‘Big Brother OTT’ Live Feeds Week 5: Sunday Highlights

It was nominations day in the Big Brother Over the Top house and tensions were high as both sides worried and speculated on how America’s nominee will effect things later today. Read on to find out what everyone is thinking and who is most at risk of going home this week.

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Big Brother OTT Live Feed Highlights – Sunday, October 30, 2016:

10:00 AM BBT – HGs starting their day.

10:30 AM BBT – Scott gets called out by production about washing his hands, but swears he just did.

10:35 AM BBT – Morgan and Alex talk about their talks with Danielle yesterday and how they’d prefer to see Whitney go instead of Shelby if they have to make that choice. They discuss how Whitney wants Shelby out and Shelby wants Whitney out.

11:30 AM BBT – Danielle has the HoH camera and is going around getting pics.

11:55 AM BBT – Most of the house is gathered in the living room listening to sex talk stories.

12:10 PM BBT – Jason and Danielle discuss what could happen with the Veto and how they don’t think it’ll be physical since they’ll be dressed in their Halloween costumes. They agree that they like Whitney more than Morgan because Whitney is playing her own game.

12:15 PM BBT – Jason worries that if Danielle nominates Whitney then Justin may start to pull away from their group since he’s close with Whitney.

1:00 PM BBT – Whitney and Alex discuss their worst case scenarios. Alex suggests Scott isn’t high on her list right now. They wonder if he could win if he got to the end. Alex says if Jason is America’s Nom then this is their chance to get him out.

1:50 PM BBT – Scott is convinced the door in the London bedroom leads to a secret room. Nah, it’s on the wall of the Storage room and doesn’t go anywhere, but he keeps trying.

2:00 PM BBT – Jason and Danielle now agreeing that Whitney should be the one to go and they’ll have a shot at it with the votes how they are this week with the ACP.

2:45 PM BBT – Justin hasn’t been moving around much today and gets called to the DR.

2:50 PM BBT – Kryssie is surprised to hear from Danielle that she’s nominating Whitney.

3:15 PM BBT – PBS tries to make up Zings for each other.

4:00 PM BBT – Morgan and Whitney discuss what might happen this week. Morgan expects Danielle to nominate Alex with Shelby. They wonder how Scott would vote and if he’d really vote out either of them over Alex.

4:00 PM BBT – Jason is letting Justin know that Danielle is now looking at nominating Whitney. Justin is disappointed since he really likes her.

4:02 PM BBT – Jason and Justin agree they have to let Alex and Scott have what they want this week (which is Whitney to go) and then next week Jason says he will put them both up if he wins veto. Jason tells Justin that if he wins veto he should save Whitney and they can send Morgan home this week instead. They have to go through with this plan so that Alex and Scott won’t vote them out if they’re America’s nominee this week.

5:58 PM BBT – Justin warns Whitney that his side is targeting her over Morgan this week because she’s better at competitions.

6:10 PM BBT – HGs agreeing that Neeley was older than 28.

6:31 PM BBT – Morgan tells Alex that Shelby is getting suspicious of Alex and Jason talking and Whitney is getting suspicious of Alex, Scott and Shelby. Alex tells Morgan that she was only talking to Jason about the targets and he thinks Morgan and Whitney are the targets this week. Morgan sighs at the thought of herself going up. Alex says she needs to talk to Shelby because she’s more loyal to her and Morgan.

6:33 PM BBT – Alex is frustrated she had to throw Whitney under the bus over Morgan and Morgan asks if she wants to take Whitney to the end over her. Alex tells Morgan she’s risking her game to protect her.

6:56 PM BBT – Scott is obsessing over getting the key to the golden door. He says he needs it for Alex and himself.

7:01 PM BBT – It’s time for the final Safety Ceremony of the week.

7:04 PM BBT – Scott is made safe.

7:05 PM BBT – Morgan is the next HG safe.

7:06 PM BBT – The final HG safe is Alex. Shelby and Whitney are the nominees.

7:13 PM BBT – Whitney is surprised she’s nominated. She says she expected to be America’s Nominee instead. Kryssie tells Whitney she will fight for her to stay this week.

7:19 PM BBT – Ball Smashers talking about the nominees. Shelby believes she isn’t the target but wonders if Whitney is. lex keeps saying she knows she’s probably the backdoor target. Whitney thinks she’s the target. Talk turns to America’s nom. Whitney doesn’t think it will be Kryssie.

7:53 PM BBT – Scott tells the girls to remain hopeful because if America nominates someone from the other side they’re good this week.

7:58 PM BBT – Alex tells Shelby that if she wins Veto she’s using it on her. Shelby knows the targets are Whitney and Morgna because they haven’t won care packages.

8:04 PM BBT – Shelby says no matter what she’s canceling Kryssie’s and Justin’s votes.

8:22 PM BBT – Alex tells America that if they want Danielle’s HOH to fail they know what to do.

8:27 PM BBT – Shelby is upset Scott hesitated when she asked if he’d use the veto on her. She’s still upset that he said he’d vote her out the other day.

8:47 PM BBT – Whitney is very suspicious of Scott. She doesn’t believe him when he says they have the numbers if America nominates Justin. She thinks it’s weird that Alex and Scott aren’t the targets. Morgan tells her it’s because herself and Whitney haven’t won care packages.

8:55 PM BBT – Shelby asks America to not give her this CP and then screw her over by nominating one of her allies this week.

9:10 PM BBT – Whitney tells the others that if she comes down it’s Morgan going on the block.

10:00 PM BBT – PBS playing another round of “What Are The Odds?”

10:50 PM BBT – PBS doing a little camtalk pleading asking America to give them a 3rd Nom they can beat in the Veto comp.

11:20 PM BBT – Justin promises Whitney he’ll save her if he wins the Veto.

11:25 PM BBT – Kryssie talking with Justin and Whitney about Danielle’s noms. They’re surprised by the choices she made and thought Morgan would have gone up. Kryssie now also saying she’d save Whitney.

11:30 PM BBT – Jason, Justin, and Kryssie promise Whitney that her nomination was all Danielle herself and they tried to stop her from doing it.

11:40 PM BBT – Shelby and Alex are frustrated with Scott and think he’s using their alliance while also bringing them down.

11:55 PM BBT – Alex promises Shelby her main goal this week is to keep her (S) and Morgan safe and in the house.

12:15 AM BBT – Kryssie says she’d be confused if she gets nom’d by America since they didn’t vote against her the other two weeks she was up.

1:20 AM BBT – Kryssie, Justin, and Whitney wondering why Alex and Scott didn’t get nominated and suspect it means Danielle is working with those two.

2:20 AM BBT – Jason offers Whitney that he or Justin would save her if they won Veto so she could pick them to play for her HG Choice.

2:25 AM BBT – Whitney declares she’ll vote out Alex or Scott if they are on the Block this week.

2:55 AM BBT – Whitney says that she’ll pick Justin to fight for her if she gets the choice. Jason again promises her they’ll all take her down if they win the Veto. She believes Morgan would vote out Scott if he’s on the Block at the end of the week.

3:05 AM BBT – Alex stops in the HN room on her way to bed which sets off a flurry of comments from the HN room crew. They’re not pleased with her.

3:30 AM BBT – Everyone is off to bed.

Sides are starting to shift again as Justin, Jason, and Whitney may be bringing down the walls of the house divide. Once we discover who is America’s Nom and who wins Veto on Monday we could end up with a lot of action this week leading up to the eviction.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. I’m hoping that Scott goes up instead of Kryssie. I really want someone from that side to go and Alex and Kryssie are both sure that America is on their side.

  2. Cannot see Scott not being the nom with as much campaigning there has been on feeds and twitter. Something is still not right with the votes!!! BB is still allowing CHEATER VOTES is my guess.

  3. Come on Scott, win the veto!! I can’t take watching the burping clown any longer. She brings absolutely nothing to the game and I’m tired of her schtick, it sucks and she sucks the life right out of the game.

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