‘Big Brother Over The Top:’ 10 Take Aways From Friday’s Live Diary Rooms

The Big Brother Over the Top Live Diary Rooms are proving to be more and more pointless as no new information is coming out of them. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of lessons to learn from the HGs answering production’s questions.


So let’s take a look at 10 things we learned from Friday night’s live DRs.

10 Take Aways From Friday’s Live Diary Rooms

1 Even when production explicitly asks them to tell us something we don’t already know from watching the Live Feeds, they don’t get it. We basically hear the same stories 11 times. YES, Jamboree, we are very aware of the damn “chocolate war” going on.

2 The Plastics are REALLY going for that alliance name the Ball Smashers. I thought maybe it was a joke, but they’re definitely trying to make it happen.

3 The Late Night Jamboree is really an entitled group. They give us so many demands on how they want us to vote. Actually, the whole house is doing that, but the Jamboree is never in power, so they seem to be begging a little more than others.

4 No one wanted to win that Care Package. Everyone knows it’s not an advantage to actually win the CP. Sure winning the veto that comes out of it is, but not the CP itself. So don’t let it go to your head, Scott. We don’t need another Kryssie on our hands.

5 Scott is almost certainly nominating the double veto so that they can try to get America’s nominee and backdoor Shane. Which means he’s nominating Kryssie and Neely for eviction.

6 Most people in the game think Scott is Alex’s puppet. I’m seeing it a bit, but I think they’re playing off from one another.

7 The Plastics (I still can’t call them the Ball Smashers) are OBSESSED with the showmance. They’re so focused on Shane and Danielle I’m not even sure they all remember there’s a veteran in the house.

8 When Shelby says dumb stuff she’s just messing around, trying to make herself look dumb.

9 Production clearly needs to talk to them about the stupid shout outs. We got fished about four times this session.

10 The DRs don’t seem to be getting shorter each time someone is evicted, as I had thought would be the case.

What did you learn from the live Diary Room sessions?



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  1. Finally, Shelby confesses to playing like she’s dumb. In chat, everyone seems to believe she actually is stupid…so I tell them she’s just acting dumb. Now maybe they’ll believe what I’ve said, lol.
    Next, the LNJ is starting to totally think we love them all, so they’re getting arrogant, cocky & acting like jerks. I can’t wait to knock them down a peg or four. They continue to tell us that the “fake people” in the house are mean to them. From what I’ve seen, they are so much meaner. And, they admit that they don’t talk at all to the players they don’t like (terrible game play). Whereas the plastics & Scott talk to everybody, even if they dislike them.
    One more thing I noticed is that the night crew begs us to put specific people on slop, to be mean to them. Scott & the girls just beg for themselves to not be on slop, because they aren’t actually mean to the other side…like they’re being blamed for.
    I used to like Jason, but he’s become very unlikable as of late, in my opinion.

    • I was happy she did that because I for one believed her stupid act. Still don’t like her but good for her, good game play imo. Kryssie couldn’t be more full of herself if she tried. If I hear America loves me one more time I’m going to scream. WE don’t love you Kryssie, you are an idiot. The cp wasn’t about you at all, come on, you seem like a smart girl, what don’t you get?

  2. I’d suggest that for the Live DR sessions, production should probably scale back on strategy-related questions and have these houseguest engage in some personalized questioning like:

    1. “Hello, how are you this evening?”
    2. “How do you feel about this certain person?”
    3. “What’s been bugging you lately?”
    4. “Who do you like the least at the moment and why?”
    5. “How are you enjoying your stay in the house so far?”

    At least anything that would help loosen these people up and open up more instead of giving feedsters some BS answers.

    • I”d like to see a REAL diary room session. With a producer doing the back and forth questions that they really do. This reading the same questions off a teleprompter is beginning to get old fast.. Personal note to James, any hope you know how we can watch the new TAR Asia over on the other site? Your expertise is needed over there! (Sorry Branden, Disqus doesn’t let us do personal messaging.)

      • Usually, my usual places tend to have them up the day after, similar to how I could watch Asia’s Next Top Model whenever I couldn’t watch it live. I have to see if it’s there now. :)

      • Yes, that is what I want to see too, someone talking to the HG’s. They are using the same questions over and over and it is getting old and boring. BB needs to change it up and make each HG’s questions pertainable to them, not these dumb generic questions they keep rehashing each time.

  3. i didn’t renew the feeds. I’m finding this boring. It might be the cast or it might be that I get so sick of watching the feeds. These people aren’t very likable or interesting. I miss Victor and Paul.

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