The Big Brother Over the Top houseguests made BB history Monday night as they were the first group to ever spend Halloween in the house. The HGs got costumes, food, booze and even some special trick or treaters. Oh, and there was some important game conversations along the way.
If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.
Big Brother OTT Live Feed Highlights – Monday, October 31, 2016:
8:30 AM BBT – HGs getting an earlier than usual wake up call.
9:00 AM BBT – HGs still slowly getting up and BB is getting tougher in their calls to wake.
9:35 AM BBT – BB holding an early meeting to reveal the 3rd nom which turns out to be Scott.
9:40 AM BBT – Players were picked: Jason & Justin via Whitney’s choice.
9:55 AM BBT – Jason worries that viewers will be upset with them if they remove America’s nominee.
10:30 AM BBT – HGs sent outside for lockdown to prep for the comp.
12:00 PM BBT – HGs still locked out and waiting.
12:30 PM BBT – Shelby and Alex agree that Morgan is the most likely renom. They expect the next ACP to be Co-HoH and worry it’ll go to the other side. They also wonder if they could align with someone from the other side now that numbers are dwindling.
1:00 PM BBT – HGs back inside to hear instructions for the Veto comp. Everyone gets a turn to find three items in the haunted Big Brother house and must return them to the chest to rid the house of an evil spirit.
1:10 PM BBT – Non-players waiting up in the HoH room while the players went to the lounge to prepare.
1:35 PM BBT – Comp is starting with Justin going first.
2:35 PM BBT – Danielle goes last and the HGs watching upstairs are impressed thinking she may have won. Everyone gathers upstairs and discusses the comp.
3:05 PM BBT – HGs gathered downstairs for the official results. Danielle is revealed as the winner beating out Justin by about thirty seconds.
3:10 PM BBT – Everyone heads outside for another lockdown. Alex and Shelby begin discussing what they can expect next and decide they won’t really know until after the Veto meeting. Alex expects Scott to end up being the one to go this week.
3:15 PM BBT – Alex decides she thinks Danielle will keep Scott up and maybe swap one of the other noms for Morgan.
4:00 PM BBT – Lockdown is over and the HGs head outside.
4:15 PM BBT – Kryssie, Jason, and Justin wonder if they can get Whitney down off the Block. They want to go after Scott this week. Jason says they need to make a strong deal with Danielle and make sure she wants to keep working with them rather than doing something for the other side. Justin doesn’t think it will work because Danielle only cares about herself, he says.
4:25 PM BBT – Jason goes to talk to Danielle about targeting Scott. She says she hates to go back on her word with Scott. Jason says it sucks but it’s a good time to get Scott out. Jason tells her that Alex and Scott are running the game and they can’t be known as the season that let them make it all the way to the end.
4:30 PM BBT – Danielle agrees that Scott going will free up Alex to work with them. She is now leaning toward using the veto on Whitney. Danielle says she made deals just in case one of her side ended up as America’s nominee and since that didn’t happen the deals aren’t needed.
4:44 PM BBT – Ball Smashers are feeling down and out. Whitney thinks Danielle will use the veto on Scott. Morgan wonders if she’ll even use the veto. They decide to let it all go until after the Halloween party. That doesn’t last long. Shelby is in tears and they’re trying to figure out how to make a deal with Danielle.
4:50 PM BBT – Danielle tells Whitney that she isn’t saving Scott and that she wants to honor America’s decision to go after Scott this week.
4:57 PM BBT – Whitney tells the girls that she doesn’t think Danielle is using the veto. Morgan tells her that she will 100 percent vote out Scott then and Whitney won’t go home.
5:15 PM BBT – Danielle comes out of the Diary Room to let them know they have two hours to get ready for their Halloween party. They are called to the storage room to get their costumes.
5:25 PM BBT – HGs are all getting ready and putting on their costumes.
5:46 PM BBT – Kryssie is upset that her costume is too small. She’s crying.
5:55 PM BBT – Kryssie continues to kill the mood. She just wants to hide out in the HOH room.
6:40 PM BBT – HGs called to HOH for lockdown so the party can be prepared.
7:15 PM BBT – Lockdown is over. They go downstairs to check out the Halloween decorations and setup.
7:20 PM BBT – HGs get alcohol and a feast! They drink and eat and focus on little else.
7:26 PM BBT – Doorbell rings. Liz from BB17 enters the house. Liz trick or treats but doesn’t stay long.
7:44 PM BBT – Lawon from BB13 stops by briefly as well. (This is so weird). He trick or treats and immediately leaves.
8:45 PM BBT – HGs playing drinking games, enjoying their evening.
9:50 PM BBT – They’ve turned up a Ouija board and mess around with it a bit. Justin is freaked out by it.
10:05 PM BBT – The HGs ask the board if there are any spirits in the BB house.
10:10 PM BBT – BB voices over a response to the HGs asking if they’ve “been having nightmares about me.”
10:45 PM BBT – HGs are back to trying the Ouija board after previous disappointments.
11:15 PM BBT – Jason and Shelby share a kiss as promised.
11:45 PM BBT – Shelby and Scott talk about what Danielle might do. Scott is feeling good that Danielle will save him.
11:55 PM BBT – Alex and Shelby discuss who they want to go this week. Alex is thinking Whitney. Shelby notes how Whitney picked Justin to play for the Veto and worries she might not stay loyal to them.
12:40 AM BBT – Alex and Shelby back to talking about Whitney and thinking something is going on. Alex says Whitney won’t look at her. Shelby expects Danielle to save Scott then they can vote out Whitney instead. Alex points out that if they get rid of Whitney then just Morgan will be there to get an ACP next.
1:00 AM BBT – Scott camtalks that he’s in a good spot with Danielle and it seems like he can trust her. Scott says he wants to evict Whitney instead of Shelby. He’s worried that Whitney would stay then team up with the other side and that’d be bad for him and Alex.
1:40 AM BBT – LNJ and Whitney hiding candy so they can enjoy it later.
1:55 AM BBT – Justin still awake laying in bed and camtalking his adventures on Slop and looking forward to getting back home to friends.
3:30 AM BBT – HGs have mostly turned in while Jason and Danielle continue to chatter in bed.
Veto has kept things uncertain for the HGs and interesting for Feedsters as we’re now waiting to see for sure just what Danielle will do with her total control over the nominations this week. We’re getting expectations from different groups over what to do and someone is going to end up disappointed and targeted by the end of the next day.
You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
Great job not nominating Kryssie, America….jeez. She even ruined the Halloween fun by crying about her outfit and wanted to hide out in the HOH room rather than go to the party…are you kidding me?!? Get her out of the house. She is the one of the least likeable players I have ever seen in this game (and that says a lot). Please please please do not let her get any further in this game. She is a drag on strategy and she is horrible on the feeds. All she does is burp fart call people names behind their back (hypocridiot indeed) and rub her nasty body on people’s belongings and food. I can’t believe that Scott will be leaving the game before her. Horrible
Danielle would have used the veto on Kryssie anyway.
Would it really matter?
Would she really go home?
Also Scott is making her look like an angel with his negative personality and stalking of Alex.
And look there are plenty of opportunities to get out Kryssie so calm yo tits.
I think Scott is a lot worse than Kryssie. She can be ignored easily by the viewers, but the producers tend to force Scott on us. When he was talking to himself during the Veto game, most times all four cameras were on him. I couldn’t avoid him unless I turned it off.
There both just as bad. I couldn’t stomach her last night. All she does is bitch and complain. Do you ever see her smile? Only time she smiles is when she is saying disgusting things.
She is disgusting, but I find Scott nauseating and don’t pay too much attention to Kryssie and her annoying whining.
Well at least one of them will be going. Now next week we need to vote Krissie out.
I was hoping Danielle. Kryssie would be fine though.
Okay. Lol. Danielle would be good too. As long as it’s one of them. Actually since Shane left Danielle seems a little better.
She has been getting close to Justin after Shane’s eviction. I found that she was better until she won HOH and now is back to talking too much, mostly about herself. It is unfortunate that most of the girls in the house are so annoying and I want them evicted.
yes she would have gone home Shelby would have canclled out 3 misfits votes and everyone else would have voted out kryssie. America messed up this one. I voted my 20 for kryssie
I voted Krissie too but it wouldn’t of mattered because Danielle won POV and would have saved Krissie. Then we would be choosing between Shelby and Whitney.
I could see why she was upset everybody got really nice costumes except for her I would be upset too and as far as your burping goes guys burp like that all the time she has something wrong with her health that causes her to burp like that so big fucking deal
Does her health cause her to call the girls cunts and whores and sluts and trash?
I want her gone too. But it wouldn’t of mattered because Danielle would of saved her. If Scott goes we need to target Krissie next week.
Sorry, but I am not going to vote for a hg just because others or even my self think they are the least likeable players.
You ruined Halloween, and your also a bully for saying she has a nasty body….I’m sure your just the perfect human and have 0 flaws….your life must be grand ….enjoy it!!
It seems Whitney is gonna flip on PBS. I’m curious to see what happens. As much of a fan of Alex I am, I think her time is running out. If so you played a good game Alex.
Alex is not really playing a good game. The outcome of the game so far has been mostly by America’s votes. The two people that I see playing the game the best are annoying Scott and Justin. Alex sticks with her girls and controls them. I think if she keeps trying to protect her sister, then she will be gone soon. Her social skills are not very good with the other side.
I agree with you SJ. Alex is a solid leader & strategist for her group. She’s also proven herself to be a comp threat.
But beyond that, she’s failed to build much of any friendships or trust with the other HGs. I was a big fan of her’s for awhile, but she’s grown stale lately. Maybe she’ll revise her game should Whitney flip and Scott is evicted…hope so.
me too.
Because she’s not fake. She doesn’t like sitting around talking nasty, vulgar things about people. I don’t blame her.
That’s why I think it may cost her. You can’t go to this show and not be fake or you’ll get voted out immediately. If she at least tried to sit around and be fake, they may not want her out before everyone else on that side.
Have to see what happens after Scott goes. I think he was hurting her game.
I hope they vote Whitney out if Danielle doesn’t use the POV on her.
I like the idea of having Morgan as the only choice for the last ACP.
Thought I see a lot of comments to read since the veto competition yesterday as I don’t have the feeds, am all the way in Israel and come to site to read about BBOTT. Is it because Danielle have sort of all the power
Why did Jason and Shelby kiss? Were they playing truth or dare as well? I don’t even know why she is into him when he doesn’t even like girls.
Just playful fun amongst the HGs…nothing serious.