

12:10 AM BBT – LNJ talking about Alex’s parting words and wonder if she was calling them “hypocridiots.” Not everyone is impressed by the name.

1:00 AM BBT – Danielle noticed Shelby talked about her favorite court cases and even has a favorite Justice.

1:40 AM BBT – Justin is upstairs with Morgan and Shelby discussing how the other side doesn’t trust the girls.

1:45 AM BBT – Downstairs Jason and Danielle expect that Justin is upstairs selling them out to Shelby and Morgan. They think they’ll probably be going up in some mixture with America’s Nom.

4:00 AM BBT – Jason and Danielle are frustrated with Justin and continue to discuss what they don’t like about how he’s playing and his game style. Their talk has been going on for some time.

4:30 AM BBT – Lights are finally out and HGs off to sleep in the BB House.

The day was spent with LNJ splitting and turning on each other while keeping their fake smiles going. Smashers are enjoying their position of power and trying to decide which deal and side to take though it sounds like Kryssie and Justin are winning out on that front over Jason and Danielle. Considering their track records it’s not hard to believe why.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. Finally caught up with the Double Eviction two-parter double whammy.

    I’m speechless. The drama, the tears, the flips, and the karma. Oooh, the BB gods has given us a lot of goods this week as if Christmas came early.

  2. I love that the mean fake alliance Danielle thought up could be the main reason she goes home. Getting her out would be the most logical move anyway, but if they hadn’t burned that bridge they might have taken Jason’s deal.

  3. Dani and Jason 2 Huge mistakes, making fake final five just fo haha’s and not getting Justin out in DE.

  4. Reading this was so much better for me than actually watching them kiss Shelby’s behind, especially Danielle with her annoying voice. The feeds are so boring until I read about it.
    I’m a Jason and Justin fan and want them both in the finals, but Jason has decided to betray Justin, while Justin is trying to keep him safe. I do hope that Justin wins this game, but Kryssie needs to go.
    I would be very happy if Danielle goes instead, but will want both to be up on the block this week.

  5. Well it looks like Jason & Danielle will be OTB today. I said it as soon as I saw Jason make that “fake” alliance… I knew that move would come back to bite him in the butt and it looks like it sure is this week b/c Shelby absolutely does not believe a word he says and much of that distrust comes from the fake F5 deal. Like I said when he did that…dumb move Jason!

  6. Jason and Danielle are pretty much making themselves public enemy duo #1. They really shot them selves in the foot with this fake deal.

    I hate to say this but I think Jason is pretty much the next Frankie or Colton Cumbie- playing the game personally and acting like they’re above others.

  7. Loving how this season is shaking out… can’t wait for Danielle to go this week and then I can’t wait to see who goes next week. Will it be Jason like the 2 girls want or will it end up being Krissy or Justin or even one of the girls? Seriously, the way this season has played out its been pretty unpredictable as to who would go each week so… only time will tell!

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