‘Big Brother Over The Top’ 3rd Nominee Vote [POLL] – Voting Now Open

Voting is now open for America’s Nominee, the third seat on the Block, this week for Big Brother Over The Top and the pressure is on here as the past two week’s have seen America’s picks for the third nominee has ended up as the evicted HG.

America's Vote open to name 3rd Nominee on BBOTT

Scott has just wrapped his official nominations for the week with Neeley and Kryssie going to the Block, but those are his pawns in a move to get Shane or Danielle out the door with Shane as his top target. Will America’s vote send one of them to the Block and upset his hopes of keeping them both out of the Veto comp?

Since Monte was last week’s 3rd nominee and he left there’s nothing stopping viewers from voting for any of the remaining eight Houseguests. You’ll get 20 votes both tonight and again tomorrow so hurry up and get them in for each day as you try to decide who to target this time around.

Ready to cast your vote now? Vote Here for 3rd Nominee!

Remember the voting stops at 9AM PT (12PM ET) so don’t want to vote. If you vote the night of then the next morning you get to vote another 20 votes so it’s worth it to be on the ball with this one.

Results will be revealed Monday morning when the Veto players are picked. The PoV comp is held at 1PM PT live on the Big Brother Feeds and that could be very interesting especially if Scott is picking the Double Veto where two HGs would end up with the power to strike out one nomination each.

After you’ve done your official voting at cbs.com be sure to vote in our poll here as we await the official results on Monday.



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  1. Danielle and Morgan are tied. Many viewers are not liking Morgan and this could mess up Scott’s HOH.

  2. It’s early but things are looking good. I’m seeing 60% for Danielle and next highest is Morgan at about 15%. That margin is consistent with the other polls I’m seeing and what I’m hearing on twitter. I’m cautiously optimistic.

  3. People have been complaining about Shelby since week one! I don’t think she has changed at all. Just whining and buddying up with whoever is in power.

  4. Do we know yet if the Double Veto will be in-play for the viewer nom? In weeks past that particular nom would not be replaced if veto’d.

    Anybody know?

  5. Does Neeley ever move from the outside couch? Kryssie checking the rules book after Scott’s speech? I wish Kryssie could be the next one out.

    • Neeley is starting to show her true colors and more hypocrisy from Kryssie, nothing new here. Good luck to Kryssie when she goes boo hooing to production about what Scott said in his nom speech. He didn’t say anything wrong or against the rules.

    • We can work on getting her out next week. Neely is starting to act just like them. She’s been talking very nasty.

    • The flyer’s not wrong. Putting up Danielle does mess up the backdoor. Half of me was hoping for Morgan to go up to guarantee the PBS another shot at veto. I’m fine with Danielle as well, though.

  6. Waited until midnight so I can give D another 20 votes. I really hope she goes this week. Morgan and Shelby could get next week’s vote. I was thinking Kryssie will be the next one out. If Shane goes next week, I will be fine with that and Scott could go right after. All of the boys need to go so the catty girls can kill each other.

    • I really don’t get the hate for Morgan. Then again I haven’t been keeping up with the feeds much. I may be rooting for the other side of the house but I do think the sisters are both pretty cool.

  7. I did my civic duty and placed my vote for Danielle as the 3rd Nominee. Hope Shane doesn’t pull her down if she’s nommed! LOL

  8. Stayed up late just so I could vote 2 days for Danielle but it won’t let me vote again today. Grrrr. Looks like she’s going up though. Can’t take much more of her and Kryssie is nearly as bad.

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